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These three kinds of people need to pay attention to "heartburn"

(2016-08-26 16:27:51)

Miscellaneous talk

Gastroesophageal Reflux Department of the Second Artillery General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army - Others - Chief Physician   Wu Jimin

There is a popular saying in the workplace: "Use your life for money before the age of 40, and use your money for life after the age of 40". The fast pace of life and work has led many office workers to frequent "heartburn" and "reflux" without paying attention. Many people think that this is not a disease, but it will pass with patience. In fact, this is a typical symptom of "heartburn" (gastroesophageal reflux disease). If you let it go, it can lead to serious consequences.

Heartburn and Counter flow Regular treatment should be carried out as early as possible

  Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a kind of esophageal mucosal lesion caused by acid content in the stomach flowing back to the esophagus, which often presents heartburn, reflux, cough, asthma, bleeding, pain behind the sternum and other symptoms, leading to throat or trachea injury, esophagitis Etc. Although many people are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease, the vast majority of patients only control their symptoms by paying attention to their daily diet or purchasing medicines. Experts remind that this practice may temporarily alleviate the symptoms, but gastroesophageal reflux disease Epidemic disease is a chronic disease with complex symptoms. If proper treatment is not available for a long time, it may lead to related complications, even esophageal adenocarcinoma. If you often have heartburn and reflux, you'd better go to the hospital for diagnosis first. Once you are diagnosed with stomach disease Esophageal reflux disease should be treated in time.

Flying man in the air, drinking talent, working overtime maniac Watch out for "heartburn"

Modern people are under great pressure in work, nervous, and drinking Eating irregularly, sitting more and moving less easily lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Among them, three types of workers need to be particularly alert to "heartburn" and "backflow": those who often travel, those who smoke and drink, and those who work overtime frequently. Expert explanation: in big cities, most office workers will have irregular work and rest time, and sudden tasks may occur at any time. Problems such as social entertainment and business trips make them often work overtime or change their commuting time, which is easy to blur their work As for the limit of rest, the host's stomach will also work overtime. The disorder of the biological clock will cause the gastric acid secretion to become abnormal. After a long time, he suffered from gastroesophageal reflux disease.


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