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Confidence | How can we achieve the goal if the method is wrong?

(2017-12-28 13:02:18)


Reading Notes




Classification: Reading Notes

 Confidence<wbr>|<wbr>How can we achieve the goal if the method is wrong?

This is the first place of Self confidence six Reading Notes

Corresponding to Chapter 4: Action Plan for Building Confidence

SPOT of target

When attending a course last time, a teacher asked, what students present still remember the goals set at the beginning of the year? Half didn't raise their hands. How many of them have achieved half of their goals? A few people raised their hands. What about those who have completed more than 80%? About 1-2 raised their hands.

Why is the goal set but not achieved?

According to the two lessons shared before, it is likely that your goal is not your vision, nor does it conform to your core values. Your goal must comply with the SPOT rule:

S: It is challenging and meaningful. If you don't feel the goal you set, how can you think of completing it? If you don't feel the new acquaintance, how can you want to know him further? TA should not be your goal. A lot of things we do don't stick to, or procrastinate indefinitely, because we don't need them. Before setting goals, it is very important to know whether they are challenging and important to you.
P: Positive goals. Your goal should not contain negative words such as "no". For example: I don't want to live like this. I'm afraid I will miss some opportunities I want to live a positive life, I want to seize all the opportunities
O: Visualization. It means that the onlookers can measure whether you have achieved your goals, which requires that your goals must be quantified and can be easily judged. For example, the goal is to make 20 calls every day
T: There is a deadline. Of course, your goal must have a clear time limit, otherwise it cannot be measured.

An effective goal should conform to the SPOT rule. Otherwise, your goal will be difficult to achieve.

Considerations for objectives
  1. You should not set more than 3 goals at a time.
  2. Write down your goals according to the SPOT method.
  3. Put the paper where you can see it most easily.
  4. Break your goals into small action lists.
Action list

Your action list is not just a list on paper, but should be carried out according to the following five parts.

https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/5587647-521a7554766af522.png?imageMogr2/auto -orient/strip If the method is wrong, how can we achieve the goal? " TITLE="Self confidence If the method is wrong, how can we achieve the goal? " />
If the goal is to control expenses, it can be divided into small goals

The action plan should also meet the following criteria:

  1. Let a child see, can understand.
  2. Ask yourself if someone else can help you with your plan. For example, the partners who also need to keep accounts and study.
  3. The deadline for a single action is the last few days, 2-3 weeks at most.
Ways to get rid of procrastination

When you want to procrastinate, take out the paper and pen, think about the following questions, and write the answers:

  1. What are the benefits of acting now?
  2. What is the disadvantage of leaving this matter for later?
  3. What's your excuse for not wanting to do it now?
  4. What will you lose?
  5. What rewards can you get from taking action now?

These questions can help you clear your mind, solve problems and reluctance, and start taking action!

  1. The objectives must meet the SPOT and not more than 3 objectives at a time.
  2. The goals must be broken down into small action plans, and the small goals, actions, people, places and time must be clearly written.
  3. When you want to procrastinate, use 5 questions to think about the reasons, and then act.

The whole goal process may take a lot of your time, but please believe that it is necessary!

The New Year has entered the countdown. Try it now!


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