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 Beijing Electric Power Hospital
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30 New Projects Promoted in 2014: Ophthalmic Anti VEGF Intravitreal Injection Therapy

(2015-05-11 10:57:39)

Miscellaneous talk

30 New Projects Promoted in 2014: Ophthalmic Anti VEGF Intravitreal Injection Therapy
   The intravitreal injection of anti VEGF drugs is a relatively advanced treatment technology for fundus diseases in the world at present. Its technology is advanced, the curative effect is accurate, the side effects are small, the operation is simple, and the operation risk is small. Now it has been widely used in clinical practice in China. The hospital has begun to use it symptomatically, with good results.

      The growth of new blood vessels in the eye can be caused by many eye diseases, and the new blood vessels are brittle, easy to bleed, leak, and then lead to edema, which seriously affects vision. Leizumab is an anti VEGF drug with high affinity to VEGF-A, which can inhibit endothelial cell proliferation, reduce exudation, reduce macular edema, and improve or stabilize vision. Leizumab has a wide range of indications, and can be used for diseases that generally cause neovascularization and macular edema in the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion, central exudative chorioretinitis, myopic neovascularization, diabetic retinopathy, Coast disease, retinopathy of prematurity, and neovascular glaucoma.

      The safety evaluation of the treatment is that the new treatment is not completely free of side effects. On average, one or two of every 10 patients will have side effects of floaters, but they will disappear in a few weeks. Recently, there have been more reports about the use of anti VEGF drugs in the treatment of age-related macular lesions. The important discovery is that no toxicity of anti VEGF drugs has been found in the cell tissue culture experiment and vitreous injection. A survey on intravitreal injection of anti VEGF drugs shows that more than 6500 cases show that the results are safe, but the long-term safety remains to be explored

      At present, the ophthalmology department has mastered this technology. Through more than half a year of technical research and development, it has brought good news to the majority of patients.                                

      Treatment indications:

      1.      Age related macular degeneration.

      2.      Diabetic retinopathy: retinal neovascularization, macular edema, retinal vitreous hemorrhage.

      3.      Retinal vein occlusion: macular edema, retinal vitreous hemorrhage.

      4.      Neovascular glaucoma caused by various reasons.

      5.      Central exudative chorioretinitis.

      6.      High myopia neovascularization.

      7.      Coast disease.

      8.      Retinopathy of prematurity.

    (Contributed by ophthalmology department Text/figure Duan Wenjing)


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