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The high incidence period of children's diarrhea in autumn is approaching, so please take away these prevention and nursing methods!

(2017-09-26 13:27:15)

Miscellaneous talk

It's getting colder in Beijing, and it's the season when babies have diarrhea in autumn.

Miao Miao is one and a half years old this year. Yesterday morning, he began to have diarrhea soon after walking with his grandparents as usual. After a day, he had diarrhea nearly ten times, but he did not get better after taking antidiarrheal drugs. Today, I not only had diarrhea, but also started to have a fever and vomited twice. Because my parents were away on business, my grandparents hurried to take my granddaughter to the hospital. Once checked, it was rotavirus infection.

What is rotavirus infection? How to do with baby's autumn diarrhea? How to prevent?

Beijing Children's Hospital Zhang Wanying Answers Questions for All Treasure Parents~

What is rotavirus infection? Is the consequence serious?

Rotavirus is the most common pathogen of infantile diarrhea in autumn and winter. The enteritis caused by rotavirus is also called "autumn diarrhea". It mostly occurs in 10~11 in Beijing In April, it was sporadic or slightly epidemic, and there were sporadic cases in summer.

In cold season, 80% of infantile diarrhea is caused by virus infection. Among viral diarrhea, rotavirus and viral enteritis have the highest incidence and severe symptoms. Secondly, there are astrovirus, norwalk virus of caliciviridae, etc.


Rotavirus can cause spot like damage to small intestinal epithelial cells, and mucosal involvement can lead to destruction of intestinal villi. The decline of disaccharidase activity can lead to the decline of carbohydrate absorption, the increase of osmotic pressure and secretion, and the formation of watery diarrhea.

Rotavirus enteritis is a self limited disease, generally good later, with a natural course of 3~8 Days, few are longer. However, dehydration, acidosis and electrolyte disorder are common complications. However, in recent years, it has been reported that rotavirus infection may invade multiple organs and produce nervous system symptoms, such as convulsions, and that some children have abnormal serum myocardial enzymes, suggesting myocardial involvement, which need to be noticed by parents.

How does diarrhea spread in autumn when it is high?

In autumn, diarrhea is mainly spread through feces and mouth, and can also be caused by respiratory tract infection in the form of aerosol. It is highly infectious, and people who are easy to be infected only need 10 The virus can be infected and spread rapidly in families and hospitals.

Antibodies can be produced after infection, and specific antibodies can exist for a long time, but whether they are protective or not is still uncertain. The feces of infected people can contain more than 1000 per gram Billion infectious virus particles; Only 10 to 100 of them can infect another person through transmission.  


Rotavirus is prevalent in summer, autumn and winter every year. It has strong resistance to the external environment and is heat-resistant. It can survive for 7 months at room temperature and for 1 hour at 50 ° C. The morphology and structure of the virus remain unchanged. It can also survive for a long time at - 20 ° C. In addition, it is difficult to be damaged by stomach acid, which is easy to cause transmission.

Rotavirus is stable in the natural environment, and the incidence of rotavirus infection is similar in countries with high and low health levels.

What are the symptoms of autumn diarrhea?

The incubation period of diarrhea in autumn is 1-3 days, which mostly occurs in infants aged 6 to 24 months, and children aged over 4 years Children are rare. It has an acute onset, often accompanied by fever and upper respiratory tract infection symptoms, without obvious symptoms of infection and poisoning.

Vomiting often occurs 1~2 days in the initial stage of the disease, followed by diarrhea. The stool shows "three excess", that is, large amount More times, more moisture, yellow water sample or egg pattern with a small amount of mucus, no odor.

What should I do if my child has autumn diarrhea?

Once a child has diarrhea, parents should pay attention to the child's spirit, face color, stool frequency, character and urine volume. Regardless of the severity of the illness, parents should take the child to the hospital for treatment. It is better to take a fresh stool and defecation at the same time Send them to the laboratory for inspection in a timely manner within one hour, so that the doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

If the child has mental changes (irritability, mental weakness), cold limbs, dry mouth, few tears, and significantly reduced urine output If the eyes cannot be closed, the anterior fontanel and the eye socket are sunken, the patient should be rushed to the hospital for rescue.

How does the child eat during autumn diarrhea?

The baby's diet should be adjusted according to different conditions during autumn diarrhea. Babies can continue to breastfeed, and those who are artificially fed should talk about digestible food, such as rice soup, rice porridge Diluted milk or nonfat yogurt, etc. Avoid eating raw, cold and greasy food. At the same time, encourage children to drink more water.


It is also important not to fast, but continue to feed the baby. You can change porridge, noodles, etc. into rice soup, and add a little salt in the rice soup. Some complementary foods, such as meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc., will be temporarily stopped until the diarrhea is relieved, but the time of stopping complementary foods should not be too long, generally within 3 days.

It is said that "eat more and pull more, don't eat more and pull less", so children should fast during diarrhea?

This is extremely wrong. Fasting during diarrhea will aggravate dehydration in children.

Most children suffer from acute diarrhea. Frequent diarrhea will cause rapid loss of water and nutrients in the body, resulting in acute dehydration. Water is an important material to maintain life. The younger you are, the greater the proportion of water in your body weight. Dehydration symptoms (depression, thirst, irritability, weakness, decreased urine output, poor skin elasticity, etc.) can occur when the child loses 5% of the weight of water; More than 15% will have convulsions, coma, or even life-threatening.

It can be seen that parents should continue to let their children eat at this time, especially pay attention to liquid intake. Only early prevention and timely correction of dehydration can make children recover as soon as possible.

How to protect baby's little farts during diarrhea

Because of diarrhea, the number of stools of the baby has increased a lot, so it will continue to pollute the small farts.

Because the baby's skin is thin and tender, and feces can easily cause buttock redness and urinary tract infection, parents should change diapers frequently and wash buttocks with warm water after each stool( Try not to use soap or disinfectant), dry with toilet paper, choose soft and absorbent diapers, and keep the buttocks skin clean. Those with damaged buttock skin can expose the skin and use infrared light to keep it dry, and apply Baiduobang ointment.

Special attention should be paid to the nursing of girls with autumn diarrhea

When a girl has diarrhea, parents should pay attention to the reaction of the child when urinating. First of all, keep the perineum clean. Wipe and clean the area around the anus in time after each defecation. Pay attention to the direction of wiping. Always wipe from front to back; At the same time, encourage children to drink more water, urinate more, and not hold their urine.

Once the child has frequent urination, pain in urination, urgency in urination, he or she should seek medical advice immediately. At the same time, pay attention to the cleanliness of the children's underwear during diarrhea, boil it or expose it in the sun after timely replacement, try to wear the children's cotton and light colored underwear with good air permeability, cut the children's nails short, and do not let the children scratch when the perineum is itchy.

Infants with diarrhea should be fed carefully

When babies have diarrhea, how to feed them is very important.

Nutritional treatment principles for infant diarrhea, It is mainly to adjust the diet. In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to stop eating high fat and indigestible food in time. It is appropriate to drink skim milk when infants have diarrhea, so as to reduce the gastrointestinal burden and improve the digestive function A natural recovery process.

Skimmed milk can not only help infants to supplement high-quality protein, but also prevent excessive fat intake from producing slippery intestines, which is conducive to nutrition supplement and easy to digest and absorb for infants' intestines. If infants are fed with formula milk powder, parents are recommended to choose lactose free formula milk powder for those with severe diarrhea.

How to prevent diarrhea in autumn?

Since there is no specific treatment for autumn diarrhea, prevention is the key. Therefore, parents need to take the following measures to effectively prevent“ Autumn diarrhea ":

(1) You should develop good personal hygiene habits for your baby. Do not eat raw or cold food. Drink boiled water Wash hands before meals and after defecation; Pay attention to food hygiene and safety when traveling; Parental treatment After defecation, children should also thoroughly clean their hands and objects contaminated by feces to avoid fecal oral transmission.

(2) Tableware (cutting boards, knives and forks, juicers, various containers, etc.) is dried after use, and cleaned and disinfected before use.

(3) The baby's food in the refrigerator should be placed in clean containers. Must be boiled before eating.

(4) Don't close the doors and windows because the weather turns cold, for fear that the baby will get cold. Keeping good indoor air circulation can reduce the chance of virus infection.

(5) Less medical places where children are concentrated, and no public playgrounds, so as to reduce the chance of contacting children with diarrhea.

(6) Take more exercise to build up your physique. Eat normally, keep rich nutrition and get enough sleep, Keeping a good mental state will help prevent intestinal infectious diseases. Young infants are encouraged to breastfeed to improve their health. Pay attention to keeping warm, and increase or decrease clothes according to weather changes.

(7) The most important thing is not to abuse antibiotics. Diarrhoea in autumn is caused by virus, and the course of disease is usually compared Short, self-healing. There is no specific drug for viral infection at present, and symptomatic treatment is the main treatment. However, severe and persistent diarrhea will lead to dehydration and electrolyte disorder. At this time, appropriate antidiarrheal drugs and dehydration prevention treatment can be given at the same time of etiological treatment.

(8) There is a rotavirus vaccine, so parents with conditions can vaccinate your child. There is also oral round vaccine, which is suitable for less than 3 For infants and young children aged 30 years, oral administration is required once a year.

Source: Healthy Beijing


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