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The stroke can be cured within 1 hour after its onset in Beijing!

(2017-08-03 21:48:10)

Miscellaneous talk

According to the report issued by the Chinese Stroke Society in 2015, about 1.3 million patients die of cerebrovascular disease every year in China. The survey shows that in China, one person has stroke every 12 seconds, one person has died of stroke every 21 seconds, and about 2.7 million patients have new cerebrovascular disease every year.

In addition, the brain injury caused by stroke is irreversible, and its high recurrence, high disability and mortality rate also seriously threaten the health of the people and cause the burden of family and society.

Wang Longde, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that if the patients were controlled within 4.5 hours from the onset of stroke to the use of drugs, the mortality and disability rate of stroke could be significantly reduced, the recovery time of patients could be shortened, and the quality of life of patients after disease could be improved. In fact, less than 2% of stroke patients in our country completed the treatment within 4.5 hours from the onset to the medication.

Therefore, how to shorten the treatment time of stroke patients is very important.


On August 2, 2017, the Beijing Cardio cerebrovascular First Aid Process Improvement Observation Meeting led by Beijing Tiantan Hospital and participated by multiple sub centers in Beijing was held in Beijing Tiantan Hospital, where the "Stroke First Aid APP" that has been in trial operation for two weeks was displayed.

Wang Yilong, director of the Clinical Trial and Research Center of the Neurology Center of Tiantan Hospital, said: "At present, more than 30 stroke patients have been treated through this APP The time between stroke patients arriving at the hospital and receiving intravenous thrombolysis treatment was 20% shorter than that before using APP; The time from arriving at the hospital to embolectomy and puncture treatment was shortened by nearly 30%. "

How does this APP do it? Let's have a look!

Data exchange among first aid, community and hospital to save treatment time

It turns out that many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients spend too much time in the rescue process from the onset to the treatment, resulting in the treatment has often missed the golden time of rescue.

The improvement of Beijing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular first aid process is demonstrated by the improvement of stroke diagnosis and treatment process. Through the "Stroke First Aid APP", the pre hospital first aid 120 system, hospital stroke first aid system and community health system are combined to shorten the stroke rescue time, improve the reperfusion treatment rate and improve the clinical prognosis of patients.


In this process, when a stroke patient gets sick, as long as he or she dials 120120 at the first time to receive the patient, on the way to the hospital, he or she can use the stroke rescue map to determine the nearest hospital and hospital bed to the patient, and select the hospital for treatment. The selected hospital will receive the notice that the patient is about to arrive, Prepare for the treatment of patients.


At the same time, on the way to the hospital, emergency personnel can perform FAST assessment on patients and upload the assessment results to APP, so that the stroke team waiting for treatment in the hospital will have a preliminary understanding of the patient's situation.


In addition, doctors can also access the patient's health records in the community hospital through the patient's ID card number to understand the patient's past medical history, medication situation and possible risk factors.

The APP can not only see patients' text data, but also medical image data, and update them in real time.


In hospital rescue process "from series to parallel"

After the patient arrives at the hospital, the relevant departments involved in the hospital treatment process will change from the original "series" working mode to the "parallel" working mode.

In addition, the patient had to wait for the imaging doctor to issue the examination report after completing CT and examination in the hospital. Now, the attending doctor of the stroke team will directly look at the film for judgment.

The reduction of these processes has greatly improved the treatment efficiency, reduced the incidence of death and disability of patients, and improved the quality of life of patients after onset.

The "first aid APP" was used to improve the first aid process for stroke. It is to optimize the stroke first aid process through the Internet rescue system, "vertical and horizontal combination, quick and slow connection", to achieve the grid of emergency management for stroke patients, prioritization of pre hospital first aid dispatch, standardization of pre hospital assessment and inspection, advance notification of stroke arrival, and simultaneous implementation of hospital first aid process, and finally form an integrated diagnosis and treatment model of community, pre hospital, and hospital stroke first aid. It is believed that this measure will improve the ability of first aid for stroke, reduce time delay, strive for the best opportunity for treatment for more patients, and provide more high-quality and efficient services.

At present, the "Stroke First Aid APP" has initially connected Tiantan Hospital, Fengtai District First Aid Center, You'anmen Community Health Service Center and Fangzhuang Community Health Service Center.

Professor Wang Chen from Beijing Tiantan Hospital said that by the end of this year, APP is expected to cover most of the city's comprehensive stroke centers, Beijing Emergency Center and 12 community health service centers in Fengtai District, and then further expand to the whole city.

Wang Longde said that he hoped that the stroke integrated rescue system explored by Beijing through the change of process management could play an important role in the first aid of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases nationwide and establish a model for the reform of China's emergency medical system!

Source: Healthy Beijing


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