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Five key points for hot weather sports

(2016-08-24 13:51:22)

Miscellaneous talk


The weather is getting hotter. If you like outdoor sports, here are five suggestions to help you cool down and keep healthy:


1. Supplement water

Exercise improves metabolism and raises body temperature. Sweating is the body's natural cooling mechanism. But if you lack water, your body's natural air conditioner will also fail.

50% - 60% of the weight of the human body is water, and the human body will lose 2-3% of the water in a typical exercise, so it is very important to supplement water in hot days.

It is a good time to replenish water before, during and after exercise. The principle of sports rehydration is small amount and many times. Take a water bottle with you when you exercise. Take a sip after a few minutes. Don't wait for dehydration to replenish water.

What's a good drink?

If you eat a balanced diet, the simplest drink is water. Of course, some water containing vitamins is not bad. There are many kinds of sports drinks on the market. Don't just look at the name, look at the nutrition. Many sports drinks contain sugar, and some contain a lot of sugar. If your main purpose is to reduce fat, you'd better drink less. If you are engaged in intense competitive sports, you will consume a lot of energy. It doesn't matter if you drink some sports drinks.

Some sports drinks contain sodium, potassium and other electrolytes. If you sweat a lot, it is good to add some. If ordinary people usually eat certain vegetables or fruits before and after eating and exercising, in fact, electrolytes have been basically supplemented.

Other sports drinks contain caffeine, such as Red Bull. A moderate amount of caffeine can help you get excited and improve your performance. It's no harm to add a little caffeine. Of course, if you exercise in the afternoon or at night, you'd better avoid it. Caffeine may keep you excited and affect your sleep at night. In addition, caffeine has a diuretic effect. If you drink strong tea or coffee, you may notice that your toilet use will increase. If so, we should pay attention to replenishing appropriate amount of fresh water.


2. Slow down

When you exercise in hot weather, your body is already in a state of high metabolism. If the exercise intensity is too high, the body may be overloaded. You usually run 5km. Running 4km in hot days may have consumed almost the same amount of calories. If you run for 30 minutes, maybe 20 minutes is enough.

Even the just concluded World Cup has begun to implement the suspension of water supply. Unless you have to, don't forget that you can stop from time to time to take a breath and drink water.


3. Avoid the scorching sun

If you like outdoor sports, you'd better avoid the sun in the middle of the day. You can exercise in the morning or evening when the temperature is slightly lower. Morning exercise and evening exercise, if your exercise intensity and time are the same, the effect is basically the same. There is no need to worry about whether morning exercise is better or evening exercise, depending on your specific situation. The author himself likes to get up early and exercise. The time in the morning is more under your control, and you put the most important thing first. You won't miss sports because of the busy schedule in the day. You will feel a sense of achievement after exercising in the morning, and feel energetic all day. If it's easier for you to arrange sports at night, it's also good. Sometimes after a day's work, evening exercise is a kind of release and enjoyment. Of course, if noon is the only time you can exercise, you can try to do some indoor sports.


4. Wear light color breathable clothes

Black clothes absorb heat, and light clothes are the best choice for outdoor sports in summer. Lightweight, breathable clothing helps dissipate heat. Some people feel good about their tight clothes, but it's not good for heat dissipation. It's better to stay indoors in an air-conditioned environment.


5. Indoor sports

OK,OK, Some people will say that people will die if they do not run 5km every day. If you don't pay attention to your own physical reaction, you may die in the hot summer. Learn to listen to your body. If you have the following symptoms, maybe you should hide indoors:





Nausea and vomiting


Exercise is very important, and health is more important. If it's too hot, it's OK to stop outdoor training for a day. Of course, if you really want to exercise, you can also do family fitness or go to the air-conditioned gym.

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