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Detoxify before health preservation, and nourish the spleen before detoxification!

(2014-07-02 10:48:37)



Classic health care

Double regulation of qi and blood

Qianshihan Medical Hall


As an old saying goes, "The spleen governs the blood, the liver stores the blood, and the heart conducts it. When people move, the blood is transported to the meridians, while when people are still, the blood belongs to the liver. Why? The liver governs the sea of blood, so it is."

melancholia It is the "time bomb" and "beauty killer" of modern women. The spleen is a woman's blood bank and a woman's life blood. Women are made of water, and beautiful women are raised by blood.

Without clean blood, the happiness of a woman's life is the moon liver in the water, with spots on her face.

If a woman does not nourish the spleen and stomach, her menstruation will be disordered.

Women who do not nourish the spleen and stomach suffer from insomnia and restlessness.

Women do not nourish the spleen and stomach, dry eyes without light.

Women who do not nourish the spleen and stomach are irritable and irritable.

Friends, have the spleen and stomach been detoxified?


Women who have menstruation, miscarriage, and childbirth have to bleed a lot. After becoming a mother, she needs to breastfeed, and milk is condensed from the best blood essence in her body. In addition, most women love to cry, and it is said that tears are also blood biochemical. So a woman's life is full of bloodshed.

If the function of the spleen and stomach of women is damaged, the blood will not be purified and filled, and there will be wrinkles, sallow complexion, long spots, dizziness, dizziness, tears in the wind, palpitations and other symptoms. And there will be numbness of limbs, less menstruation and even amenorrhea. It is the phenomenon that the liver does not store blood.

Dantianer energy detoxification, spleen and stomach conditioning detoxification! Realize the intestinal passage, blood vessel passage, and qi and pulse passage in the body! Non toxic and clean all over!

effect: Main digestive system, digestion and transportation of food. Effectively targeted at sub healthy people with skin problems and breath problems such as weak spleen and stomach, dyspepsia, irritability, depression, insomnia and dreaminess, cold limbs, fatigue, chloasma, acne, skin pigment, dark complexion, etc. Another important effect is to restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscle layer by dialing through the middle focal muscle layer, so as to achieve the core purpose of shrinking the abdominal space. The shrinking space and smaller volume of the abdominal cavity will accelerate the heat effect of the metabolism of the abdominal cavity, and the heat effect temperature of the abdominal cavity will quickly awaken the activity of digestive enzymes (flora). Only in this way can the absorption of blood be better, and the residual toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and viscera can be fully transformed, and then the bowel and urine cleaning techniques can be added to achieve the overall improvement for the source. This is a long-term core improvement, which is different from the common sausage clearing technique in the market. It is a strong super scheme

Tissue: spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, etc

Glands: pancreas

Treatment course description: The maintenance shall be strengthened locally once or twice a week, and the special improvement shall be performed twice or three times a week.

[52 nutritious foods for nourishing the spleen and stomach]

1: Eating taro is equivalent to injecting immunoglobulin to enhance human immune function.

2: Lycium barbarum: chew and take the body fluid in the mouth of Lycium barbarum to grow, resist arteriosclerosis, reduce blood sugar, promote the regeneration of liver cells, and take it to strengthen the body and delay aging.

3: Eye rubbing: find out the soft part of the hand, massage around the eyes and the orbit, promote the blood circulation around the eyes, brighten the eyes, refresh the brain, and also have a cosmetic effect.

4: Frequent drinking of yogurt: yogurt has high nutritional value.

5: Green tea - anti-cancer, can supplement potassium, and increase the flexibility of blood vessels.

6: Eat more cereals - corn, buckwheat, oats, millet (it can calm the nerves and promote sleep!)

7: Potatoes - I'm afraid you and I can't imagine that it has the function of liposuction!  

8: Tomatoes - anti-cancer, but you need to fry with eggs to produce anti-cancer substances!

9: Auricularia auricula - to treat pneumonia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and regulate blood viscosity

10: When you have acne, redness and swelling, if you apply a little wormwood ash, it will soon shrink and slowly fall off, leaving no pockmarks.

11: Wormwood ash is a natural deodorant. It is packed in small cloth bags and placed in toilets, kitchens or refrigerators to remove odor, which is comparable to bamboo charcoal.

12: Wet people can use Job's tears.

13: A big hole that brings happiness to women. It is located about an inch in front of the lateral malleolus. The muscle is slightly convex and easy to identify. You can use the tenderness method to determine exactly where it is most sensitive and painful. Press it for 8 minutes each time, and the stronger the acid swelling feeling, the more effective it will be.

14: The nail meniscus is too large, with an area of more than 2/3, indicating a high risk of hypertension Nails have black spots, indicating high blood fat.

15: There is no more valuable tonic than "chicken internal medicine". Chicken internal medicine is a special medicine for curing accumulated food. Chicken is an omnivore. It eats grains, grass seeds, and worms. But the chicken has no teeth. It eats everything in a hurry. It depends on the stomach to digest. It can be seen that the digestion function of the chicken is very powerful. Therefore, the tonic effect of eating chicken is mainly to invigorate the spleen and stomach.

16: A handful of nuts every day can reduce sugar and fat.

17: Black fungus and white fungus can nourish lung yin and kidney yin.

18: Eat more onions to prevent osteoporosis.

19: Take nuts in moderation for osteoporosis.

20: Take a pear after dinner to eliminate toxins and help you be healthier.

21: Jujube and yam are good for the spleen and stomach.

22: Lycopene can prevent tumor.

23: The child will use a walker after nine months.

24: Orange juice for hypertension.

25: Longan and medlar tea can treat dry eyes .

26: Burdock juice sausage .

27: 10mg folic acid daily can effectively prevent coronary heart disease.

28: Longan can nourish the spleen in the morning and calm the nerves in the evening.

29: Treatment of edema: 30g of watermelon skin, 30g of winter melon skin and 30g of red bean skin, fried in water.

30: Lactation: 2 pig hooves, 6g herb, stewed soup.

31: Treating the deafness of the elderly: 250g dog meat, 60g horse beans, stewed together, eaten twice in the morning and evening, and cured after several weeks of eating.

32: Brightness: 6 grams of frost mulberry leaves and 6 grams of chrysanthemum. A total of fine powder was grinded, and honey was refined into pills as big as mung beans. Each serving was 6 grams, and boiled water was sent to take.

33: "Boiled Egg with Artemisia argyi", which sweeps away the chills in women

34: Meihe Qixue -------- Chronic pharyngitis can be cured once. Meihe Qi point is an experience point of traditional Chinese medicine. It is specially used to treat Meihe Qi in clinic. It is slightly lower than Laogong point in the palm, and one inch behind the middle finger of the forefinger on the palm. It is an experience point of Meihe Qi, mainly for soothing liver and regulating qi, promoting pharynx, and calming the nerves. Most patients will recover after acupuncture once. The point should be selected for male and female.

35: Houxi point makes liver blood sufficient and eyes bright.

36: The failure of calcium supplementation is the decline of spleen and kidney functions. Usually, we should pay attention to regulating the spleen and kidney.

37: Improve insomnia of 50 year old women - Niuhuang Qingxin Pill, Jiawei Xiaoyao Pill, Zaoren Anshen Pill.

38: Improve calcium deficiency of 50 year old women - Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Jianpi Pill.

39: The key to delaying menopause is to invigorate the kidney and spleen.

40: A woman's childbirth is a process that damages her kidney. The best childbearing age for women is 25-30 years old.

41: Tachycardia (tachycardia) is often the precursor of heart qi deficiency. You should pay attention to rest, adjust your mind, and take American ginseng tablets, ginseng tablets or Shengmaiyin oral liquid in case of shortness of breath and fatigue. Those who do not feel relieved should seek medical advice in time.

42: Bradycardia (slow heartbeat) is mostly a sequela of myocarditis. If there is fatigue, shortness of breath and chest tightness, stop strenuous exercise, take ginseng tablets and salvia miltiorrhiza tablets. If there is no relief, seek medical advice.

43: Heart qi deficiency is characterized by palpitation, shortness of breath, fatigue, fast or slow pulse. If the heart yang deficiency is accompanied, the hands and feet are cold, afraid of cold, and the face is white. People with heart qi deficiency can use ginseng, astragalus, cinnamon.

44: Manifestations of heart yin deficiency: flustered, upset, dizziness, tinnitus, red tongue, thin pulse. Those with heart yin deficiency can use: longan meat, jujube, lotus seed, ophiopogon japonicus.

45: The main manifestations of lung qi deficiency are shortness of breath, cough, clear phlegm, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, weak pulse, and pale tongue. People with lung qi deficiency can take cordyceps sinensis, astragalus membranaceus and ginseng.

46; The main manifestations of lung yin deficiency are shortness of breath, cough, thick phlegm, dry throat, red tongue and pulse count. You can eat more lilies, yams and almonds for lung yin deficiency.

47: The main manifestations of spleen yin deficiency are dry mouth, nausea, less food, dry stool, red tongue and thin pulse.

Medicine and food can be used together: ophiopogon japonicus, yam and japonica rice can be used. If you feel indigestion, abdominal distension, or lack of appetite, you can take hawthorn, fried cereal malt, or fried chicken nuggets before or after meals.

48: Deficiency of liver qi: fatigue is the first manifestation, followed by dizziness, discomfort in both flanks, and weak pulse. Bupleurum, peppermint and perilla leaf can relieve liver depression and prevent qi stagnation. Ginseng and astragalus root can be used for those with liver qi deficiency and weight.

49: Deficiency of liver yin: mainly manifested as dizziness, numbness of limbs, unsmooth muscles and collaterals, and irritability and fine pulse due to the deficiency of liver qi. It can be used for angelica, animal liver, medlar and donkey hide gelatin.

50: The manifestations of kidney yin deficiency include dizziness and tinnitus, sore waist and soft legs, dry throat, red tongue and thin pulse. The medicine and food are the same as the tonic of medlar, prepared ground and mulberry. People with kidney deficiency and not receiving qi are mostly accompanied by symptoms of kidney yang deficiency, so it is very important to warm kidney yang. You can take Jinkui Shenqi Pill.

51: Bad breath: Take Qingwei Huanglian Pill; Often eat bitter gourd fried tomatoes.

52: Bitter taste: Take Longdan Xiegan Pill.

It's very useful to save it!

The Three Character Classic of Health Preservation: Eating onions makes your brain open. Eating garlic can reduce blood fat. Mushroom meal can prevent thrombus. Eating fresh ginger can improve blood lipid. Cassia can reduce fat quickly. Chrysanthemum tea can lower blood pressure. Eating chili can eliminate fat. Oolong tea is good for losing weight. He is handsome and eats potatoes. Qi and blood deficiency, eat lychee. Grapes are sweet and blood tonic. To moisturize, cherry tonic. Eating dates often does not make you look old. Oat soup, skin light. Eating honey makes your skin fine. Radish soup can cure stomach distention. Loquat fruit can cure cough. Eat bitter gourd, and your stomach will burn. Eat sesame, raise hair. To calm your nerves, eat jujube kernels. To strengthen the brain, eat walnuts. Eating apples is good for kidney.

Keep in mind that good health and happiness are guaranteed!





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