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The way to keep healthy in severe cold

(2015-01-05 10:38:50)


 The way to keep healthy in severe cold

Health maintenance in severe cold

Great cold is the last of the 24 solar terms, so there is a saying that "great cold is at the end of the year". In other words, in the severe cold, people are busy getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, and rushing for the New Year -- catching up with the New Year's fair, buying New Year's goods, writing Spring Festival couplets, preparing various sacrifices and tributes, as well as pickling bacon, sausage and other New Year's dishes.

January 2015 month twenty day

Afternoon seventeen Hour forty-three branch

[Appropriate] Light food can moisten the lungs, keep warm and dry; [Avoid] Overeating vegetables in off-season.



 The way to keep healthy in severe cold
I [Cold Food | How to Supplement]

※ Stage of [0-15 years old]

[Susceptible symptoms] blush, dry mouth, dry cough, chapped lips, dry skin, dry hair and other symptoms.

[Food for Disease] -- White Radish

The white radish is white in color and enters the lung. It tastes sweet and returns to the spleen. The thick liquid benefits the kidney. It can nourish the blood vessels, absorb qi, soothe the cough, calm the asthma, and strengthen the mind. "

※ [15~30 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms] Deficiency of liver qi, stagnation of qi and blood stasis.

[Food for "Symptoms"] - Stewed white radish with mutton

As the saying goes, "If you eat carrots in winter and ginger in summer, don't ask a doctor for a prescription.". In order to keep warm and keep healthy, the first choice of ancient imperial cuisine was mutton stewed with white radish. This dish can supplement the yang qi and warm the five internal organs, especially suitable for people with kidney deficiency and spleen deficiency.


II Food and health preservation at the stage of responsibility

※ Stage [30~40 years old]

[Susceptible symptoms] Pale face, weak limbs, fatigue and fear of cold.

[Food for "disease"]

1. Walnut and Chestnut Sugar Soup

[Ingredients] 30 to 50g walnut kernel, 30 to 50g stir fried chestnuts, and some white sugar.

[Practice] First remove the shell of cooked chestnuts, then mix them with walnut meat like mud, add white sugar and mix well

[Applicable] Cold.

※ Stage [40~50 years old]

[Susceptible symptoms] premature senility, haggard, rheumatism and other symptoms.

[Food for "disease"]

1. Stewed Pig Feet with Ganoderma

[Indications]: premature aging, skin wrinkling.

[Formula]: 15g Ganoderma lucidum, 1 pig hoof. Cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, scallions, ginger slices, lard.

[Usage]: Remove the hair from the pig's hooves, wash them, and add them with Ganoderma lucidum fragrance. Add pig's hooves, water, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, refined salt, and ganoderma lucidum, boil them with fire, and then simmer them with mild fire until the pig's hooves are ripe and rotten, and then eat them.


2. Stewed chicken with lemon juice

[Indications]: premature aging.

[Formula]: 1 baby chicken, 2 lemons, proper amount of sugar, sesame oil, salt and monosodium glutamate.

[Usage]: Kill the chicken, remove its hair and viscera, cut it into pieces, put oil in the pan, boil it, fry the chicken until golden yellow, and add half a bowl of water; Put lemon juice, sugar, sesame oil and salt into the pot, cover it and simmer for half an hour. Dip it with lemon juice.


3. Sea buckthorn juice

【 Indications 】: The skin is prone to aging.

[Formula]: Appropriate amount of seabuckthorn fruit.

[Usage]: often drink sea buckthorn juice or eat sea buckthorn fruit, or wipe face with sea buckthorn juice. Note: Seabuckthorn has fully matured in winter, which is a good season for picking.


※ [50~60 years old] stage

[Symptoms]: Middle aged people at this stage pay special attention to the symptoms of "three highs" and rheumatism.

[Food for "disease"]:

Stewed Lamb with Radish


Main ingredients: 400g mutton, 50g white radish, 15g garlic sprouts, 1 small piece of ginger, some large ingredients, and some cinnamon; Ingredients: 30g edible oil, 3 tablespoons red oil, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 3 tablespoons stock, 1/3 tablespoon cooking wine, a little pepper, 3 tablespoons bean paste, 2 tablespoons refined salt, 1/2 tablespoon monosodium glutamate.



1. Wash the mutton and cut it into pieces, wash the white radish and peel it and cut it into pieces, wash the ginger and loosen it, wash the garlic sprouts and cut them into sections; 2. Put oil in the pot, heat it, add ginger, large ingredients, cinnamon, bean paste, mutton and stir fry to produce flavor, add cooking wine and stock, and burn it over medium heat; 3. Then add white radish, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and soy sauce, and cook them until they taste delicious. Add garlic sprouts and red oil, and cook for a while.



[White radish]

1.  Enhance the immune function of the body: Radish is rich in vitamin C and trace element zinc, which helps to enhance the immune function of the body and improve disease resistance;

2.  Help digestion: mustard oil in radish can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite and help digestion;

3.  Help to absorb nutrients: amylase in radish can decompose starch and fat in food to make them fully absorbed;

4.  Anti cancer: Radish contains lignin, which can improve the vitality of macrophages and engulf cancer cells. In addition, radish contains a variety of enzymes, which can decompose carcinogenic nitrite amine, and has cancer prevention effect.



1.  The mutton is warm in nature. Eating mutton often in winter can not only increase human body heat and resist cold, but also increase digestive enzymes, protect stomach wall, repair gastric mucosa, help spleen and stomach digest, and play an anti-aging role;

2.  Mutton is rich in nutrition, which is of great benefit to pulmonary tuberculosis, tracheitis, asthma, anemia, postpartum deficiency of both qi and blood, abdominal cold pain, body deficiency and fear of cold, malnutrition, waist and knee weakness, impotence and premature ejaculation, and all deficiency and cold diseases; It has the functions of tonifying the kidney, strengthening yang, tonifying deficiency and warming the middle. It is suitable for men to eat regularly.


Symptoms such as no heat in the body and strong internal fire.



The third stage is to enjoy food and health care

※ [Susceptible symptoms]: cardiovascular, rheumatism and other diseases.

[Food for "Symptoms"]: Immortal Congee

A handful of glutinous rice is boiled into soup, seven scallions and seven pieces of ginger are boiled, and half a cup of vinegar is poured into it to cure colds and ensure health. " This porridge is specially used to treat headache, fatigue, fever and other symptoms caused by wind cold, especially if taken within three days of illness, you can receive the miraculous effect of "porridge to get rid of disease".


 The way to keep healthy in severe cold

II [Cold Healing | Seven Rhythms Cultivation]

One Growth stage [severe cold] pay attention to conditioning

1. [0-15 years old] [Severe cold] Pay attention to conditioning

※ Qi - promoting qi and absorbing blood

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the head, chest and feet of the human body are the most vulnerable to the invasion of cold pathogens. The chest and back are the places where the lungs are located. "The lungs are delicate and dirty." Too cold and too hot can't stand it, especially cold, which is most likely to cause coughing and wheezing. Therefore, it is recommended that the developing children wear a vest in winter to prevent shoulder coldness. The feet keep warm because the feet are farthest from the heart and the blood supply is slow and small. As the saying goes, "cold starts from the feet", once the feet are cold, they will reflexively cause the contraction of the capillaries of the respiratory mucosa, reduce the resistance to disease, and lead to upper respiratory tract infection. Therefore, in severe cold, the warmth of the feet should be particularly strengthened, such as stockings, thick boots, and hot water foot washing before bed. While warming the feet, they also promote the flow of qi and blood inside the human body.        


2. [15-30 years old] [Severe cold] Pay attention to conditioning

※ Sleeping -- beneficial to sleep and calming the nerves

It is necessary to prevent cold attack, but it is not allowed to get warm. It is especially forbidden to wrap yourself in thick clothes or bake your stomach and back. Especially when sleeping, many people are prone to fall into a misunderstanding. For example, the elderly prefer to wear more clothes when sleeping in winter because of the cold weather. In fact, this will not only hinder the normal "breathing" of the skin, but also affect the circulation of blood, resulting in the reduction of body surface heat. Therefore, even if they are covered with thick quilts, they will still feel cold.  


The second undertaking stage [severe cold] focuses on conditioning

1. [30-40 years old] [Severe cold] Pay attention to conditioning

※ Dissolution - viscera digestion

Winter is cloudy, and the cold season is the season with more yin in the year. Drink more water to nourish yin, and don't wear more clothes when sleeping. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that water is the most yin in yin, so in the middle of winter, drinking more water can nourish yin. Generally speaking, three glasses of water in a day are necessary. The first glass of water is to drink in the morning, which can moisten the intestines; The second glass of water is at 17pm, which can nourish kidney yin; The third glass of water is at 21:00 at night, which can nourish the heart. In addition, you can also eat more pears, carrots, lotus roots, mushrooms, etc., because these are yin nourishing foods.


2. [40-50 years old] [Severe cold] Pay attention to conditioning

※ Muscle - skin texture

Stick to soaking feet at night, and use warm water bubbles. The water should not exceed the ankle for 15 to 30 minutes. It is better to gradually add warm water in the middle until the body is slightly warm. When soaking feet, warm the ears and waist. Kidney is opened in the ears, and the ears have dense reflex areas, connecting every organ of the body. Therefore, it is a good health method to often rub the ears.


3. [50~60 years old] [Severe cold] Pay attention to conditioning

※ Shape - shaping and adjusting

The simplest thing is that cold wind can easily bring cold air to the body through the neck, causing sore throat, inflammation and other symptoms. In addition, the neck is the place where the trachea is located. In winter, the throat itches, cough has a small amount of sputum clearing, and the effect of cough medicine is not obvious, which may be related to the cold in the neck and chest. For example, most common respiratory diseases in winter start from the throat. Therefore, try to wear high collar clothes and scarf when going out. Especially for people with poor cervical spine, it is more important to wear a scarf in winter. In addition to the scarf, try to wear a hat in winter, which can reduce the heat dissipation of the head by about 60%; A long scarf tied to the chest can reduce the impact of cold on the heart, spleen and stomach.


Every night before going to bed, we should do the homework of rubbing the kidney meridian. The waist is the home of the kidney. The kidney is warm, so we should often rub the waist to prevent it from freezing. Sit on the bed with the feet facing each other. The Yongquan point on both feet is the starting point of the Kidney Meridian, so that the Kidney Meridian can be connected. Then hold the calf muscles with both hands and turn them outwards slightly, so that both hands can hold the calf muscles as large as possible, turn them outward and upwards, and massage. Repeat the operation to turn the entire calf muscles from top to bottom, from bottom to top, until the calf is hot.


Take care of yourself for three days [severe cold], pay attention to conditioning

1. [60~90 years old] Stage [severe cold] Pay attention to conditioning

※ Bone - Spinal axis joint

Adjust the blood oxygen supply of the brain and heart through exercise, so that the human body is in a positive state of full spirit. It is better to exercise in the sunlight to increase the lighting time of the human body in winter. The principle for the elderly to choose exercise should be "breathless, heart beating", because intense exercise will adversely affect the heart and lungs. In fact, the effect of exercise on health does not lie in the amount of exercise at a time. The key is to persevere.


※ Dan -- hormone endocrine

1、 [Warming the kidney]

In winter, the kidney nourishes the kidney, and the kidney controls water. The main tool for warming the kidney is to use cupping. There are three methods: one is to fix the cupping, the other is to move the cupping, and the third is to flash the cupping. Warming the kidney can discharge excess and tonify deficiency, balance yin and yang, and transform kidney qi into warm five internal organs. The most important thing is to flash the pot. He keeps adding temperature to the pot to force out the cold and wet air in the waist. The main part is the waist and abdomen. It can remove cold and wet air from the body, and the circulation of qi and blood is smooth. Warming the meridians to dissipate cold, dredging the meridians to restore yang and solidify the body, so as to achieve the effect of curing diseases and health care. There are two seasons in a year, summer and winter. The weather is cold and hot in winter.

2、 [Medicine bath]

The main feature is to design schemes according to different physiques and pathological needs, relieving stress, relieving fatigue, promoting qi and blood circulation, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, warming channels and dispersing cold, dispelling wind and relieving exterior, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, etc. Especially for cold hands and feet in winter, the effect is obvious.


3、 [Foot care]

The effect of foot care is to remove the wet and cold air in the body, improve foot circulation, sterilize and diminish inflammation, and prevent foot dryness and cracking? It is rough and has excellent effect for people with cold hands and feet.


4、 [Dantian I]

Dantianyi is mainly used to dredge the three main channels of spleen, liver and kidney. The spleen and liver control blood, and the kidney control essence. 1) It mainly improves the function of the kidney, which directly affects the ovary, uterus, reproductive system and urinary system. The kidney is the basis of birth and reproduction. 2) It can help different gynecological diseases such as inflammation, menstruation, hysteromyoma, fat relaxation, improve the environment of kidney function, and make the embryo better during pregnancy.


5、 [Facial care]

Personalized facial care will be designed according to different skin. Winter is the season when skin is most prone to water shortage and nutritional problems.

1. Facial pulse: dredge facial meridians, comb facial muscle tissue, improve and prevent facial skin relaxation and droop;

2. Goldfish roe facial care: it can timely supplement the nutrition that the skin lacks.


 The way to keep healthy in severe cold

Three [Cold Cultivation | Five Tunes]

Buddha Yoga's Five Tunes Method (regulating body, qi, heart, mind and spirit) Zen series Build quality life and quality life.

[Body adjustment] asana Yoga)

[Regulating Qi] Kundalini Yoga)

[Heart Adjustment] AnnaPana Yoga Yoga)

[Tiaoyi] Viphashanna Yoga Yoga)

[Tiaoshen] Samadhi Yoga)


(1) [Before the age of 30] Cultivation and health maintenance

Stage of [0-15 years old]

※ [Symptom prone]

Children's pneumonia and asthma

※ 【 Preventive measures 】

The temperature is decreasing, the temperature difference between day and night is increasing, the weather is cold and hot, the weather is cold in the morning and evening, children should not eat cold food.

※ [Suggestions on living]

It is already a typical cold climate. Many people should eat more Yang tonifying food to avoid acute diarrhea.


[15~30 years old] stage self-cultivation and health maintenance

※ [Symptom prone]

When the cold hits the stomach, acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, colds, bronchitis, indigestion, insomnia and other diseases will occur;

※ 【 Preventive measures 】

The method of "shoulder moxibustion" can prevent respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis. Therefore, as an asthma patient, you must not let this part get cold, and do not wear clothes with bare back. You should also massage properly at ordinary times, and close the door. The massage time should not exceed 10 minutes. The massage method can be selected as palm push or click.

※ [Suggestions on living]

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "the head is the confluence of all the yang", which means that the yang meridians of the hands and feet of the human body converge on the head. If the head is frozen, the yang qi in the body will easily disperse. "Cold" evil is a kind of yin evil, which is most likely to hurt people's yang.


(2) [30-60 years old] Cultivation and health preservation

[30-40 years old] stage

※ [Symptom prone]

Diarrhea, watery diarrhea (more than 2 stools per day), cold, etc. often accompanied by fever.

※ 【 Preventive measures 】

Massage Fengchi acupoints. In ancient times, the city was called Chengchi. Chengchi refers to the city, while Chi refers to the moat. Therefore, the acupoint Fengchi is a barrier for wind evil to enter the brain. If you want to capture the "city", you must first break the "pool". The function of massaging this acupoint is to protect the "city" from foreign enemies. The massage method is to open the fingers of both hands naturally, cling to the back of the pillow, press the Fengchi points on both sides with the thumbs of both hands, and press them up and down with force, feeling slightly swollen. Each press shall be no less than 32 times, and the more the better, the more the better.

※ [Suggestions on living]

When the weather suddenly turns cold, it is necessary to add clothes properly; Otherwise, not only can't prevent disease, but will cause disaster.


[40~50 years old] Stage of self-cultivation and health maintenance

※ [Symptom prone]

Middle aged people between 40 and 50 years old are prone to cardiovascular diseases and high grade three diseases.

※ 【 Preventive measures 】

In the cold season, you can do more aerobic sports to help increase the body's oxygen content. For example, outdoor activities such as running, race walking, playing football and badminton are more suitable.

※ [Suggestions on living]

Of course, it is also a good choice to go hiking, park or rock climbing with friends or family. It is not only healthy, but also refreshing and soothing.


[50~60 years old] Stage of self-cultivation and health maintenance

※ [Symptom prone]

Cardio cerebrovascular disease, myocardial infarction, cardio cerebrovascular disease, etc.

※ 【 Preventive measures 】

For the elderly, the cold weather after the severe cold will make the peripheral blood vessels contract and increase the peripheral resistance, so the blood pressure will also increase relatively. Indeed, winter is a time of high incidence of cardiovascular diseases. For example, myocardial infarction is a time of high incidence in winter. Some elderly people are stimulated by cold air due to lack of warmth, leading to vasoconstriction, myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, which is easy to induce angina pectoris. If measures are not taken in time, myocardial infarction may occur in serious cases. The cold starts from the foot, and the sole of the foot is also a place that is easy to be attacked by the cold. Therefore, you should also wear thick socks to prevent cold. In terms of sports health care, middle-aged people can choose to run, play basketball, climb mountains, swim, etc.


※ [Suggestions on living]

The temperature in the home should also be controlled, not too warm. The overheated indoor environment is easy to make the sweat glands of the skin open for heat dissipation. If you go out at this time, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large. When cold air strikes, it is easy to feel wind chill. Wind chill is also easy to cause asthma, chronic bronchitis and other complications.


(3) 60 to 90 years old

※ [Symptom prone]

Cardiovascular, heart disease, etc.

※ 【 Preventive measures 】

The weather gradually turns cold, and the human blood vessels will contract correspondingly after being stimulated by cold, which makes the blood pressure rise sharply. This period is the high incidence period of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, cerebrovascular accidents and other diseases begin to occur frequently. Older people should pay more attention to keeping warm and take precautions. Eating some food with high calorie, blood activating and brain strengthening, such as beef and mutton, or eating more fresh vegetables, fruits and beans rich in vitamin C, will have a certain impact on regulating brain function and mood.

※ [Living Measures]

Ensure sleep. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine says, "In winter and March, this is called closed storage. Therefore, keeping sleep is not only a good way to get rid of daytime sleepiness, but also a good way to nourish the kidney. Traditional health care emphasizes that the doors and windows must be closed when sleeping to prevent air circulation, and the bedroom should not be too large. Why? In fact, it is very simple. The bedroom gathers yang. If it is too large, the concentration of yang will be relatively small. In addition, when people sleep, a protective layer of yang will form on the body surface, called wei qi. If there is flowing air in the room, it is easy to blow away the wei qi, After blowing away, the body will naturally replenish from the inside to the surface of the body again, so that the Yang Qi will dry up in a cycle. This is why some people get up in the morning with no energy, because your yang is less.


  The way to keep healthy in severe cold

IV. Cold Gathering| Yironghe Tea

[Guyin Tea Method] One table for four people.

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