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The best Bordeaux blend in the world is not from Bordeaux?

(2020-10-29 19:53:29)



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One of the most embarrassing things in the world may be that you invented something, and others played it better than you... For example, the cover singing of a song is better than the original singing, which may even make people think that the cover singing is the original singing; For example, modern football comes from Britain, but there are many countries that play football better than Britain now

In the wine industry, Bordeaux is also facing such embarrassment. Bordeaux has created the classic "Bordeaux blend", but they may not be the best production area of Bordeaux blend now.

The so-called Bordeaux blend is to use several classic grape varieties in Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon)、 Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot) mixed wine. Not all of the five will be used, but most will include Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

Bordeaux has been recognized by the whole world successfully. Their mixed wine is the best wine. Bordeaux model has become a "wine making standard". Up to now, you can't find any wine producing country that does not produce Bordeaux blend at all, including many wineries in China, which have been trying to produce "Bordeaux style wine" so far.

The world recognized Bordeaux blend, so the embarrassing thing came. These "latecomers" brewed even better than Bordeaux

Let's take a look at Wine, a wine search website What are the top 10 Bordeaux blends in the world according to the Searcher (WS for short).

PS. WS Collected scores from many wine critics, including influential individual wine critics such as Robert Parker and Jancis Robinson), Go to various authoritative wine magazines, such as Wine Spectator, and adjust them to the 100 point scale. Then, WS The average score will be obtained by calculating the weighted average. After all, not all wine critics are equal in weight. In addition, the scoring also considers the comprehensive performance of some specific years and all years.


Helan Winery Dry Red Wine
Harlan Estate

Average score: 97
Average price before tax: 7457 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

When I saw that the first place was Helan Winery, I was surprised, but it was reasonable.

Helan winery was established in 1984, located in Napa Valley Valley), facing the famous Screaming Eagle across the Oak Village. Only 30 Helan Winery has become a top famous winery since 1985, and is famous for its super high level Bordeaux blend.

There is an interesting episode. In the past, Helan Winery was often translated into Haran Winery in China, but in fact, the winery would rather be translated into Helan Winery (they know that Helan is very famous in China). The architecture of Helan Winery also has a slight Chinese style, which is quite Zen like.

The hills where the winery is located are surrounded on three sides by Mayacamas Mountain, and the rest faces Napa Valley. The vineyards are scattered around the hills and on the slopes of Mayacamas Mountain in the southwest. The winery said that the vineyards around the mountains have nearly three hundred and sixty The degree of sunshine orientation, on the one hand, ensures a relatively consistent ripening period of grapes, and on the other hand, the soil on each side of the hillside is different, which brings more complex and layered taste to grapes.

Parker also highly praised the dry red wine of Helan Winery and gave high marks to most years, among which Full marks are given in 1994, 1997, 2001, 2002 and 2007.


Alberto Tolveros Cabernet Sauvignon
Abreu Thorevilos Cabernet Sauvignon

Average score: 96
Average price before tax: 3864 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

David, the owner of Alberu winery Abreu) founded his own vineyard management company David Abreu Vineyard after studying in Burgundy, France Management, Wei Xiaoying, He Lan and Colgin Cellars). His meticulous perfectionism in vineyard management was recognized by these wineries, and he became one of the most famous vineyard consultants in Napa.

In addition to the title of vineyard consultant, David Abreu in 1980 The winery of the same name Alberru, established in, is also eye-catching, producing a series of top wines, keeping the essence of the local flavor in the bottle, and endowing it with amazing aging potential. There are currently 4 wineries Vineyards, this wine from Thorevilos has been produced in 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007 and 2013 Parker gave full marks for five times.


Koujin Estate No.9 Dry Red Wine
Colgin Cellars IX Estate Red

Average score: 96
Average price before tax: 3733 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

3rd Name is still a famous wine house from California, USA, and it is younger. Kogin Winery was established in 1992, and its owner is Ann Colgin)。

The manor owner has successively employed the famous winemaker Helen Turley) as the wine consultant and David Eiberg as the director of the vineyard. These two are masters of the American wine industry The's quickly gained popularity.

Kogin Winery produces very little wine, with a maximum of 1250 cases of wine produced each year. The winery owns Three vineyards: IX Estate Vineyard, Tychson Hill Vineyard) and Cariad Vineyard, of which Manor 9 and Teikasong 2 In the first year, all the dry red wines received full marks from Parker, and the No.9 Manor was rated by Parker as "one of the best vineyards I have ever seen".

This Kogin No. 9 Manor was brewed under the guidance of Helen Terry, emphasizing low yield and balance, thus stimulating the potential characteristics of the vineyard. Parker's full mark year is 2002、2006、2007、2010、2013。


Houbowang Dry Red Wine
Chateau Haut-Brion

Average score: 96
Average price before tax: 4221 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

The best Bordeaux blend has finally come to Bordeaux

Houbowang Winery, everyone should be familiar with it, 5 Pessac Leognan on the left bank, one of the first-class villages, is 61 The only winery not in Medoc.

At 5 In the first class, although Houber King is the smallest, it is the earliest to become famous. Now it is the Bordeaux wine giant Domaine Clarence Dillon), one of the wineries under the Group, owns 51 hectares of vineyards.

The blending style of dry red wine of Houberwang Winery is different from that of Cabernet Sauvignon dominated by Medoc. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon account for the same proportion. Merlot even accounts for the proportion of Cabernet Sauvignon in many years More than 50%.


Ousong Dry Red Wine
Chateau Ausone

Average score: 96
Average price before tax: 5111 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

Ousong winery is a first-class winery A of Saint Emilion It can be said that it is the oldest winery in Bordeaux, and the history of grape cultivation can be traced back to nearly 2000 Years ago. The classic authentic wine is a blend of Cabernet Franc and Merlot. Ousong Winery is named after the poet Ousong, so it has always been known as "the wine of poets". Its good old wine is soft and balanced, and its aroma is concentrated and complex. Parker once commented: "If patience is not your virtue, then buying a bottle of Ousong wine is not very meaningful!"


Mutong Winery Dry Red Wine
Chateau Mouton Rothschild

Average score: 96
Average price before tax: 4579 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

At WS On the website, the wine with the highest search volume is not Lafite, but the neighboring Moutong Winery. In the first 1855 Originally, it was only rated as Grade II Villa, but it was upgraded to Grade I Villa in 1973, more than a century later. Mu Tong from 1945 Since the beginning of the year, different artists have been invited to design wine labels for the genuine dry red wines of the winery every year, so it is also known as the "most artistic winery".

The dry red style of Mutong Winery has the typical characteristics of Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine has unique aroma, with ripe blackcurrant fruit flavor, coffee, baking, oak aroma, and strong tannins. In good years, the wine is quite rich, and has a long aftertaste. The wine is pure and elegant.


Margaux Dry Red Wine
Chateau Margaux

Average score: 95
Average price before tax: 5032 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

Margo winery is also one of the top five first class wineries. It comes from Margo Village with the same name and owns land area 262 hectares, with vineyards accounting for about 90 hectares. Former US President Thomas Jefferson once rated Margaux as Bordeaux 5 Corinne Mentzelopoulos is the head of Daming Villa and now in charge of the winery.

Margo's style is the most elegant one among the first-class villas. Although its tannin content is often high, it can't taste strong astringency, which shows that the overall balance is excellent.


White Horse Winery Dry Red Wine
Chateau Cheval Blanc

Average score: 95
Average price before tax: 4683 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

White Horse Winery is also a first-class winery A of Saint Emilion Grade, another top winery of Saint Emilion, which is now LVMH Group owned. The vineyard landscape of the winery is also listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO. The authentic brand of White Horse Winery is also a blend of Cabernet Franc and Merlot, with a vineyard area of 41 Hectare, which is very large on the right bank of Bordeaux. It is not easy to brew high-quality wine, but it is even more difficult to combine yield and quality.

White Horse Winery Dry Red 1947 The vintage is a legend, destined to be famous for thousands of years. First, its alcohol content reached a very rare 14.3% at that time, and because of the unexpected interruption in brewing, there were 3-4 wine left Grams of residual sugar, with the flavor of port wine, is powerful and fruity.  


Alberto Cabernet Sauvignon
Abreu Cappella Proprietary Red

Average score: 95
Average price before tax: 3462 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

The other one on the list is the mixed dry red wine of Eberu Winery. This one is from Cappella vineyard, which covers an area of about 2.4 hectares, one of the oldest vineyards in St. Helena. In the 1980s, the church asked David to remove this building for more than 20 years The old vines in the vineyard that had not been cultivated for six years, but David chose to replant grapes on this land for six years and achieved success. This wine has won Parker 96, 97 and 98 for many times High score evaluation.


Exclusive Dry Red Wine of Sloan Winery
Sloan Proprietary Red

Average score: 95
Average price before tax: 3864 Yuan/bottle (750ml)

Sloan Winery is located in Napa Valley, USA, in 1998 It was founded by Stuart Sloan, a grape grower. In the following ten years, Stewart constantly explored the potential of the vineyard, improved the quality of the winery wine, and In 2001, we hired an all star production team for the winery - Michel Rolland, a wine consultant, and Martha, a winemaker McClellan) and David Abreu, an expert in vineyard management.

This exclusive Sloan dry red wine is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. It has a clear sense of hierarchy, complexity and strong aroma flavor, achieving an excellent balance between strength and elegance. two thousand and two Both in 2007 and 2007, they got full marks from Parker Team.

  • To sum up

It has to be said that this result is somewhat unexpected on the whole Half of the wines are from Napa Valley, and the top 3 First name. However, some famous wines we are most familiar with, such as Lafite, Latour, Lynch Bages, Pontet Canet and so on, have not been selected. In fact, if we expand the list to 25. You will find that 15 of them are from California.

In fact, objectively speaking, Bordeaux can be forgiven. After all, the climate in Bordeaux is unstable, and the year difference is large. In case of bad years, the score will not be high. However, Napa has a dry and hot climate with little difference in years, so the quality of the wine is naturally very stable. At present, most of the world's mainstream wine critics do prefer strong, plump and complex styles, and Napa is also better at this point.

Anyway, Bordeaux wineries really need a sense of crisis!


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