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High temperature continues! These people must focus on heatstroke prevention. Do you know how to fight heatstroke?

(2017-06-30 12:18:03)

Miscellaneous talk

The recent high temperature in Beijing, we should pay attention to heatstroke prevention!

In hot summer, high temperature, high humidity and strong thermal radiation weather can cause a series of physiological function changes of the human body.

The symptoms that may be caused by high temperature include headache, dizziness, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, pale face, erythema, fever, skin pain, muscle pain, fatigue, and subsequent convulsions, fainting, and disturbance of consciousness.

So, in the high temperature, which people need to pay special attention to prevent heatstroke?

  Infants and children: They are more vulnerable to high temperatures and need to rely more on the help of others to arrange a suitable environment and supplement water.

Especially for parents who drive their children out, they should never leave infants or children alone in the car, because even when the windows leave gaps, the temperature in the car can still rise by nearly 7 degrees Celsius within 10 minutes after parking.

 High temperature continues! These people must focus on heatstroke prevention. Do you know how to fight heatstroke?

Therefore, parents who take their children out must pay attention to the following matters:

1. Never leave infants or children in parked cars.

2. Please always remind yourself that there is still a child to take care of.

3. When the vehicle is parked and ready to leave, please make sure that all the accompanying people have got off, and do not ignore the sleeping children.

Elderly people over 65: Their physical functions may not be able to effectively cope with and deal with the damage caused to their bodies by high temperature, and their body's perception and response to temperature changes will become slow. It is recommended that the family or friends of the elderly over 65 should call at least twice a day in the morning and afternoon to confirm the health status of the elderly.

People who work or exercise too hard: These people may be dehydrated under high temperature environment, and are more prone to heatstroke.

patient: Especially those who suffer from heart disease, hypertension, or are taking certain drugs, such as drugs for depression, insomnia, and poor blood circulation. These people are more susceptible to high temperatures.

 High temperature continues! These people must focus on heatstroke prevention. Do you know how to fight heatstroke?

Although heatstroke is easy to occur among these people, heatstroke can be avoided by doing a good job in prevention.

Drinking water: First, pay attention to supplement water. In summer, the water in the body volatilizes more, and you can't wait to drink water when you are thirsty. At that time, the body is already in a state of water shortage. In addition, some trace elements in the body will be taken away with the evaporation of water, so you should drink some salt water properly.

Food: Sufficient protein should be supplemented, such as fish, meat, eggs, milk and beans; In addition, you should also eat more fresh fruits and vegetables that can prevent heatstroke, such as tomatoes, watermelon, balsam pear, etc.

It should be noted here that a large amount of cold drinks may lead to heatstroke, because a sudden decrease in the local temperature of the human body will affect the normal operation of various system functions.

Outgoing: Remember to prepare sunscreen when you go out. It is better not to walk in the hot sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you must go out at this time, you must wear a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and plenty of water.

In addition, heatstroke prevention drugs, such as Shidishui, Rendan, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, must be available. When going out, try to use cotton, linen and silk fabrics, and wear less chemical fiber clothes, so as not to lose heat in time when sweating heavily.

Sleep: High temperature weather also consumes a lot of physical strength, and it is easy to feel tired. Adequate sleep can relax all systems of the brain and body and help prevent heatstroke. Be careful not to lie under the air outlet and electric fan of the air conditioner when sleeping, so as to avoid suffering from air conditioning disease and heat.

So, even if we pay attention, we still suffer from heatstroke. What should we do?

In case of headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating and other early heatstroke symptoms, we should:

1. Immediately stop what you are doing and sit down in a shady place to rest;

2. At the same time, supplement water and drink slowly.

3. Loosen the collar button, tie, etc., maintain ventilation around the body, and apply or take heatstroke relieving drugs;

If, after a period of rest, the symptoms of heatstroke increase rather than decrease, you should go to a doctor in time!

Source: Healthy Beijing


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