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New experience of summer wine flavored popsicle [Jinguo orange popsicle]

(2015-07-17 09:44:18)

delicious food


Lolly ice

Classification: Let's have a cool summer


When I was young, it seems that ice cream is not so popular, but more ice cream and popsicle like Red Bean Popsicle and Xuebao.

Compared with ice cream lollipop, it seems that light cream has the upper hand and the price is more expensive.

The lollipop is slightly hard in the taste, with a kind of frosty feeling. It is crunchy when bitten.

Since this year, mushroom will no longer go out to buy cold drinks. We still make DIY by ourselves. There are no terrible additives. We can mix them freely,

As long as you want, it can be combined. Today, it is a combination of fruit and pre mixed cocktail drinks,

Because of the relationship between losing alcohol one by one, it is more suitable for adults to eat and tastes a little special,

The strong exotic fruit aroma is mixed with orange flavor, and the feeling of losing vodka.
The small black particles in kiwi fruit bring a little fun to this simple popsicle.

As a fruit flavored cocktail drink, young people must be familiar with it,

Jiang Jinfu is also often seen in his bar in the TV drama "Step by Step",

Take homemade popsicles to make this summer cooler.



one No matter what kind of ice-cream or popsicle you make, the sweetness will decrease after freezing, and you can add some honey to taste it
two There may be layering when making fruit juice popsicle, and the refrigerator at home cannot achieve the effect of rapid freezing. When starting to freeze, you can take it out an hour later and shake it again an hour later. When there is a feeling of ice slag, you can put it aside for freezing overnight, so the layering situation will be much better
three If you don't like to add alcohol or give it to children, it is also a good choice to make popsicle by mixing kiwi fruit and sweet orange into juice



Material Description

Two gold kiwi fruits, a spoonful of honey, 170ml cold boiled water, 100ml orange vodka pre mixed wine


[Production Process]

one Prepare popsicle molds, RIO orange vodka premix, kiwi fruit and honey
two Peel the kiwi fruit and put it into the blender, add about 170ml of cold boiled water, and then add a spoonful of honey
three Beat the kiwi fruit into juice, add 100ml orange vodka pre mixed wine, and then stir for a while to mix well
four Pour the mixed juice into the popsicle mold
five Put the mold in average, put the lid on it and put it into the refrigerator for cold storage. At the beginning, take it out and mix it once after an hour, and mix it twice
six Put it in the refrigerator and freeze it for one night. When eating, take it out and rinse it with water. It can be easily demoulded



Where can I be found?
WeChat official account feixiaogumeishi , or One person, one rabbit, one kitchen


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