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#Food standard cleaning

(2013-05-06 07:44:29)
  According to the requirements of the Work Plan for Cleaning up Food Standards issued by the National Health and Population and Family Planning Commission (the former Ministry of Health), the expert technical group of the production and operation specifications for cleaning up food standards held a centralized cleaning work meeting. The 396 food standards that the group was responsible for cleaning up were seriously and carefully discussed item by item, and the abolition, integration, revision It is not included in the national food safety standard system and other opinions. So far, 377 food standards have obtained preliminary cleaning opinions, accounting for more than 90% of the total standards to be cleaned up. The cleaning work is progressing smoothly, and the cleaning results will be further disclosed to the public for opinions.
Original link: http://www.chinafoodsafety.net/newslist/newslist.jsp?anniu=FoodStClear

reference material:
The Ministry of Health launched a comprehensive cleaning up of food standards
http://www.moh.gov.cn/mohwsjdj/s3594/201301/a5dce22eb41e4f2bac5420c8 0b96328b.shtml
Notice on Establishing Leading Group and Expert Technical Group for Food Standard Cleaning
http://www.moh.gov.cn/mohwsjdj/s3594/201302/5d154221ce4947e894fa5385 5dc05c62.shtml
Special column of food standard cleaning

Food safety standard official microblog launched
Notice on Printing and Distributing the Work Plan for Cleaning up Food Standards
Letter of the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Entrusting the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center to undertake the work of the Secretariat of the National Food Safety Standards Review Committee

The Ministry of Health strives to clean up and integrate the current food safety standards


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