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A bitter surgeon, why don't I eat cauliflower and noodles?

(2016-11-22 22:48:31)

Miscellaneous talk

This evening, a friend invited me to dinner, and when we had a good chat, we served the first course.


As soon as I saw this dish, I lost my appetite. Do you know why?

When I learned about tumors in college, when I saw the difference in appearance between benign tumors and malignant tumors, the book said: malignant tumors look like cauliflower and grow expansively. Later, when I became a doctor and surgeon, I operated on many cancer patients. When I opened the patient's stomach, I often saw these cauliflower like tumors. The cancer without bleeding is as white as cut cauliflower; The cut cauliflower stained with blood is like fried cauliflower cooked in brown sauce.

Before becoming a doctor, I liked to eat cauliflower best, but after several cancer operations, I would never eat cauliflower again.

My uncle is a very excellent surgeon. He often operates on cancer patients, saving the lives of cancer patients one after another. Of course, there are so many cauliflower like tumors on the operating table. In the past 20 years, I have dined with him countless times, In my impression, cauliflower never appeared on my uncle's table. He couldn't eat cauliflower when he saw it.

Please invite the surgeon to have a meal. Generally, don't order cauliflower for him. Remember.

Actually, cauliflower is not the most disgusting thing I have ever seen as a surgeon.

One night more than ten years ago, a 37 year old female patient from Guizhou came. Because of intestinal obstruction, there was bloody pus in the abdominal cavity and she had to be operated on immediately. I gave her an emergency overnight operation. On the operating table, she found that her ileocecum and terminal ileum were full of ascaris lumbricoides, and her intestines were as big as her arms. (The normal small intestine is slightly thicker than the fingers.)

The operation is to cut the intestines and take out the roundworm.

The assistant helped me lift my intestines. I used a round pliers to pull out the roundworm from the opening, and put the roundworm out into a sterile square plate as big as a washbasin. Because the opening of the intestines is not large, only 3 to 4 roundworms can be pulled out at a time. The worm just pulled out will still wriggle, and soon the worm will die. Because of the oxygen in the air, it soon killed the roundworm. There is also stool on the worm. Of course, there is a stink. It's a strange stink.

I feel very disgusting, but I have to insist on digging roundworms. The assistant kept his face away from the surgical field, so that he could only smell the odor and not see the worm that would wriggle, which was slightly better. Anesthesiologist and itinerant nurse escaped to the door of the operating room in less than 2 minutes. ( Because there are various monitors on the general anesthesia machine, if there is any abnormality, it will alarm, so the anesthesiologist can leave the machine far away, as long as he sees the machine.) After about ten minutes, the hand washing nurse could no longer stand it. She rushed to the door of the operating room, took off the mask, and vomited there. After all, my assistant is a boy. He is still calm. He doesn't look at the surgical site, turns his head around, and I pick up the worm at will.

Many times, my stomach turned upside down and wanted to vomit out, but I still forced myself to hold back. If I vomit, this operation can't be done. Who told me to be a doctor.

I spent about half an hour digging worms. Ascaris lumbricoides filled the aseptic square plate like a large washbasin with a full and high basin. Like the food below.


Yes, the color, size and shape of the roundworm are like noodles, especially Xinjiang noodles. However, the number is much more than the above one.

I moved the large basin of worms outside the operating room, and then called back the nurses and anesthesiologists. I changed my clothes and gloves and continued to finish the operation.

Of course the patient is safe. However, the scene of pulling out the roundworm was so disgusting that it was deeply engraved in my mind.

After that, I didn't eat noodles for three months. However, the noodles in Zhejiang are thin and mostly soup noodles, so they are not very similar to ascaris. Later, I slowly resumed eating noodles.

In March 2014, I came to Wensu County, Aksu, Xinjiang, to work as a doctor to assist Xinjiang. On the first day, three operations were performed consecutively. Lunch is eaten in the operating room. The nurse in the operating room helped me buy food in the canteen, sent it to the rest room in the operating room, and gave me lunch. When I saw this lunch, I lost my appetite. Yes, you guessed it. It's Xinjiang noodles, much like the ascaris Xinjiang noodles I pulled out.

But if I don't eat it, I won't have the strength to operate. I can only force myself to eat. That's a real pain.

In the hospital canteen, there are only two staple foods for lunch: pilaf or noodles. I will eat whatever the nurse likes to buy me. That is to say, about half of the operation days, I eat Xinjiang noodles that make me feel very painful.

Moreover, as soon as the Uighur nurses in the hospital saw me getting off the operating table, they said at a distance, "Director, are you finished?" I quickly corrected her, "Yes, I'm finished with the operation, not me." However, the next time they said, "Director, you are finished! Hurry to eat the noodles, and they have already bought them for you." This is their customary language, I can't change anything.

I was in the "Director, you are finished! Hurry to eat noodles!" This kind of politeness, I have eaten Xinjiang noodles for a year and a half!

My heart is full of tears!

You know how tough it is for surgeons!


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