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Food safety tips for group catering

(2013-06-19 11:58:41)

With the increase of temperature, food borne diseases caused by microorganisms also enter the high incidence season. Recently, there have been many mass food poisoning incidents caused by pathogenic microorganism infection in the country, especially the food poisoning incidents in school canteens, which have caused serious harm to the health of students and aroused great concern of the society. Many people were poisoned in these incidents, and most of the poisoning places were collective canteens. The main causes of poisoning were poor sanitation of food processing environment, indistinguishable raw and cooked food in the process of food production, lax disinfection of tableware, and food processing personnel's failure to pay attention to personal hygiene and bacteria carrying operations, which led to food pollution. For this reason, the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center specially gives the food safety tips for collective catering:

one   When purchasing raw materials, the catering service unit must ensure that they are fresh, complete and normal in appearance, and do a good job in the registration of ticket and certificate requests, purchase acceptance, etc., so as to facilitate later traceability.

two   The food and kitchen environment shall be kept clean and sanitary and meet the requirements of relevant specifications. Kitchen utensils should be thoroughly disinfected, and disinfection records should be kept.

three   The kitchen and service personnel shall maintain personal hygiene, wash their hands after going to the toilet, and take up their posts with health examination certificates. If you feel unwell, you should go to a doctor in time or take a rest at home. You should not engage in catering related activities.

four   Catering service units must strictly follow the principle of separating raw food from cooked food. In addition to the strict separation of utensils for holding, cleaning and processing raw and cooked food, the kitchen must wash hands in time after contacting raw meat, lettuce and other fresh food. The school canteen should try to avoid making cold meat dishes, and it is better to prepare and eat them now.

five   Unsold food should be stored in the freezer in time. Before resale, it must be fully cooked or thoroughly heated in the pot. Do not sell cold dishes that are cooked overnight or overnight.

six   In case of suspected food poisoning, the catering service unit shall immediately report to the relevant departments, maintain the current situation of the kitchen, retain the suspected food, appliances, etc., and wait for the epidemiological investigators to take samples.

seven   When food poisoning symptoms occur, consumers should seek medical advice in a timely manner, and at the same time, attention should be paid to retaining suspicious food, vomitus, secretions, etc., so as to facilitate later traceability. You can call your fellow diners to ask if they have similar symptoms, and report these conditions to doctors or disease control personnel, so as to facilitate the screening of causes and targeted treatment.

eight   In addition to pathogenic microorganisms, insufficient heating of soybean milk and beans and ingestion of nitrite by mistake are also common causes of food poisoning in collective canteens, which should be paid great attention to.


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