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How to care for baby's baby teeth

(2013-09-04 16:26:33)
About the author:
      Wu Jun , female, doctor of medicine, attending pediatrician of Peking University People's Hospital. He graduated from the Medical Department of Peking University in 2003 with a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine. In 2008, he graduated from the Medical Department of Peking University with a doctor's degree in clinical medicine. At present, the department of pediatrics in People's Hospital of Peking University is engaged in medical treatment, teaching and scientific research, as well as health promotion and publicity of the hospital. Its main research direction is children's blood diseases.

      Baby's baby teeth are very important. The following aspects should be paid attention to in baby teeth care:
      1. Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus are essential nutrients for tooth development: "sunbathing" can promote vitamin D synthesis. Children aged 0~2 years generally use vitamin AD preparations to prevent rickets. Breast milk and infant milk powder are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are indispensable for the development of baby teeth.
      2. Reasonable feeding: timely add complementary food to the baby, which not only supplements nutrition, but also helps the development of baby teeth. Eating more fibrous food and supplementing protein, vitamin A, D, calcium, phosphorus, etc. in an appropriate amount can improve the anti caries ability of teeth.
      3. Tooth bed exercise: give your baby some hard food, such as biscuits, dried bread, apples, pears, etc., which can not only exercise teeth but also increase nutrition. The tooth trainer made of silica gel can be used to let the baby chew in the mouth to exercise the baby's jaw and gums, so that the teeth can be arranged neatly after eruption.
      4. Cleaning of baby teeth: When the baby grows his first baby tooth, he should use clean gauze to wash his teeth. Every time after breast-feeding, feeding and at night, mother should wrap gauze around her fingers to help her baby scrub gums and exposed small teeth. After the age of two, you should prepare a baby toothbrush with soft hair, and teach your baby to brush teeth twice in the morning and evening. You can also feed warm boiled water after your baby eats to flush his mouth. You can also use 2% soda water to clean his mouth after dinner every day to prevent dental caries or oral infection caused by bacterial proliferation.
      5. Dental examination should not be ignored: after all the baby teeth have erupted, it is best to give the baby an oral examination every six months.

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