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 I'm Yueyue Baby
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Congratulations on Facai coming to my home (published)

(2015-03-02 15:03:31)



Make a fortune


fourth grade

Classification: Composition, novels and fairy tales

 Congratulations on Facai coming to my home (published)
      My mother bought me two hamsters. When they ate, they held them in both hands and moved like congratulation and fortune. So I named them congratulation and fortune.

      The hair of the little hamster is white, and its two sharp ears often stand up. They always listen to the outside. When someone approaches, they will sneak into the wood chips, revealing two small black eyes and watching alertly. Oh, how cowardly they are!

      When they saw that I had sent carrots to them, they would run out slowly and hold the carrots tightly with their two small forepaws, fearing that the other party would snatch them. When they were full, they started their own sports - running and digging.

      Look! Congratulations on coming to the air treadmill. In fact, it is a disc inlaid in the cage, which can just hold the body of a hamster. You can see that it puts its two front paws on the edge of the treadmill, backs up and pushes up hard to get there. However, after several attempts, they failed, but congratulation did not lose heart. After climbing up again and again, they finally climbed up. Congratulations seemed extremely happy, and they kept running forward. It ran more and more happily, faster and faster. So the disk turned like a top, and the sound of the disk turning was heard. Look at the congratulatory body again, as if it had been elongated.

      Seeing that Congratulation has been on the treadmill, Facai here is not idle. It plunged its small head into the pile of wood chips, and quickly planed back with its front paws. The wood chips that were planed fell to the floor one after another. In a short time, a road appeared behind Fa Cai. Fa Cai's excavation skills were really powerful! Just after digging, before I could appreciate it, I dived into the pile of wood chips next to it and buried the road just opened, so it kept digging again and again.

After exercising for a long time, it seemed that they were tired, so they lay down in the crowd and shrunk their bodies into a ball like two little balls. Before I slept for five minutes, I got up again, either looking for food or starting the tireless exercise. These two hamsters are so funny.



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