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 I'm Yueyue Baby
I'm Yueyue Baby
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Rabbit with square ears (published)

(2013-07-31 16:08:05)


7 years old and 10 months old

second grade


Classification: Composition, novels and fairy tales
 Rabbit with square ears (published)
                                                                                            Rabbit with square ears
      There was a rabbit. Because its ears were square, everyone didn't like to play with it. It was very lonely.
      One day, the rabbit with square ears was going to the shop across the road to buy something. It saw a monkey grandmother crossing the road. The monkey grandmother has gray hair, wears a pair of reading glasses, and holds a crutch in her hand. It is inconvenient to move.
        At this time, people were coming and going on the road, and all the vehicles were honking their horns. The noise made Grandma Monkey a little confused and almost fell down.
      The rabbit with square ears ran to Grandma Monkey and said, "Grandma, let me help you cross the road." Grandma Monkey said, "Thank you, Little Rabbit."
      All the passing animals saw it and told each other that everyone liked Fang Er's rabbit after they knew that Fang Er's rabbit helped Grandma Monkey.
Thanks for Xiangma's recommendation! Take a screenshot as a souvenir. Rabbit with square ears (published)


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