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Digital Gann: (Wednesday) 11.21 market analysis

(2018-11-20 14:15:21)
Classification: Unravel at all times
Previous review:

I am not good at selling stocks. I have to reach the level of A-share Prophet. We reached 2590 at the bottom and 2700 at the top. If you look at my recent selling, you will know my level. As I said in the disk yesterday, 2703 created five minutes of ABC betrayal exhaustion, so D reincarnation step expansion, pay attention to risks, that's all.

Structural analysis:

 Digital Gann: (Wednesday) 11.21 market analysis

The ABC structure of 2590-2703 is a five minute standard betrayal exhaustion, that is to say, this is the real divergence in entanglement theory. From the wave theory, ABC is the exhaustion of a numerical factor, so the D of ABC-D can trigger a downward expansion. I announced yesterday that the D-round decline is allowed to cause more than 50 points of backpedaling. As of 14.02 p.m., when I wrote the offer, it was close to 50 points. But the step back here is allowed to be above 50 points, but it is not allowed to fall below 2626. If you go well, it can be in the 2636 range. Therefore, the 2626 point can be regarded as the support point of this wave of short-term.

Coping principles:

In the process of writing the settlement, the drop was more than 50 points, 2703-2652. I hit all the settlement yesterday, that's it. Since this is the case, how to deal with it? In the 2630-2650 range, there is a backdraft. I will not judge where the backdraft goes, but before there is no backdraft, it should be noted that the 2703 decline on Thursday afternoon must be backdraft and end. Once 2703 does not appear, it will continue to decline after Thursday afternoon. The overall market will become a mid line downward trend as mentioned yesterday. This is the decline of ABC structure after the five wave structure of 2449-2703. Then the range of retracement can still reach 2550-2500.

Bin allocation:

I have told the short-term position 2700 to reduce the position every high these days. The midline position looks at the 2630-2650 range. Once it falls below the short-term support, the midline position will become a short-term position. We will do the rotation of selling high and buying low. That's all. 30% position holding, that's it.

VIP class address: http://finance.sina.com.cn/zt_d/tzxy_2342117515

Digital Gann : Sina.com Investment College Finance Senior lecturer He is the first person in China's stock market forecasting technology and the founder of the theory of reincarnation. Author of the book "The Theory of Stock Trend Recurrence". Click the digital Ganen WeChat official account (szje588) to follow and answer your questions. Stabilize positions and returns in the style of technical analysis. When you make money, donate some of it and do good deeds. Imperial court High end tea Founder of the brand.


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