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Autumn Equinox | Prevent dryness and coolness

(2014-09-22 10:30:10)

the autumnal equinox

Cool dryness



health preservation

 Autumn Equinox | Prevent dryness and coolness

the autumnal equinox (September 23, 2014 10: 29 - October 8, 2014 16:47) It can be divided into three stages: "One stage is the beginning of the sound of thunder; the second stage is the beginning of insects; and the third stage is the beginning of water drying up". The ancients believed that thunder was made because of the strong yang qi. "In February, the voice came out in the sun." After the autumnal equinox, the yin qi began to be strong. "In August, the voice came out in the yin." Therefore, thunder stopped. "Water is the source of qi". When the air comes in spring and summer, it grows. When the air returns in autumn and winter, it dries up.

After the autumnal equinox, the temperature drops rapidly, and the cold becomes heavier and heavier. Cold dryness is mostly caused by the joint invasion of cold pathogens into the lungs, so in addition to moistening dryness, it should also be warm and tonic.


[Autumn Equinox · Meals]

According to the needs of the three different stages of life, we should not invade the "cold dryness" of the "disease" diet.

I. Stage I Dietary Regimen

1. Stage of [0-15 years old]

[Susceptible symptoms]

It is the autumn equinox solar term, which is prone to spleen and stomach deficiency and stomach/intestinal diseases.

[For "symptom" diet]

[Suitable]: bean porridge includes red bean, mung bean, eyebrow bean porridge, red bean porridge, lentil porridge, etc. The dry air is in season in autumn, which is easy to damage body fluid. You can eat sesame, glutinous rice, japonica rice, honey, dairy and other soft foods to benefit your stomach and generate fluid. Drink more water, such as porridge, light tea, vegetable soup, soybean milk, fruit juice, especially bean drinks. Beans are rich in protein, which can meet the metabolism of the body. They also do not contain cholesterol, and most of them have the function of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, which is exactly the purpose of this solar term.

[Avoidance]: Eating a large number of melons and fruits raw is prone to spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.

2. [15-30 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

During the autumnal equinox, the incidence of nasal diseases, asthma and bronchial diseases will increase.

[For "symptom" diet]

[Appropriate]: Light, digestible and vitamin rich food. If you use scallion, ginger, cardamom and coriander, you can prevent and treat colds; Beet juice and cherry juice can prevent measles; White radish and fresh olive decoction can prevent diphtheria; Litchi can prevent halitosis caused by stomatitis and gastritis.

[Avoid]: You should eat less or no fish, shrimp, seafood, raw cold, pickled vegetables, spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods. The most common foods are hairtail, crab, shrimp, leek flower, yellow flower, pepper, etc.

II. Stage II Dietary Regimen

1. [30-40 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms] - "heat stroke" causes heart and brain ischemia, even stroke, myocardial infarction and other ischemic diseases.

[Symptomatic diet] - Sea cucumber and Chinese wolfberry porridge

[Raw materials]: 15~20g sea cucumber, 15~20g Chinese wolfberry, 3~5g rose, 100g japonica rice, and some rock sugar.

[Preparation]: first remove the dregs from the decoction of sea cucumber, then put the medicine juice, medlar and japonica rice into the casserole, add some water, cook the gruel with a gentle fire, when the gruel is about to be cooked, add rose flowers and rock sugar, mix well and cook for a while.

[Usage]: Take it warm in the morning and evening every day.

[Efficacy]: nourishing yin, moistening dryness, nourishing blood and improving eyesight.

[Indications]: Dry cough with little sputum, blood in sputum, dry throat, hoarse voice, burning stomach, hunger without appetite, retching and hiccup, dizziness, dry eyes, blurred vision, low fever of hands, feet and heart, etc. caused by yin blood deficiency. Cough caused by exogenous cold should not be taken.

2. [40-50 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms] - chronic bronchitis, which belongs to the type of deficiency of qi and yin, is characterized by emaciation, tiredness and fatigue, cough and sputum, shortness of breath, low wheezing, cough or sputum with a small amount of blood filaments, and vascular embolism.

[Symptomatic diet] - crucian carp brown sugar sweet apricot soup

[Ingredients]: 1 crucian carp (about 500g), 12g sweet almonds, and some brown sugar.

[Preparation]: First remove the scales and gills of the crucian carp, cut the viscera and wash them, cut them into pieces, and cook the soup with almonds and brown sugar. After the fish is cooked, you can drink the soup and eat the fish (mixed with soy sauce).

[Usage]: Eat fish and drink soup in proper amount.

[Efficacy]: invigorate qi and spleen, nourish yin and regulate lung.

[Indications]: Chronic bronchitis, which belongs to the type of deficiency of qi and yin, is characterized by emaciation, tiredness and fatigue, cough and sputum, shortness of breath, low wheezing, cough or sputum with a small amount of blood.

[50~60 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms] - emphysema, tuberculosis, hemoptysis, hyperlipidemia.

[For "symptom" diet]—— White fungus pigeon egg square

[Ingredients] 3g tremella, 1 pigeon egg, 20g rock sugar.

Preparation First soak the tremella in clean water for 20 minutes, then crush it, add 400ml of water, boil it with fire, add rock sugar, and burn it gently; Then put the pigeon eggs into a small bowl, steam them gently for three minutes, then put them into the stewed tremella soup, and boil them.

[Usage] One dose a day.

【 Indications 】 Pulmonary diseases.

III. Stage III Dietary Regimen

[Susceptible symptoms] - osteoporosis, senile dementia.

[Symptomatic diet] -- Mulberry and medlar porridge

[Ingredients]: 30g mulberry and 30g medlar, 100g japonica rice and 20g white sugar.

[Usage]: Cook porridge as usual. 1 dose per day.

[Efficacy]: nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen tendons and bones.

[Indications]: Osteoporosis of liver and kidney yin deficiency type, characterized by blurred vision, tight muscles and veins, dry and brittle fingernails, dizziness and tinnitus, aching waist and knees, thin body, dry mouth and dry throat, five heart upset fever, hot flashes and night sweats, and insomnia due to deficiency.


[Autumn Equinox · Conditioning]

[Conditioning and Regimen of Three Parts]

1、 Dantian III

It mainly regulates the cardiopulmonary function, breathing and blood circulation. For chest tightness and shortness of breath, three high and three low, upper respiratory tract infection, insomnia and dreaminess, breast problems.

2、 Warming kidney

It is necessary to warm the kidney properly. If you don't keep well in autumn, you will be particularly uncomfortable in winter. The main function of warming the kidney is to remove the body's cold dampness, while warming the kidney in winter is mainly to tonify and nourish the kidney.

3、 Face

Facial care: personalized facial care according to different time skin design department. It is recommended to do facial pulse dialing and facial care regularly: such as facial pulse, dredge facial meridians, and comb facial muscle tissue. Improve and prevent facial droop.

[Three stages of conditioning and health preservation]

I. [Before the age of 30] Conditioning and health preservation

[Focus on Qi and blood conditioning]

1. [0-15 years old]

First of all, we should prevent the invasion of external evil forces. The weather is dry in autumn, and the main external evil is dryness. Before the autumnal equinox, there is residual heat, so it is often found in warm dryness; After the autumnal equinox, bursts of autumn wind hit, making the temperature gradually drop, and the cold gradually becomes heavier, so there are many cool dryness. At the same time, the changes of autumn dryness, temperature and coolness are also related to everyone's physique and body reaction. To prevent dryness, we must persist in exercising, strengthening our physique and improving our ability to resist disease. Autumn exercise focuses on benefiting the lungs and moistening dryness, such as practicing the exhalation and absorption skills, and tapping the teeth and throat to moisten dryness. In terms of diet and recuperation, you should drink more water and eat fresh and warm food, such as sesame, walnuts, glutinous rice, honey, dairy products, pears, etc., which can nourish yin, moisten the lungs, nourish yin and promote fluid production.


In terms of spirit, the most important thing is to cultivate optimism and keep calm. The elderly can talk less, climb higher and look into the distance more, so that the bad emotions such as depression and melancholy can dissipate. At the same time, after the autumnal equinox, the climate becomes cooler, which is the season of frequent occurrence and recurrence of stomach diseases. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to cold stimulation. People with chronic gastritis should pay special attention to keeping the stomach warm.

2. [15-30 years old]

Massage Taiyuan point for treatment. The location of Taiyuan point is easy to find. It is located in the transverse cephalic artery at the back of the palm, which is where the cun pulse is when the pulse is cut in traditional Chinese medicine. Because Taiyuan is the original point of the lung meridian of the hand Taiyin and the place where the vital energy of the lung stops, it can not only adjust the ascending and descending function of the lung qi, but also dredge the triple energizer qi machine. Massage stimulates Taiyuan, which can prevent and treat many diseases of the lung system, such as cough, chest tightness, adverse breath, vomiting, red and swollen eyes, asthma, hemoptysis, phlegm, etc. Therefore, whether the cough is caused by cold dryness or warm dryness, you can massage Taiyuan point for treatment. The health care methods of Taiyuan point are massage and external application of acupoint ointment. Many friends do not have acupoint cream. They can use astragalus and ginseng together to make fine powder and paste it on the acupoints. It can also be fixed with medical tape and gauze. For the above two acupoint application methods, choose the same one.

II [30-60 years old] recuperation and health preservation

[Emphasis on eliminating dryness and moistening lung]

1. [30-40 years old]

Due to the busy work of adults at this stage, it is more suitable for simple and easy to adhere to conditioning regimen, such as daily supplement of water. The easiest way to get rid of dryness is not to replenish water, but to choose some food with lung moistening function. For example, pears, honey, rock sugar, rice, lotus seeds, lilies, etc., which we introduced earlier, have the effect of moistening the lungs and can be eaten more. It should be noted that while eating lung moistening food, we should try to eat or not eat hot and dry products such as pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, and eat less fried and fatty food to prevent aggravating the autumn dryness symptoms.

2. [40-50 years old]

Nasal steam inhalation is a suitable lung moistening method for middle-aged and elderly people. The method is very simple: pour hot water into the teacup and inhale it with your nose at the teacup for about 10 minutes each time. The principle is that the lung "opens its orifices in the nose", so that the lung can be satisfied with water by inhaling steam. In addition, you should take a bath frequently. Because bathing is beneficial to blood circulation, it can make the lungs and skin smooth, and play the role of moisturizing the skin and lungs.

3. [50~60 years old]

At this stage, you should bathe frequently. Because bathing is beneficial to blood circulation, it can make the lungs and skin smooth, and play the role of moisturizing the skin and lungs. Of course, you can also choose some oily skin care products to moisturize. Because simply "drinking water" for the skin can temporarily moisturize the skin, but when the weather is dry, the moisture on the skin is easy to distribute, and at the same time, the original moisture will be taken away, and the skin will become "more and more dry". If you have a thin layer of grease, it is like a wall, which can separate water and air, so that the skin can drink enough "happily", and the effect of moisturizing is naturally obvious.

Three [60 to 90 years old] recuperation and health preservation

[Emphasis on moistening lung and nourishing qi]

1. [60~90 years old]

The elderly will have dry and itchy skin if they don't pay attention to it, starting from lung protection. Many people feel itchy skin in autumn and winter, until April and May of the next year, when the weather turns warm, it gradually returns to normal. Let western medicine to treat, most of them start from the skin. Oily substances such as skin cream and sheep oil can help moisturize the skin, but some ingredients may block the pores and make the skin unable to breathe. Therefore, this kind of treatment is temporary but not permanent.

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine says: "The lung is the source of propaganda and relief. The lung is the source of water. The lung opens the nose. The lung is the source of fur. All kinds of anger and depression belong to the lung. The aspiration is sorrow, the liquid is tears, the body is the fur, and the mouth is the nose." From the perspective of "the lung is the source of fur" and "the body is the source of fur", skin diseases should be treated from the lung. In addition, regular massage of Hegu and Yingxiang can also improve the dryness of facial skin. Hegu acupoint, also known as the Hukou, Yingxiang acupoint is located near the nose at the decree line. These two acupoints are the facial beauty points. Regular massage can improve the facial circulation and make you have a healthy look.


[Autumn Equinox, Living]

From the three major stages of life, talk about how to achieve the living health of the autumnal equinox solar term in life.

I [Before the age of 30] Living regimen

1. Stage of [0-15 years old]

[Susceptible symptoms]

Acute onset of pneumonia in children

Preventive Measures

1. As parents, they should try not to take children to public places and crowded places for activities in autumn. The room should be ventilated frequently to keep the air fresh.

2. When family members suffer from colds or other respiratory infectious diseases, they should try to isolate themselves from the baby.

3. Be careful when feeding, avoid choking, spilling and vomiting, and prevent milk, food and vomit from being sucked into the lungs by mistake.

4. Children's diet should be properly matched, pay attention to protein supplementation, and eat more vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in vitamins.

5. More outdoor activities, exercise, exercise the ability to adapt to cold weather, more sunshine, keep the indoor air fresh, and prevent colds and flu.

6. It is also necessary to prepare some common children's respiratory system infection drugs at home, such as Children Qiying Pill, Children Xiaoji Zhike Oral Liquid, etc.

[Suggestions on living]

Remind that although the day is mild, the weather is cold in the morning and evening, and children are easy to catch cold if they are shirtless.

2. [15-30 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, cold, bronchitis, dyspepsia, insomnia and other diseases, and diseases of the urinary and reproductive system.

Preventive Measures

1. As "the feet are warm and the legs are warm and the body is not cold", we should pay attention to keeping the feet warm in autumn.

2. Shoes and socks should be loose, comfortable and sweat absorbing.

3. Sleeping at night is covered by a quilt or worn to cover the abdomen, so cold air can easily invade the human body through the navel.

[Suggestions on living]

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "the head is the confluence of all the yang", which means that the yang meridians of the hands and feet of the human body converge on the head. If the head is frozen, the yang qi in the body will easily disperse.

II [30-60 years old] Living regimen

1. [30-40 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Often accompanied by fever, diarrhea, bronchitis, asthma, peptic ulcer and other chronic diseases.

Preventive Measures

1. Develop good living habits and do some physical exercises.

2. At the same time, we should strengthen nutrition, pay attention to the changes in the climate, keep warm in time (pay special attention to the back), and try not to contact cold patients (less public places in cold season).

3. Take preventive measures such as diet, vinegar fumigation, oral medication or cold water bath. Once the patient has an external sensation, he must be treated in time and controlled as quickly as possible.  

4. Pay attention to environmental hygiene, avoid going to places with serious air pollution, prevent dust irritation, and eliminate contact with allergens.

[Suggestions on living]

When the weather suddenly turns cold, it is necessary to add clothes properly; Otherwise, not only can't prevent disease, but will cause disaster.

2. [40-50 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Middle aged people aged 40 to 50 are prone to diabetes, insomnia, prostatitis, arthritis, lumbar disc herniation, three highs, fatty liver and kidney stones.

Preventive Measures

1. Strengthen nutrition, eat meat and vegetables at the same time, and mix meals reasonably. Drink more soup and water to increase salt intake.

2. It is appropriate to eat more pig liver, egg yolk, lean meat, milk, fish and shrimp, shellfish, soybeans, tofu, brown sugar, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is beneficial to increase cardiac output, improve cerebral blood supply, increase blood pressure and eliminate adverse symptoms caused by low blood pressure.

3. Those who are accompanied by a lack of appetite should appropriately eat food and condiments that can stimulate appetite, such as ginger, onion, vinegar, sauce, sugar, pepper, pepper, beer, wine, etc.

4. Eat less red bean, gourd, winter melon, watermelon, celery, hawthorn, balsam pear, mung bean, garlic, kelp, onion, sunflower seeds and other foods with blood pressure reducing effect;

[Suggestions on living]

Cough caused by cool dryness can be treated by steaming garlic water. Although garlic has always been one of the medicines that people use to treat diseases and keep healthy, most people only know that garlic can kill bacteria and treat intestinal diseases such as dysentery and enteritis. In fact, garlic is warm in nature and enters the spleen, stomach and lung channels. It is also very effective in treating cold cough and kidney deficiency cough, and it is convenient and simple. If you suffer from cough caused by cold and dryness, as long as you drink garlic water mainly, and eat it together with warm food for regulating the spleen and stomach, tonifying the kidney and lungs, you can quickly control the symptoms.

3. [50~60 years old] stage

[Susceptible symptoms]

Diabetes, vasospasm, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, chronic bronchitis, asthma and arthritis.

Preventive Measures

1. Moderate water supplement

2. Pay attention to proper movement and quietness. It is better to exercise in the cool morning.

3. Do not exercise in the hot sun or high temperature and humidity for too long.

4. Attention shall be paid to heatstroke prevention and cooling, but the air conditioning temperature shall not be adjusted too low, about 25~26 ℃ is appropriate.

5. In life, we should pay attention to the orderly living, take a proper rest at noon, and supplement the lack of sleep.

6. Food taboos: no smoking, alcohol, spicy food, etc., because these foods are bad for defecation.

[Suggestions on living]

Lying on one's side with knees bent can keep vital energy. Longevity elderly generally lie on their side during sleep, and the right bow position is the most common. Just as the ancients said: "Lie like a bow." The correct sleep posture is to bend one elbow in front of the pillow, put the other hand on the thigh naturally, lie on the right side, slightly bend the legs, and relax the whole body. In this way, the spine naturally forms a bow shape, the limbs are easy to move freely, and the muscles of the whole body can be fully relaxed, the chest pressure is minimal, and snoring is not easy.

Three [60 to 90 years old] Living regimen

[Susceptible symptoms]

Diarrhea, frequent vomiting, shock or other serious complications.

Preventive Measures

1. During the cool and dry period, pay attention to water supplement.

2. Do not exercise vigorously.

[Living Measures]

Never eat before bed. Because eating before sleep will increase the burden on the stomach, cause indigestion, and also affect sleep. If you are really hungry before going to bed, you can eat a little and rest for a while before going to bed.


Second, avoid drinking strong tea. The caffeine in strong tea can stimulate the central nervous system and cause excitement. Drinking strong tea before sleep will make it difficult for people to sleep. At the same time, drinking too much tea will cause frequent urination at night and affect sleep quality.


Three taboos: get excited before going to bed. Emotional ups and downs before sleep can cause qi and blood disorders, insomnia, and damage to the body. Therefore, before going to bed, we should refrain from worrying, anxiety or emotional excitement, especially when we are angry.


Four taboos: excessive entertainment before sleep. If excessive recreational activities are carried out before going to bed, especially the activities that stimulate tension for a long time, people's nerves will continue to be excited, making it difficult to fall asleep.


Five taboos: talk too much while sleeping. Talking too much while lying down is easy to hurt the lungs, and can also make people excited and affect sleep.


Six taboos: cover your face when sleeping. Covering the face while sleeping will make people difficult to breathe, and the body will suffer from hypoxia, which is extremely harmful to health.


Seven taboos: open your mouth when sleeping. Sleeping and keeping your mouth shut is the best way to maintain your vitality. If you open your mouth to breathe, the cold air and dust you inhale will hurt your lungs, and your stomach will catch cold.


Eight taboos: blow the wind while sleeping. The human body's ability to adapt to environmental changes decreases during sleep, and is vulnerable to wind and evil. Therefore, you should keep warm when sleeping, and never let the wind blow directly.


[Autumn Equinox, Chinese side]

One Chinese recipe for "brain growth"

1. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [0-15]

[Eat more pears and fritillaria]

Teenagers are more likely to get sick in autumn. At this time, the pear can be washed clean, without peeling the skin. The pedicel is cut off, and the middle pulp is dug out and put into the fritillaria. Put back the head of the pear and stew it in an electric rice cooker. After stewing, eat it together with the fritillary, which can dissipate phlegm and stop coughing.

Pears can be annealed, and the actual effect is just like this. Sun Simiao said that pears can "remove the enthusiasm of guests and stop the annoyance". Li Shizhen said that pears can "moisten the lungs and cool the heart, clear phlegm and reduce fire, and detoxify sore and alcohol". It can be seen that pear has a good effect on hot diseases such as thirst, cough, sore throat, aphasia, red eyes, swelling and pain, and constipation.

There are generally two kinds of fritillaria. One is small, pearl like, produced in Sichuan, so it is called pearl fritillaria, belonging to Liliaceae; The other kind of Fritillaria thunbergii is produced in Zhejiang, and the largest one is in the Xiangshan Islands. Therefore, the prescriptions are written as "Fritillaria thunbergii", which represents Fritillaria thunbergii. The particles are large and contain saponins, which are commonly used for colds and phlegm.

2. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [15~30]

[Eat more turnips]

So there is a folk saying: "When you eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, you don't need a doctor to write a prescription; In winter months, Yang Qi is in the stomach, so I eat white radish.

White radish is good, but you should pay attention when eating it. Because the white radish tastes sweet and sweet, it is advisable to eat less if the spleen and stomach are cold, unable to eat or weak; White radish can break qi. Do not eat it after taking ginseng, raw and cooked rehmannia, polygonum multiflorum and other tonics, or it will affect the efficacy. In addition, because eating raw white radish produces more gas, it is also bad for ulcer disease, so patients with such diseases should eat less white radish. In addition to white radish, spinach and yam also have outstanding effects on the prevention and control of "dryness".

II. "Getting Things Done and Awakening the Brain" Chinese

1. Applicable to [30-40 years old] Chinese

[Black hair and skin nourishing kelp stewed chicken]

1 clean chicken (about 1500g), 400g watery kelp, cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, scallions, ginger slices, Chinese prickly ash, pepper, peanut oil, respectively. The chicken is cooked and rotten, the kelp is smooth and salty. Efficacy: Chicken contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin Bl, vitamin B2, etc. It has the functions of warming the middle, supplementing qi, tonifying deficiency, and strengthening muscles and bones. Because it is rich in vitamins, it has the effect of moisturizing the skin. Kelp is rich in iodine, which has the function of dispersing cartilage and blackening hair. Chicken stewed with kelp has the functions of tonifying deficiency, replenishing qi, softening and firming, dispersing knots, and moisturizing black hair. It can also treat lymphoid tuberculosis and diffuse goiter. Therefore, this dish is a healthy food with skin moistening and dark hair.

2. Applicable to [40-50 years old] Chinese

[Chinese yam, lily and jujube porridge]

Make porridge with 90g yam, 40g lily, 15 jujube, 30g coix seed and some rice. Take it twice a day. Yam has the function of tonifying spleen and stomach; Lily clears heat and moistens dryness; Jujube and Coix seed can strengthen the spleen and stomach. When used together, they can nourish yin and stomach, clear heat and moisten dryness. This porridge is especially suitable for the patients with stomach diseases due to the deficiency of stomach yin. It can improve epigastric pain, hunger, dry mouth and throat, emaciation, red tongue with less coating, and thin pulse.

3. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [50~60]

[Qiong Jade Dew]

15g ginseng, 60g raw ground, 30g tuckahoe, 30g honey. Wash and cut into small pieces; Poria cocos is broken into small grains, washed, put into a tile pot, add 1500 ml of water (about 6 bowls of water), boil for 1 hour, until about 400 ml of soup (about 1 and a half bowls of water), fill it with a stew cup, clean the ginseng, slice it, put it into the stew cup, cover it, and stew it gently for 3-4 hours. Take it out and let it cool slightly. Dissolve it in honey. This amount can be used by 1-2 people, and it should be used 1-2 times a week in late autumn.

III. The Chinese side of "taking care of oneself"

1. Applicable to the Chinese side at the age of [60~90]

[Gingko Chrysanthemum Snow Pear Tea]

20g ginkgo, 4 white chrysanthemums, 3 Sydney pears, 250-350ml fresh or light milk, and some honey. Peel ginkgo, scald the clothes and heart with boiling water; Clean the white chrysanthemum and pick the petals; Snow pears are peeled and cored, and cut into granules. First, put the ginkgo and sydney into the boiling water pot. The water should not be too much. Cook them gently until the ginkgo is ripe. It has the effects of clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, dispelling wind and supporting toxin, and prolonging life.


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