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The weight of the theme is double dancing to help rebound

(2018-11-15 11:20:00)

Today's market

As the US stock market continued to fall overnight It is also reasonable that the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened at a low price in the morning when the A-share market started. However, after the low opening, the market quickly opened a rising situation, and the venture capital sector continued to strengthen. Shibei Hi tech and Luxin Venture Capital scrambled for the board one after another. At the same time, the high delivery rate rose strongly, and the intraday securities changed. Therefore, the index rose rapidly driven by the weight and theme.

No worries above 2630 points Key points need patience

At present, the market is facing an important key point. Every time it reaches the key point, there will be constant consolidation and shock. At present, it is facing a breakthrough. It must be washed before it can easily fill the gap. Therefore, we must be patient. From the daily level, there has been obvious counter contracting in the Shanghai index, so there is no need to worry too much under the situation of multi control. At present, as long as the index is stable at At half past 2630 and above the neck line, it is expected to rebound to fill the gap.


 The weight of the theme is double dancing to help rebound

Pay attention to the low price stocks to supplement the rising price under the market differentiation pattern

Although Hengli Industrial fluctuated at a high level and some of its top stocks were also killed, other stocks in the plate began to make up for the rise, so it focused on shell resources, venture capital, or the recently popular theme stocks. Secondly, we said earlier that if the index breaks through, we need to be led by the weight. Today's changes in insurance and securities also indicate that the financial weight has begun to take a second wave. If there is a plate effect, we can follow up in time.


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