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[Han Medicine Hall | Legal Life] # Waking Insects # Full Health

(2015-03-05 11:31:16)

delicious food

On the February Day, all things are shocked. The earthquake is thunder, so it is called stinging. It's the insects that startle the second to leave. Waking Insects | Revitalizing Yang in Time (05:55, March 6, 2015 - 2015 06:45, March 21) [Appropriate] Maintain Yang Qi and exercise gently; [Do not] overwork.

I [Waking Insect Meal | How to Supplement]

Food and health preservation in growth stage

Stage of [0-15 years old]

[Susceptible symptoms]

Symptoms such as blushing, dry mouth, dry cough, chapped lips, dry skin, dry hair, etc.

[Food for "disease"] - Honey and red date tea

Red dates, honey and green tea have the effect of strengthening tendons and bones, enriching blood and qi.

[15-30 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Deficiency of liver qi, stagnation of qi and blood stasis, etc.

[Food for "Symptoms"] - cabbage and radish soup

It is especially suitable for people with dry and hot constitution and sore throat. When eating hotpot, don't forget to add as many cabbages as possible to dispel the heat of hotpot.

Food and health preservation at the stage of responsibility

[30-40 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Pale face, weak limbs, fatigue and fear of cold.

[Food for "disease"]

1. Walnut and Chestnut Sugar Soup

[Ingredients] 30 to 50g walnut kernel, 30 to 50g stir fried chestnuts, and some white sugar.

[Practice] First remove the shell of cooked chestnuts, then mix them with walnut meat like mud, add sugar and mix well.

[Applicable] Cold.

2. Jellyfish and Horseshoe Soup

[Ingredients] 60 grams of jellyfish head, 60 grams of fresh water chestnut.

[Practice] Put both into the pot and cook until the water chestnuts are thoroughly cooked. Jellyfish heads and water chestnuts are dipped in soy sauce to eat and drink soup.

[Applicable] Cold.

3. Stewed Turtle Blood with Rock Sugar

[Material] 3 turtles of fist size, moderate rock sugar

[Practice] Take blood from 3 turtles, add some water and rock sugar, put them into a bowl, and stew them in water. Warm clothes as you measure.

[Applicable] Cold sequelae.

4. Beef paste

[Ingredients] 1000 grams of tender yellow beef.

[Practice] Wash it, boil it into meat paste, remove the residue and take the liquid. Then boil it into amber, 1 small cup each time.

[Applicable] Cold sequelae.

5. Crucian carp glutinous rice porridge

[Raw material] Crucian carp Yinai, remove dirt and impurities, and clean, 50g glutinous rice.

[Practice] Put water in the pot to cook porridge, and take it twice a week for 9 weeks.

[Applicable] Cold sequelae.

6. Braised chicken with red dates and chestnuts

[Ingredients] 15 red dates, 150g chestnuts, and one chicken.

[Practice] First cut the chicken into pieces, stir fry it over high fire, then add seasoning, cook it until it is almost ripe, add red dates and chestnuts, and stew it until cooked.

[Applicable] Deficiency of body after catching cold.

[40-50 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Early aging, haggard, rheumatism and other symptoms.

[Food for "disease"]

1. Stewed Pig Feet with Ganoderma

[Indications]: premature aging, skin wrinkling.

[Formula]: 15g Ganoderma lucidum, 1 pig hoof. Cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, scallions, ginger slices, lard.

[Usage]: Remove the hair from the pig's hooves, wash them, and add them with Ganoderma lucidum fragrance. Add pig's hooves, water, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, refined salt, and ganoderma lucidum, boil them with fire, and then simmer them with mild fire until the pig's hooves are ripe and rotten, and then eat them.

2. Stewed chicken with lemon juice

[Indications]: premature aging.

[Formula]: 1 baby chicken, 2 lemons, proper amount of sugar, sesame oil, salt and monosodium glutamate.

[Usage]: Kill the chicken, remove its hair and viscera, cut it into pieces, put oil in the pan, boil it, fry the chicken until golden yellow, and add half a bowl of water; Put lemon juice, sugar, sesame oil and salt into the pot, cover it and simmer for half an hour. Dip it with lemon juice.

3. Sea buckthorn juice

【 Indications 】: The skin is prone to aging.

[Formula]: Appropriate amount of seabuckthorn fruit.

[Usage]: often drink sea buckthorn juice or eat sea buckthorn fruit, or wipe face with sea buckthorn juice. Note: Seabuckthorn has fully matured in spring, which is a good season for picking.

4. Facial porridge

[Indications]: The face is haggard and pale.

[Formula]: 2 bananas, 1 egg yolk, 150g carrots, 10g milk, 150g apples, moderate honey, 100g japonica rice.

[Usage]: boiled rice porridge, peeled bananas and carrots, peeled apples and pitted apples, chopped into fine mud, mixed milk, egg yolks and honey together, put them into the cooked porridge, and then boiled slightly, then take them once a day.

5. Silver Qimingmu Congee

[Indications]: colorless appearance.

[Formula]: 15g tremella, 10g medlar, 100g chicken liver, 10g jasmine, appropriate seasoning, 50-100g japonica rice.

[Usage: Tear small pieces of salt after the tremella is watered, cut chicken liver into thin pieces, and cook rice porridge. When the porridge is half cooked, add tremella, chicken liver, and Chinese wolfberry, and continue to cook until nearly cooked, then add spices, such as ginger, salt, MSG, and jasmine. Take it once a day.

6. Fruit gruel

【 Indications 】: Deficiency of body and loss of appearance.

[Formula]: 100g oranges, 100g apples, 100g cucumbers, 30g honey, 100g japonica rice.

[Usage]: Peel oranges, apples and carrots, chop them into fine mud, add water, filter the rough with gauze, and leave juice. Clean the japonica rice, cook porridge, and when cooked, mix honey and juice. Take it once a day.

7. Grape and apple porridge

【 Indications 】: Weak body and dark face.

[Formula]: 100g grapes, 100g carrots. 150g cabbage, 150g apple, proper amount of honey, 100g japonica rice.

[Usage]: Chop grapes, carrots, apples and cabbage into paste, add water, filter with gauze, and leave juice. Rice porridge, mixed with honey and juice.

8. Guisha Canna

【 Indications 】: aging skin and obesity.

[Formula]: 10 grams of medlar, 0.3 grams of pearl powder, 3 grams of sweet osmanthus, 100 grams of red bean sand, 15 grams of white radish powder, and 8 bananas.

[Usage]: Pour the bean paste into the oil pan and stir fry it with low heat. After about 1 minute, add 50 grams of white granulated sugar and mix well. Add sweet osmanthus and mix well before cooking. Sprinkle pearl powder, add medlar, and mix well for standby. Cut the peeled banana into two pieces with a groove in the middle. Fill the bean paste with pearl powder into the trough, and then combine the two bananas. Steam with high heat for 2 to 3 minutes and leave for standby. Put 50 grams of water in the frying pan, add 15 grams of sugar, 15 grams of white radish powder, a little water starch and osmanthus, stir well, boil, and pour on the steamed bananas.

9. Pork porridge

[Indications]: dry skin, hair, etc.

[Formula]: 60g pork fillet, 90g rice.

[Usage]: First, wash the pork, cut it into shreds, stir fry it with sesame oil, add water, and rice to make porridge. When it is cooked, add salt and pepper, and then boil it for one or two times.

[50~60 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Middle aged people at this stage pay special attention to symptoms such as three highs and rheumatism.

[Food for "disease"]

Congee with Lily and Lotus Seeds

[Indications]: It helps digestion, nourishes yin and dryness, and calms the mind.

[Formula]: 30g of dried lily, lotus seed and rock sugar, 100g of rice.

[Usage]: Clean the lotus seeds and soak them in water. After washing the dried lily and rice, put them in the pot together with the lotus seeds. Add some water, boil them on a high heat, and then boil them on a low heat. When they are almost ripe, add rock sugar and cook them slightly.

Eating and keeping in good health

[Susceptible symptoms]: cardiovascular, depression and other diseases.

[Food for "Symptoms"]: Shouwu Liver Tablets

Shouwu liquid, fresh pig liver and watery agaric have the effects of tonifying liver and kidney, enriching blood essence, and blackening hair and brightening eyes.




II [Insect Startling Therapy | Seven Rhythm Therapy

Growth Stage [Waking Insects] Focus on Conditioning

1. [0-15 years old] [Waking Insects] Focus on recuperation

※ Qi - promoting qi and absorbing blood

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the head, chest and feet of the human body are the most vulnerable to the invasion of cold pathogens. The chest and back are the places where the lungs are located. "The lungs are delicate and dirty." Too cold and too hot can't stand it, especially cold, which is most likely to cause coughing and wheezing. Therefore, it is recommended that the developing children wear a waistcoat in spring to prevent shoulder coldness. The feet keep warm because the feet are farthest from the heart and the blood supply is slow and small.


2. [15-30 years old] [Waking insects] Focus on recuperation

※ Sleeping -- beneficial to sleep and calming the nerves

It is necessary to prevent cold attack, but it is not allowed to get warm. It is especially forbidden to wrap yourself in thick clothes or bake your stomach and back. Especially when sleeping, many people are prone to fall into a misunderstanding. For example, the elderly prefer to wear more clothes when sleeping in spring because of the cold weather. In fact, this will not only hinder the normal "breathing" of the skin, but also affect the circulation of blood, resulting in the reduction of body surface heat. Therefore, even if covered with thick quilts, they will still feel cold.


In the stage of responsibility, [Waking Insects] pays attention to recuperation

1. [30-40 years old] [Waking Insects] Focus on recuperation

※ Dissolution - viscera digestion

Spring belongs to yin, and the time when insects are awakened is the time when yin qi is more abundant in the year. Drink more water to nourish yin, and don't wear more clothes when sleeping. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that water is the most yin in yin, so drink more water to nourish yin during the long spring. Generally speaking, three glasses of water in a day are necessary. The first glass of water is to drink in the morning, which can moisten the intestines; The second glass of water is at 17pm, which can nourish kidney yin; The third glass of water is at 21:00 at night, which can nourish the heart. In addition, you can also eat more pears, carrots, lotus roots, mushrooms, etc., because these are yin nourishing foods.


2. [40-50 years old] [Waking Insects] Focus on recuperation

※ Muscle - skin texture

Stick to soaking feet at night, and use warm water bubbles. The water should not exceed the ankle for 15 to 30 minutes. It is better to gradually add warm water in the middle until the body is slightly warm. When soaking feet, warm the ears and waist. Kidney is opened in the ears, and the ears have dense reflex areas, connecting every organ of the body. Therefore, it is a good health method to often rub the ears.


3. [50~60 years old] [Waking insects] Focus on recuperation

※ Shape - shaping and adjusting

[Focus on nourishing yin and tonifying kidney]

Spring is a tree, suitable for nourishing the liver. Generally speaking, three glasses of water in a day are necessary. The first glass of water is to drink in the morning, which can moisten the intestines; The second glass of water is at 17pm, which can nourish kidney yin; The third glass of water is at 21 p.m., which can nourish the heart and yin.


During the period of recuperation [Waking Insects], pay attention to recuperation

1. [60~90 years old] Stage [Waking Insects] Pay attention to recuperation

※ Bone - Spinal axis joint

Adjust the blood oxygen supply of the brain and heart through exercise, so that the human body is in a positive state of full spirit. It is better to exercise in the sunlight to increase the sunshine time in spring. The principle for the elderly to choose exercise should be "breathless, heart beating", because intense exercise will adversely affect the heart and lungs. In fact, the effect of exercise on health does not lie in the amount of exercise at a time. The key is to persevere.

※ Dan - hormone endocrine

(1) [Medicine bath]

The main feature is to design schemes according to different physiques and pathological needs, relieving stress, relieving fatigue, promoting qi and blood circulation, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, warming channels and dispersing cold, dispelling wind and relieving exterior, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, etc. Especially for those whose hands and feet are cold in spring, the effect is obvious.

(2) [Foot care]

The effect of foot care is to remove the wet and cold air in the body, improve foot circulation, sterilize and diminish inflammation, and prevent foot dryness and cracking? It is rough and has excellent effect for people with cold hands and feet.

(3) [Dantian I]

Dantianyi is mainly used to dredge the three main channels of spleen, liver and kidney. The spleen and liver control blood, and the kidney control essence.

1) It mainly improves the function of the kidney, which directly affects the ovary, uterus, reproductive system and urinary system. The kidney is the basis of birth and reproduction.

2) It can help different gynecological diseases such as inflammation, menstruation, hysteromyoma, fat relaxation, improve the environment of kidney function, and make the embryo better during pregnancy.

4) [Facial care]

Personalized facial care will be designed according to different skin. Spring is the season when skin is most prone to water shortage and nutritional problems.

1. Facial pulse: dredge facial meridians, comb facial muscle tissue, improve and prevent facial skin relaxation and droop;

2. Goldfish roe facial care: it can timely supplement the nutrition that the skin lacks.

(5) [Whole body pulse tapping (fourteen meridians)]

Dredge the fourteen meridians of the human body, find the points of qi stagnation along the meridians, and directly act on the deep fascia to make the qi and blood unblocked, stagnate and disperse, improve the cardiopulmonary function, and strengthen the body to prevent diseases.


Three【 The Waking of Insects Cultivation | Five Tunes]

(1) Pentatonic method

The "Zen series" of Buddha Yoga's five tune methods (regulating body, qi, heart, mind and spirit) build quality life and quality life.

[Body adjustment] asana Yoga)

[Regulating Qi] Kundalini Yoga)

[Heart Adjustment] AnnaPana Yoga Yoga)

[Tiaoyi] Viphashanna Yoga Yoga)

[Tiaoshen] Samadhi Yoga)

(2) Self cultivation Chinese

The first stage is the Chinese recipe for "brain growth"

1. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [0-15]

[Ligustrum lucidum japonica rice porridge]

[Formula] 10 privet fruits and 110g japonica rice.

[Practice] The privet fruit is washed with water and put into a gauze bag; Then wash the japonica rice, put it into the privet medicine bag, add water and cook porridge. For friends with weak liver qi, you can choose to eat some medicinal meals with privet fruit. The simplest way is to cook porridge with privet fruit and japonica rice to achieve the effect of tonifying the kidney and nourishing yin. The other is that the liver is very angry. Because in spring, people's Yang qi suddenly rises, which causes heat in the body, and is prone to acne, fear of heat and sweating, and long menstrual period.

[Efficacy] Clear away heat and heat.


2. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [15~30]

[Tremella Congee]

[Formula] 3 grams of tremella, 50-100 grams of rice, and some rock sugar (or white sugar).

[Practice] Clean the tremella, wash the rice, put it into the pot and cook the porridge. When cooked, add rock sugar (or white sugar). Once a day.

[Efficacy] This prescription has the effect of nourishing yin and kidney. It is applicable to spontaneous sweating, night sweating, low back pain caused by spermatorrhea, and women's leucorrhea.


The second stage is the Chinese side of "getting things right"

1. Applicable to [30-40 years old] Chinese

[Coix Seed Codonopsis Congee]

[Formula] Take 30 grams of Coix lachryma seed, wash it, filter out impurities, and soak it in cold water for 2 hours; 15 grams of Codonopsis pilosula were washed and cut into thin slices, 200 grams of japonica rice were washed, and then the three were put into a pot, and 1000 ml of water was added.

[Practice] First boil it with high fire, skim the foam after the pot is boiling, and then slowly boil it with low fire for about half an hour. When the porridge is cooked, add rock sugar to taste according to your taste. After stewing for a while, you can serve it.

[Efficacy] It can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also dispel spleen dampness and replenish qi and blood.


2. Applicable to [40-50 years old] Chinese

[Angelica sinensis and jujube egg soup]

[Efficacy] Nourish blood and soften liver, relieve pain.

[Practice] 1. Wash the angelica, red dates and eggs, soak the angelica and red dates for 10 minutes, then put them into the casserole with the eggs, and add 5 bowls of water; 2. Bring to a boil over medium heat, turn to low heat and boil for about 3 minutes. Remove the eggs and peel off the shells. Then put them into the casserole and continue to boil for about 30 minutes; 3. When the water in the casserole is boiled to a bowl, clip out the Angelica sinensis and add proper brown sugar.

[Efficacy] It can expel wind and dampness, and is mainly used to treat waist and knee fatigue, rheumatism arthralgia and other syndromes.


3. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [50~60]

[Immortal Congee]

[Formula] Prepare 30-60g polygonum multiflorum, 100g japonica rice, 3-5 red dates.

[Practice] Fry the thick juice of the prepared polygonum multiflorum, remove the dregs, and put it into the casserole with japonica rice and red dates to cook porridge. When the porridge is ready, add a little brown sugar or rock sugar to taste it, and then boil it for a while.

[Efficacy] This porridge has the effect of tonifying qi and blood, benefiting liver and kidney. It is generally used for liver and kidney loss, hair whitening, blood deficiency, dizziness, tinnitus, weakness of waist and knee, constipation, hyperlipidemia, coronary atherosclerotic heart epilepsy, neurasthenia, hypertension and other diseases.


Phase III The Chinese side of "taking care of oneself"

1. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [60~90]

[West Lake Water Shield Soup]

[Formula] West Lake fresh water shield 175g, refined salt 2.5g, cooked ham (top) 25g, clear soup 350ml, cooked chicken oil 10ml, cooked chicken breast meat 50g, monosodium glutamate 2.5g.

[Practice] 1. Cut chicken breast (cooked) and cooked ham into 6cm long silk; 2. Put the frying pan on a high fire, scoop in 500g of clear water and boil it, then put in the water shield; 3. Take it out immediately after boiling, drain off the water and put it in a soup bowl; 4. Put stock, salt and monosodium glutamate into a wok and boil them; 5. Pour it on the water shield, then place the cooked chicken breast, cooked ham, and drizzle the cooked chicken oil.

[Efficacy] Compendium of Materia Medica says that it "clears thirst, heats the spleen, lowers qi to stop vomiting, cures gangrene, thickens the stomach, detoxifies hundreds of poisons, and prolongs life and improves intelligence".


IV. [Insect Startling Gathering| Yironghe Tea

[Guyin Tea Method] One table for four people.

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 [Han Medicine Hall | Legal Life] # Waking Insects # Full Health

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