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 Beijing Dietitians Association
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Beijing Primary and Secondary School Nutritionist Skills Competition

(2015-12-14 14:26:11)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Association News
          The finals of the "Beijing Primary and Secondary School Nutritionist Skills Competition", sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, organized by the Beijing School Logistics Center and the Beijing Dietitians Association, and co organized by the district and county education commissions, are underway. Yang Hui, a teacher from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, participated in all the activities of the competition. At the scene of today's final, she said that the work of building campus nutritionists in Beijing has been ahead of the rest of the country. This competition not only gives everyone a chance to show their daily work experience, but also through the training of campus nutritionists, Let's spread more nutrition science knowledge to children, which is for the sake of students and our future. This competition is not only a competition, but also uses our knowledge and practice to influence ourselves and people around us to improve the quality of life of teachers and students. We need to do more work. We also hope that through such activities, we can make everyone understand that although campus nutritionists are not as valued as teachers in various disciplines in school, we hope everyone understands that we are not fighting alone, we can fight together, thank you!


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