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Brighten skin color from the "intestines"!

(2014-08-26 16:00:35)
 Brighten skin color from the "intestines"!

Once the intestinal bacteria become active, the intestines are easy to become "delicate". If you don't want it to "lose its temper", please make it a SPA! Intestinal SPA is leading the trend of health. A good gut will help you not to be constipated, not to have diarrhea, brighten your skin color, and be light and young!

[Intestinal SPA Trilogy]

1. Lactic acid bacteria:

Drink 5-10 billion lactic acid bacteria every day after meals. Lactic acid bacteria ferment in the intestinal tract to produce lactic acid or acetic acid, which keeps the intestinal environment acidic, thus inhibiting the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria. Some lactic acid bacteria even secrete bactericidal substances to directly treat bad bacteria.

2. High fiber:

Take in more than 30 grams of food fiber every day. Food fiber in the intestinal tract can promote the proliferation of good bacteria, absorb enough water, increase the volume of stool, promote defecation, help the body remove cholesterol and toxins, and purify the internal environment of the intestinal tract. Generally speaking, you can easily obtain 30g of food fiber by eating one medium sized sweet potato, one large pomegranate, or 50g of konjak flour, or 200g of red dates or two onions.

3. Intestinal exercises:

Spend 5-10 minutes every day doing intestinal exercises. Exercise can help intestinal peristalsis and improve defecation reflex. Intestinal exercises can be carried out anytime and anywhere, such as abdominal breathing; When climbing stairs, lift your heels and step on the ground with your toes; When lying in bed, do bicycle exercise; These can make the intestines get good exercise.


Detoxification and beauty keeping capsule can be eaten! The main ingredient of Paidu Yangyan Capsule is rhubarb, which is widely used in clinical practice, involving more than 70 diseases in internal, external, gynecological, bone injury and other departments. According to incomplete statistics at present, there are more than 800 kinds of compound patent medicines containing rhubarb in the national standard, accounting for about 10%, which is one of the medicines with high frequency in compound patent medicines. The content of rhubarb in Paidu Yangyan Capsule is lower than the standard specified in the national Pharmacopoeia, but it must be treated according to syndrome differentiation, that is, taken under the guidance of a doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness.


Aloe capsules can be eaten! Aloe capsules are health care products, which can beautify the face, regulate the intestines and stomach, and expel toxins and defecate. Long term use can also enhance immunity.

Pay attention to the following three points:

1. People with weak constitution and spleen stomach deficiency cold should take it carefully;

2. If vomiting occurs after taking aloe capsules, or severe abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea occurs, stop taking aloe capsules;

3. Aloe can cause pelvic congestion and promote uterine movement. Pregnant and menstruating women should not take aloe products.


Qingchang tea can't be drunk!

Qingchang tea sold on the market is mostly composed of laxatives, with mirabilite, cassia seed and other bitter cold and heat clearing drugs as the main drugs. When Chinese medicine is used, it is generally "stop when you feel good". It is not recommended to take it for a long time. Otherwise, it will damage the vital energy of the human body, cause physical weakness, and may induce new diseases, such as stomach cold, liver poisoning, edema, anemia, dizziness, etc. Some will also form a condition that only drugs can relieve the bowels, and in serious cases, it will cause melanosis coli.

Three powers for constipation

1. Make feces

This means that we must provide enough high-quality raw materials to produce high-quality stools. Therefore, pay more attention to the diet structure, take more fiber, eat more grains, vegetables and drink more water. Some MM like to eat snacks instead of staple food, which makes the raw materials insufficient. How can they make poop? When the large intestine has nothing to do, its function will slowly decline, leading to the final strike.   

2. Cultivate feces

This means to create a good intestinal environment to cultivate high-quality stools. A good intestinal environment means to make the good bacteria in the intestinal tract strong, keep the intestinal tract acidic, and completely suppress the bad bacteria; Eat less animal protein to reduce the "appetite" of spoilage bacteria; Eat more high fiber, help good intestinal bacteria to proliferate rapidly, and keep the advantage of a large number of good intestinal bacteria.

3. Excretion

If you want to discharge stool quickly and easily every day, you must have strong abdominal muscles, lumbar muscles, and strong intestinal peristalsis. Some people never exercise, not only muscle strength decline, intestinal peristalsis is weakened, even the transverse colon is sagging, and they can't move their bowels. Therefore, we must exercise more, exercise waist and abdomen strength, and have healthy defecation reflex. At the same time, we should know how to rest and relax, do not force ourselves too hard, and learn to reduce pressure.  

Upgrade your gut awareness

The gut is the immune system

The intestinal tract cannot have skin like the body surface to prevent the invasion of external viruses, bacteria and toxins. What should we do? The Creator has designed another protective mechanism for us - mucosal tissue. As long as there are mucous membranes in the body, there will be lymphoid tissue. Because the intestinal tract has the largest surface area and the most contact with foreign bacteria, the lymphatic tissue is the most developed. It gathers 70%~80% of the immune cells of the human body, which are distributed inside and outside the mucosa to fight against the invading bacterial viruses.  

The gut is the second brain

You know what? Almost all autistic patients have enteritis. Is autism related to intestinal health? Indeed, because the gut is the second brain of human - ventral brain! There are more than 100 million neurons in the reticular nerve bundle as thin as cicada wings on the intestinal wall, which is as complex, sensitive and thin as the central nervous system, and can operate independently, make independent judgments and give orders. It connects with the brain through its abundant vagus nerve to closely assist the brain. If the intestinal tract suffers from diseases, it is bound to bring adverse effects to the brain.

Health Tips

At present, both men and women rank third in the world cancer mortality rate. The data in China shows that in the 30 years from 1984 to 2004, the death rate of intestinal cancer increased more than three times. More worrisome is that 5% - 10% of colon cancer patients are only in their 30s and 40s, and their youth trend is becoming increasingly serious. At the same time, research shows that intestinal health is closely related to the "death quartet" - obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, if we want to have health, we must reserve enough "bowel" knowledge. Only by thinking from "bowel" can "bowel" treat us safely!

Source: pictures of Aimei.com from the Internet
This opinion does not represent the position of Ask Health Pictorial
 Brighten skin color from the "intestines"!


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