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 Beijing Dietitians Association
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Finals of Beijing Primary and Secondary School Nutritionist Skills Competition

(2015-12-14 14:30:13)
Classification: Association News
          The finals of the "Beijing Primary and Secondary School Nutritionist Skills Competition", sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, organized by the Beijing School Logistics Center and the Beijing Dietitians Association, and co organized by the district and county education commissions, are underway. Du Hong, deputy director of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, gave full recognition to the competition and the Beijing Association of Nutritionists that held the event. She said that the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission were leading the country in strengthening student nutrition. In March 2014, That is to say, the "Guidelines on Healthy Meals for Primary and Middle School Students in Beijing" was jointly released, which gave detailed instructions on the diet pagoda, diet with quantity, nutrition labels, etc. At the same time, Deputy Director Du hoped that this work would be initiated by the government department, and the school, parents and the whole society would participate in it, so as to care about the nutrition and health of students. The campus nutritionist contest held this year is part of this work. She also hopes that today's finals can show the real level and skills of campus nutritionists, play a role of demonstration for the city's campus nutritionist team, and summarize the nutrition science education, food safety experience and practical skills of various schools for promotion.


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