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Light heat | summer dampness

(2014-07-07 09:50:20)



Classic health care

Double regulation of qi and blood

Qianshihan Medical Hall

 Light heat |<wbr>summer dampness

Sunstroke( two thousand and fourteen July 7 12:14 -  two thousand and fourteen July 23 05:41), from July 18 to early summer. As the temperature rises, crops grow fastest, and drought, waterlogging, and wind disasters are most frequent in most areas. Rushing to harvest and seed, drought and waterlogging prevention, and field management are heavy tasks. After entering the light summer, the hot and humid climate makes people feel uncomfortable. There is a saying among the people that "light summer is not hot, and light summer is dog days".


 Light heat |<wbr>summer dampness

[Xiaoshu · Feast]

    The right diet can help the human body resist the invasion of summer dampness. You can eat more winter melon, job's tears, poria cocos, yams and other foods, which can be used to make porridge or soup. If you feel dizzy, you can also use fresh agastache leaves, mint leaves, and Perrin to cook soup or porridge, or you can choose agastache leaves.

  1. Stir fried Assorted Vegetables: 1 piece of bean curd, 50 grams of tender beans, 50 grams of tomatoes, 15 grams of agaric, sesame oil, vegetable oil, refined salt, monosodium glutamate and chopped scallions. Dice tofu, beans, tomatoes and agaric. Add water to boil in the pot, blanch the tofu, beans, tomatoes and agaric respectively (the tomatoes are slightly hot), remove them and drain the water, then put them on a plate for standby. Heat the wok, add vegetable oil, put pepper into the wok, stir in the flavor, then put chopped green onion, salt, tomato and monosodium glutamate into the wok, mix them evenly, pour them on the scalded tofu, beans and agaric, pour sesame oil on them, and mix them evenly.


  2. Mung bean and pumpkin soup: 50g mung bean, 500g old pumpkin, and a little salt. Rinse the mungbean with clean water, add a little salt (about 3 grams) when the water vapor is not dry, and stir it evenly. Marinate it for a few minutes, and then rinse it with clean water. Peel the pumpkin, wash the flesh with water, and cut it into 2cm square pieces for use. Add 500ml of water to the pot. After boiling, first boil the mung beans for 2 minutes, pour in a little cold water, and then boil. Put the pumpkin into the pot, cover the pot, and boil it gently for about 30 minutes until the mung beans bloom. Add a little salt to taste.


  3. Balsam pear and chrysanthemum porridge: 100g balsam pear, 50g chrysanthemum, 60g japonica rice, 100g rock sugar. Wash the balsam pear and remove the pulp. Cut it into small pieces for standby. Wash the japonica rice and rinse the chrysanthemum. Put the two into the pot together. Pour proper amount of water into the pot and boil it over the fire. After the water boils, put the balsam pear and rock sugar into the pot and continue to boil it over a gentle fire until the rice blooms.


  Light heat |<wbr>summer dampness

[Sunstroke · Living]

Cold and dampness take the opportunity to dissipate heat and increase heat syndrome


At present, due to the role of publicity, most people attach great importance to the prevention of heatstroke, but they often lack awareness of heatstroke.


"In fact, heat stroke is also a kind of heatstroke. The pathogenic reason of heat stroke is not simply the heat evil, but also the invasion of cold and damp. The symptoms are not as clear and sharp as the common heatstroke. Therefore, don't be greedy when relieving heat stroke, and prevent the occurrence of heat stroke."


It is necessary to adapt to the law of four seasons, and let the body adapt to the hot weather, so as to avoid excessive reaction. In hot summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and people's sleep is generally affected. However, we should go to bed and get up early to ensure the rest time. If possible, you'd better take a nap for half an hour at noon to rest your brain and stomach.


The degree of mild heat reached its peak, and the number of heatstroke increased significantly. When the maximum temperature is greater than 37 degrees for more than six days after graduation, the number of heatstroke increases sharply. It's too hot. We should focus on prevention and listen more to the local weather forecast. It's very useful to avoid the highest temperature range at home or when going out.


The inducing factors of heatstroke are very complex, but the main contradiction is that the relative humidity of air temperature is more than 85% and the temperature is 30-3l ℃, or the relative humidity is 50% and the temperature is 38 ℃ or the humidity is small and the temperature is 40 ℃. The body's temperature regulator will have difficulties. One kind of sweat is not easy to evaporate due to high temperature and humidity, and the other kind of sweat exudes too much due to high temperature and low humidity, making human body water unavailable and replenished. The most important thing to prevent heatstroke is to improve the microclimate environment, and cool down through the natural and mechanical ventilation environment through the water curtain heat insulation in the arbor. For high-temperature operators, reasonable nutrition supply is also necessary for heatstroke prevention drinks and medicines.


Those who are found to be in the middle of the deployment should immediately give first aid. First, quickly move the patient to a cool and ventilated place. At the same time, pad up the head and unfasten the clothes and trousers to facilitate breathing and heat dissipation. Then, use cold water towels to apply the head or ice packs to place the patient's head, armpit, thigh root, etc. The body of the patient can also be immersed in water at about 18 ℃ at 45 degrees to immerse the nipple. Then four people use a towel to rub the skin around the body of the patient immersed in water for 15-30 minutes. If the temperature is reduced to 37-38 ℃ and the brain is not seriously damaged, more people should wake up quickly. It should be noted that the temperature of the water should not be too low for the elderly, the weak and the heatstroke patients with cardiovascular diseases.


This solar term also prevents people from being hurt by the heat. Because it is difficult in the hot summer, people often like to take a cool rest in the courtyard or by the stream and river in the evening, or take a bath with cold water immediately after working and exercising. Some people drink a lot of cold drinks, and even more, they simply sleep on a mat outside, and when they wake up, they will have a cold and headache, Or accompanied by a heavy sense of nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, dry throat, sore limbs, skin fever without sweat, or accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. This is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine called heat stroke.


People pay more attention to the prevention of heatstroke in summer, but they often have insufficient understanding of the syndrome of heatstroke. As the "Treatise on Diseases" said, "heatstroke is intimidating and can be avoided. Those who can avoid it are fewer than those who can avoid it. Those who do not know it are faster than those who attack it. Those who do not know it are more likely to commit it. Therefore, those who suffer from heatstroke are in the eighth or ninth place". In the Chinese medicine of summer heat, the words "get it by being quiet" and "get it by staying cool" mean that people who are in the heat of summer often spend too much time sleeping in the cold or sleeping in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, or drink the sweet and greasy food of raw and cold fruits and melons.


The pathogenic cause of heat stroke is not simple, because heat is evil and has both cold and wet, so heat stroke is not as clear as heat stroke. The course of the disease is relatively long, and the patients with wet evil lingering on the wrong way are also extremely distressed. Modern medicine believes that the reason for the occurrence of summer heat is that under the hot climate, the metabolism of the body is strong, the physical consumption is large, and the resistance is weakened. When the climate suddenly turns cold or is suddenly stimulated by cold, the pathogenic microorganisms will take advantage of the weakness, causing upper respiratory tract infection, vomiting, diarrhea, and even mouth and eye deflection. Inducing stroke, hemiplegia and other diseases to prevent the onset of summer heat should not be too greedy for cold, sleeping outdoors, or using electric fan air conditioners all night long, but also control the cold diet and cold shower after sweating.


This solar term is also a dangerous moment for patients with cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and urinary system disease, so patients with heart disease, diabetes and prostate disease should be particularly careful in this solar term. Take good care of your body in daily life. Emotionally, we must keep optimistic and happy. We must not be impatient or angry; On diet, we should pay attention to the light and nutritious food; Sleep enough. Don't sleep too tired. You should start to fall asleep when you feel slightly tired, and don't do strenuous exercise before sleep. Sleep first, sleep eyes, then sleep heart, and gradually enter deep sleep. Do not sleep outdoors. The room temperature should be suitable and not too cold or too hot. There should be no flowing air in the room, which is called "cross ventilation". Wake up in the morning and then wake up. And do some health care Qigong on the bed first: such as ironing eyes, knocking teeth, singing drums, etc., and then get out of bed. In the morning, you can go outdoors for some fitness activities, but the amount of exercise should not be too large based on slight sweat. Of course, it's better to take a walk or static Qigong. Don't go out at noon when the temperature is high, and the room temperature should not be too low. Not only should you take a nap in the afternoon, but you can take a nap in the daytime as long as you feel slightly sleepy. We should purposely carry out some activities, such as playing chess, practicing calligraphy, painting, watching performances and so on, but our hobbies should not be too deep. For patients with official positions, work should be arranged in order and the workload should not be too large.


For healthy people, it is also beneficial to do more exercise to make the body sweat on the premise of strengthening drinking, eating reasonably and getting enough sleep. The amount of exercise should vary according to the physical fitness of each person. Generally speaking, a healthy person who sweats a lot after doing some big exercise will make his body feel comfortable and happy. The amount of exercise should be based on this. It is worth noting that after stopping exercise, you should not cool down your body with cold water, nor drink too much cold drinks. It is better to drink some hot tea or green bean soup and other heatstroke prevention drinks. After just finishing a more intense exercise, you should not lie in bed immediately and not eat immediately. Of course, if you are not afraid of dirty exercise, lying on the ground and stretching a few times before standing up will not do you any harm.


According to the theory of the Eight Trigrams and Five Elements in China, the solar term human body is in the exuberant period of the spleen, so the digestive function of the human body is very strong. Comply with the four principles of health preservation, should do more sports, and can properly carry out light tonic, the liver and kidney are in a state of weakness, so we should pay attention to strengthening the maintenance of the liver and kidney, recuperate the mood, keep happy, cherish the essence, and control sex will be very beneficial to the body.



   According to everyone's physical quality, the amount of exercise in the summer season should be different. Generally speaking, people in good health will feel comfortable and happy when sweating moderately after some heavy exercise, and the amount of exercise should also be based on this. The middle-aged and old people should not be tired when they are active.


According to people's physical conditions and preferences, at this time, fast walking, mountain climbing, swimming, Taijiquan, badminton, table tennis and other sports are good choices. Among them, fast walking, mountain climbing, Taijiquan are more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.


Prevention of stroke, facial paralysis, etc. in hot and humid weather


Due to the obvious humid and hot characteristics of Beijing in the summer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (such as stroke, facial paralysis, etc.), rheumatism, colds, etc. are high incidence diseases in this climate.


"Although the living conditions are better now than before, like many air conditioners and electric fans, it is precisely because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, which causes the abnormal regulation of human body temperature, and various problems also follow. For example, a cold in summer is very easy to damage yang, often accompanied by gastrointestinal diseases and encephalitis B, which may cause fever 4 to 8 hours after a cold." Tang Boxiang said.


Sunstroke is the hottest solar term of the year. Its climate feature is: "Douzhi C is light heat, and the weather in Sri Lanka is more intense than light heat, so it is called light heat." Light heat is just around mid summer. In many regions of China, high temperature weather of 40 degrees Celsius often occurs. In this extremely hot season, heatstroke prevention and cooling cannot be ignored.


The summer season is the period when warm crops grow fastest, and also the season when crickets grow most in rural fields. People in some regions of China have the custom of fighting crickets after tea. Sunstroke is also the season with the most thunderstorms. There is a saying that "there is no half a drop in the east, and it is too late to dodge in the west", which means that in the afternoon of summer, if lightning appears in the east, it will not rain here. If lightning appears in the west, it will soon rain, and it is too late to avoid.


People also often call the thunderstorm in the summer afternoon "northwest rain", and describe "northwest rain, which falls on the road without cars." "summer rain across the ridge" and "summer rain across the back of cattle", which vividly illustrate the thunderstorm, which is often rainy here and sunny there, as the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi said: "sunny days in the east and rainy days in the west, the road is sunny and sunny."


In summer, the climate is hot, hot and rainy. The hot and humid air is easy to enter and the heat is pressing, and the spirit is easy to be depleted. Especially, the elderly, children, and people with weak body and qi are often difficult to support, resulting in summer resistance, heat stroke and other diseases. If you have obvious fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, chest tightness, inattention, excessive sweating, numbness of limbs, thirst, nausea and other symptoms, it is usually a precursor of heatstroke.


Once the above symptoms occur, the patient should be immediately moved to a ventilated place to rest and drink some light salt boiled water or mung bean soup, watermelon juice, sour plum soup, etc. The methods to prevent heatstroke in summer: reasonably arrange work and pay attention to the combination of work and rest; Avoid exposure to the sun; Pay attention to indoor cooling; Get enough sleep; Pay attention to food hygiene. Those who can afford it should often take some fragrant and turbid prescriptions to clear away dampness and heat after entering summer, such as 10 grams of fresh agastache leaves and Perram leaves, 30 grams of flying talc and fried malt, 3 grams of licorice, and fried tea substitute. You can also take some benevolent pills and ten drops of water in the hot season.


Sunstroke is the season with the highest temperature and the most yang in the whole year. In health care, there is often a saying that "winter disease is treated in summer". Therefore, it is the best time to treat those chronic diseases that occur in winter, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, rheumatic arthralgia and other yang deficiency syndromes. Friends with the above chronic diseases should be carefully recuperated and focused on prevention and treatment in summer health care.


Take chronic bronchitis as an example, it can be taken both internally and externally. Specific methods: Take Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Zuogui Pill, etc. orally to warm the kidney and strengthen yang, twice a day, one pill each time, for one month. External application medicine can be 20 grams of Baijiezi, 15 grams of Yuanhu, 12 grams of Xixin, and 10 grams of Gansui, which can be ground into fine powder, mixed with ginger juice, and divided into six parts. Each time, take one part and spread it on oil paper or plastic film with a diameter of about 5 cm, and stick it on Feishu, Xinshu, Geshu points on the back, or on Feishu, Bailao, and Jiehuan points on both sides, and fix it with adhesive tape. Generally, it should be applied for 4-6 hours. If there is burning pain, it can be removed in advance. If there is slight itching or warm comfort, it can be applied for several hours. It should be noted that once every dog days (three dog days in summer), three times a year for three consecutive years, can enhance the non-specific immunity of the body and reduce the allergic state of the body. This combination of internal and external treatment can effectively eradicate or alleviate symptoms.


In summer, the nutrition of diet is used to maintain health and prolong life, which is an effective guarantee to reduce disease and prevent aging. The diet and recuperation in summer is based on the climate characteristics of summer. Because the summer climate is hot, it is easy to hurt fluid and consume gas, so you can often choose medical porridge to nourish your body. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine has the argument that "medicine goes with it, food goes with it", and "food, meat, fruits and vegetables go with it".


Li Shizhen, a famous doctor, especially praises medicinal porridge for health preservation. He said: "Every day, if you eat a large bowl of porridge, you will have empty stomach, and the grain gas will be made. It is not fine and very soft. It is like the stomach and intestines, and is the best food." Medicinal porridge is suitable for the elderly, children, and those with weak spleen and stomach functions. Therefore, the ancients said that "porridge is the first thing in the world to help people", and that "a solar eclipse of rice is better than a large bag of ginseng and astragalus". The Six Books on Medicine praised: "Japonica rice porridge is a good medicine to nourish the stomach".


It can be seen that porridge is important to people. Although medicinal porridge is beneficial to the human body, it cannot be used universally. It is necessary to select appropriate drugs according to the different physiques and diseases of each person and make it into porridge to achieve satisfactory results.


When the cold boiled water is boiled and cooled, the chlorine gas is reduced by 1/2 compared with ordinary natural water. The physical and chemical properties of water, such as surface tension, density, viscosity, conductivity, have changed, which is very similar to the water in biological active cells. Therefore, it is easy to pass through cells and has wonderful biological activity. According to folk experience and experimental results, drinking a cup of fresh and cold water every morning will lead to the miraculous longevity promotion several years later.


Japanese medical experts once made a survey of 460 elderly people over 65 years old. Among those who insisted on drinking a cup of cold water every morning in five years, 82% of them were ruddy, energetic, and had not loose teeth. They could walk 10 kilometers every day. Among these people, they had never suffered from serious diseases. Therefore, it is absolutely true that water is important for human body


In addition to water, wine, soup, fruit juice, etc. can be called drinks. Reasonable selection can play a very good role in strengthening the body.


In midsummer, the sun heat drops, the air rises and the moisture is full. Therefore, more people feel the evil of dampness in this season. In traditional Chinese medicine, dampness is yin evil, its nature tends to decline, and it is heavy and viscous, which is easy to block qi and damage yang qi. Diet is suitable for clearing heat and relieving summer heat.

  Light heat |<wbr>summer dampness

[Sunstroke · Conditioning]

[Dantian II (spleen and stomach conditioning)]

Efficacy: Main digestive system, digestion and transportation of food. Effectively targeted at sub healthy people with skin problems and breath problems such as weak spleen and stomach, dyspepsia, irritability, depression, insomnia and dreaminess, cold limbs, fatigue, chloasma, acne, skin pigment, dark complexion, etc.


Another important effect of the Dantian II project is to restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscle layer by unblocking the middle focal muscle layer, so as to achieve the core purpose of shrinking the abdominal space. The shrinking space and smaller volume of the abdominal cavity will accelerate the heat effect of the metabolism of the abdominal cavity, and the heat effect temperature of the abdominal cavity will quickly awaken the activity of digestive enzymes (flora). Only in this way can the absorption of blood be better, and the residual toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and viscera can be fully transformed, and then the bowel and urine cleaning techniques can be added to achieve the overall improvement for the source. This is a long-term core improvement, which is different from the ordinary sausage clearing technique in the market. It is a strong super scheme.

Tissue: spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, etc

Glands: pancreas


Treatment course description: The maintenance shall be strengthened locally once or twice a week, and the special improvement shall be performed twice or three times a week.

Efficacy: Main digestive system, digestion and transportation of food. Effectively targeted at sub healthy people with skin problems and breath problems such as weak spleen and stomach, dyspepsia, irritability, depression, insomnia and dreaminess, cold limbs, fatigue, chloasma, acne, skin pigment, dark complexion, etc. Another important effect is to restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscle layer by dialing through the middle focal muscle layer, so as to achieve the core purpose of shrinking the abdominal space. The shrinking space and smaller volume of the abdominal cavity will accelerate the heat effect of the metabolism of the abdominal cavity, and the heat effect temperature of the abdominal cavity will quickly awaken the activity of digestive enzymes (flora). Only in this way can the absorption of blood be better, and the residual toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and viscera can be fully transformed, and then the bowel and urine cleaning techniques can be added to achieve the overall improvement for the source. This is a long-term core improvement, which is different from the ordinary sausage clearing technique in the market. It is a strong super scheme.


Tissue: spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, etc

Glands: pancreas

Treatment course description: The maintenance shall be strengthened locally once or twice a week, and the special improvement shall be performed twice or three times a week.


  Light heat |<wbr>summer dampness  

[Sunstroke · Customs]


Eating "Fairy Grass" in Summer in Southern China


There are many places in the south that have the custom of "eating fairy grass" in the summer. Fairy grass, also known as Herba Jelly and Herba Immortalis, is an important medicinal and edible plant resource. It is known as "fairy grass" because of its magical heat relieving effect. After its stems and leaves are dried in the sun, they can be made into burnt immortal grass. In Guangdong, they are called jelly, which is a kind of dessert for relieving summer heat.


Burning herb can also be used as medicine. As a folk saying goes, if you eat fairy grass in the summer in June, you will live like a fairy and never grow old. Burning immortal grass is one of Taiwan's famous snacks, which can be eaten cold and hot. The appearance and taste of burning fairy grass are similar to another popular snack in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and it also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification.


Eating lychee in Putian, Fujian "passed the summer heat"


Putian people in Fujian have the custom of eating lychees, mutton and rice dregs during the light summer, which is called "passing the light summer". Litchi contains glucose and various vitamins, rich in nutritional value, so eating fresh litchi can nourish the body. First, soak fresh litchi in cold well water, and taste it as soon as the summer comes. At this moment, litchi is the most comfortable and nourishing. Therefore, some people say that litchi has the same nutritional value as ginseng in summer.


Mutton in warm soup is one of Putian's unique flavor snacks and high-grade dishes. After slaughtering the sheep, remove the wool and dirt, put the whole sheep into the boiling soup pot, turn it hot, pick it up and put it into a large pottery jar, then inject the boiling soup into the pot, soak it for a certain time and take it out. When eating, cut the mutton into pieces. The meat is fat, crisp, tender and delicious.


Rice lees are made by mixing rice with white rice koji to ferment it and thoroughly ripen it into lees; On the day of light summer, cut it into pieces and add some brown sugar to cook it. It is said that it can "greatly replenish vitality". On the day of light summer, relatives and friends often give each other lychees and mutton.




Pineapple in Taiwan's summer


During the summer holidays, it is a custom to eat pineapples in Taiwan. People think pineapples are the best in this season. In addition, the Minnan pronunciation of pineapple is the same as "Wanglai", so it is also used as a symbol of praying for peace, auspiciousness and business prosperity.


In addition, around the light summer, it is June 15 of the lunar calendar, which is also called "Half Year Festival" in Taiwan. Since June 15 of the lunar calendar is half of the whole year, the whole family will eat "half year round" together after worshipping the gods on this day. Half year round is made of glutinous rice flour and red flour. Most of them are cooked into sweet food to taste, symbolizing reunion and sweetness.


Folklore experts said that various interesting summer customs reflect people's good feelings in pursuit of health, and also add a touch of unique color to China's rich and colorful folk customs.



Drink ginger and jujube soup in summer


The Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine records that "Yang is nourished in spring and summer, and yin is nourished in autumn and winter". In summer, people can cook ginger, jujube and brown sugar together to nourish yang, spleen and stomach, and blood. Brown sugar is warm and has the effect of enriching blood. It can also be drunk frequently (except for patients with diabetes or special diseases).



Drink Duck Soup in Xiaoshu


In summer, the weather is hot, ducks live in water, and the duck meat is cool. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of nourishing the yang of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of deficiency and fatigue, enriching blood and water, and nourishing the stomach and fluid. Therefore, on the day of light summer, people might as well make some duck soup.


 Light heat |<wbr>summer dampness


[Sunstroke · Care]


The summer season is the period when warm crops grow fastest, and also the season when crickets grow most in rural fields. People in some regions of China have the custom of fighting crickets after tea. Sunstroke is also the season with the most thunderstorms. There is a saying that "there is no half a drop of lightning in the east, and it is too late to dodge in the west", which means that in the afternoon of summer, if lightning appears in the east, rain will not fall here. If lightning appears in the west, rain will soon come, and it is too late to escape. People also often call the thunderstorm in the summer afternoon "northwest rain", and describe "northwest rain, which falls on the road without cars." "summer rain across the ridge" and "summer rain across the back of cattle", which vividly illustrate the thunderstorm, which is often rainy here and sunny there, as the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi said: "sunny days in the east and rainy days in the west, the road is sunny and sunny."


In terms of health preservation, the following aspects should be paid attention to:


Irritable and prone to heatstroke Calm and cool


The solar term of light summer heat, which is extremely hot at high temperature, is easy to get angry, and often feels upset, anorexia, irritability and anxiety. This is a typical symptom of "emotional heatstroke".


Meditation regimen, as the saying goes, "The mind is naturally cool when it is calm." You should be calm when the weather is hot to avoid adverse stimulation.


Psychological cooling, based on the principle of "heart disease should be treated with medicine", can use "psychological suggestion" and "psychological cooling" methods to adjust the mood, imagine yourself in nature, swaying trees, flying springs gargle jade, so that you feel relaxed and calm.


We should adjust our daily life and ensure adequate sleep. We should take a 0.5~1 hour nap at noon. Because sleep is closely related to emotion and immunity, lack of sleep will lead to poor resistance. Outdoor workers should work after three o'clock in the afternoon. Take cooling and heat dissipation measures.


Attention should be paid to the diet adjustment, which should be light and diversified, eat more nutritious fruit and protein, and properly eat ginger, onion, garlic, vinegar, which can not only kill bacteria and prevent disease, but also strengthen the spleen and appetizer.


Prevent skin diseases and food poisoning


In the dog days, the hot and humid weather makes bacteria and viruses multiply rapidly, and skin diseases such as eczema, prurigo, and fungal infection increase. Therefore, pay more attention to the cleanliness of the skin. The room should be ventilated, and you should wash your hands after taking the bus.


During this solar term, bacteria multiply very quickly, which is easy to cause food poisoning. The symptoms are mainly fever, chills, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, tenesmus, etc. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. Pay attention to food hygiene, fly control and not eating unclean food. It is best to eat the food on the same day, and the overnight food should be boiled and thoroughly heated.


Prevent heatstroke, clear and replenish, drink porridge and make soup


The healthy diet for light summer should take clearing as tonic, invigorate qi and clear summer heat, strengthen spleen and stomach, and take medicinal porridge as tonic. There are mung beans, lilies, cucumbers, bean sprouts, duck meat, etc; There are mushrooms, laver, watermelon, tomato and other foods for invigorating qi and clearing summer heat. American ginseng, pseudostellaria, and astragalus can also be used; The food for invigorating the spleen and stomach includes red bean, barley, pumpkin, etc; Medicinal porridge includes mung bean porridge, lentil porridge, lotus seed porridge, job's tears porridge, etc. On the day of light summer heat or in the hot summer heat, Guangdong folk tradition is to drink lotus leaf and winter melon soup to prevent heatstroke and maintain health. It consists of red bean, job's tears, lentils, rushes, polyporus umbellatus, rhizoma alismatis, poria cocos, etc., or light drink or sweet soup, or boil pig bones.


Nourishing spleen and stomach to avoid obstruction in summer


Blocking summer is also called bitter summer. In dog days, due to the decline of heat in the sky and the rise of ground moisture, the struggle between heat and dampness is trapped in the spleen and stomach. The main symptoms are no appetite (stupor), nausea, dizziness and fatigue, tiredness and sleepiness, greasy tongue coating, less urination, and excessive sweating.


You can take Huoxiang Zhengqi Pill (water) to invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, or barley seed, white lentil, lotus leaf, japonica rice porridge to nourish the spleen and stomach, or Xiangsha Yangwei Pill to strengthen the spleen and help digestion.


In summer, the heat is heavy, and the tongue coating is easy to be thick. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the thick tongue coating represents heavy moisture. After heavy moisture in the intestines and stomach, there is no appetite. Severe cases include chest tightness, nausea, poor appetite, and weakness of limbs. This is the damp heat syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine, which needs to be cleaned up. Chinese medicine is the way to keep healthy. In summer, you can take cleaning medicine to clean up the summer dampness, so that the human body is more comfortable.


Sunstroke is the season with the highest temperature and the most yang in the whole year. In health care, there is often a saying that "winter disease is treated in summer". Therefore, it is the best time to treat those chronic diseases that occur in winter, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, rheumatic arthralgia and other yang deficiency syndromes. Friends with the above chronic diseases should be carefully recuperated and focused on prevention and treatment in summer health care.


Take chronic bronchitis as an example, it can be taken both internally and externally. Specific methods: Take Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Zuogui Pill, etc. orally to warm the kidney and strengthen yang, twice a day, one pill each time, for one month. External application medicine can be 20 grams of Baijiezi, 15 grams of Yuanhu, 12 grams of Xixin, and 10 grams of Gansui, which can be ground into fine powder, mixed with ginger juice, and divided into six parts. Each time, take one part and spread it on oil paper or plastic film with a diameter of about 5 cm, and stick it on Feishu, Xinshu, Geshu points on the back, or on Feishu, Bailao, and Jiehuan points on both sides, and fix it with adhesive tape. Generally, it should be applied for 4-6 hours. If there is burning pain, it can be removed in advance. If there is slight itching or warm comfort, it can be applied for several hours. It should be noted that once every dog days (three dog days in summer), three times a year for three consecutive years, can enhance the non-specific immunity of the body and reduce the allergic state of the body. This combination of internal and external treatment can effectively eradicate or alleviate symptoms.


In summer, the nutrition of diet is used to maintain health and prolong life, which is an effective guarantee to reduce disease and prevent aging. The diet and recuperation in summer is based on the climate characteristics of summer. Because the summer climate is hot, it is easy to hurt fluid and consume gas, so you can often choose medical porridge to nourish your body. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine has the argument that "medicine goes with it, food goes with it", and "food, meat, fruits and vegetables go with it".


Li Shizhen, a famous doctor, especially praises medicinal porridge for health preservation. He said: "Every day, if you eat a large bowl of porridge, you will have empty stomach, and the grain gas will be made. It is not fine and very soft. It is like the stomach and intestines, and is the best food." Medicinal porridge is suitable for the elderly, children, and those with weak spleen and stomach functions. Therefore, the ancients said that "porridge is the first thing in the world to help people", and that "a solar eclipse of rice is better than a large bag of ginseng and astragalus". The Six Books on Medicine praised: "Japonica rice porridge is a good medicine to nourish the stomach".


It can be seen that porridge is important to people. Although medicinal porridge is beneficial to the human body, it cannot be used universally. It is necessary to select appropriate drugs according to the different physiques and diseases of each person and make it into porridge to achieve satisfactory results.



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