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 Child nutritionist Xia Qunying
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The Spring Festival is coming. Don't let these incidents affect your baby's health

(2016-01-15 09:35:27)
Classification: Food Safety


   There is still a month to go before the annual Spring Festival. When it comes to the Spring Festival, the happiest thing is the elderly and children at home. The old people have been looking forward to a year and finally come to the happy gathering time full of children and grandchildren; The reason why children like to celebrate the New Year is that they can wear beautiful new clothes and get lucky money in the New Year, and another important reason is that they can have a free "happy" time again! The so-called "happy time" of children means that during the festival, parents often don't ask children too much, and children often eat all kinds of snacks and drink all kinds of drinks without restraint. This kind of life is really a supreme happiness for children. However, this "happy time" often hides great risks. It is easy to expose the baby's health to the hidden dangers of disease, and even bring various "episodes" to the baby's body, thus affecting the baby's happy New Year. What "small episodes" may be staged during the Spring Festival? Let's have a look.

   Episode I: acute gastroenteritis

   Acute gastroenteritis is an acute inflammation of gastrointestinal mucosa, most of which are caused by improper diet or excessive consumption of stimulating food. Acute gastroenteritis is often acute, often manifested as nausea and vomiting, fever and sweating, abdominal pain and diarrhea [1]

   Since the Spring Festival is a day for most people to reward themselves, all kinds of food are naturally indispensable. Many places one About six months ago, we began to buy New Year's goods and cook delicious food. Fried food, dim sum candy, and various cold drinks are all indispensable "magic weapons" for every family to entertain guests during the Spring Festival.

   Because the intestinal function of the baby is not as strong as that of adults, and the immunity is also slightly poor, if you eat this and that again without restraint, cold and hot Alternately, it is easy to suffer from acute gastroenteritis.

   Correct practice: avoid giving your baby cold and spicy food, avoid feeding your baby food that you don't have much contact with daily, avoid multiple people feeding your baby, and avoid adults feeding your baby without washing their hands. Your baby needs to wash their hands before eating.

   Episode 2: Acute upper respiratory tract infection

   Acute upper respiratory tract infection is caused by virus, bacteria, mycoplasma and other pathogens invading the body. It is mostly caused by the decline of patients' immune system function, changes in environmental factors, etc [2]

   During the Spring Festival, many parents take their babies back to their hometown for reunion. Because there is no "nine to five" restriction during the festival, and in addition, relatives have not seen each other for a long time, it is very common for various family activities to lead to irregular work and rest. Babies like to join in the fun most. At this time, if there is no restriction from parents, the sleeping time of babies cannot be guaranteed naturally. Irregular work and rest can easily lead to the baby's immunity And there are many family members during the Spring Festival, so cross infection is easy to occur.

   Correct practice: keep the baby in line with his daily routine, increase or decrease his clothes in time, stick to eating vegetables and fruits every day, and avoid his "close contact" with too many people.

   Episode 3: Choking

   During the Spring Festival, babies have more opportunities to get in touch with all kinds of nuts, and most of them like nuts, which are more and more delicious. At this time, it is easy for babies to eat nuts when they run, jump, play and play without parental care Raw food choking.

   Correct practice: Babies must be accompanied by adults to eat nuts. Nuts should be broken into small pieces as far as possible to avoid giving them nuts that they have not eaten in normal days. Babies are forbidden to eat when running, jumping, playing and playing.

   Episode 4: Food Accumulation

   Accumulated food is 1~5 Most of the common diseases of children aged 18 are indigestion caused by immature digestive function of children and improper feeding of parents. Appetite, anorexia, abdominal distension, bad breath, fever of hands and feet, etc [3]

   No matter where you go to dinner during the festival, big fish and big meat are the eternal "theme". The occasional sight of vegetables is enough to show that this family pays more attention to nutrition and health care. This kind of diet just meets the "needs" of most babies who don't like vegetables. Seeing a wide variety of meat food, if parents give their babies absolute "freedom" to eat, they will have accumulated food with less than a few meals.

   Correct practice: If you can't guarantee the intake of vegetables when you go to a banquet, you can appropriately take in more fruits, and you should control the intake of your baby's diet at each meal. Try to take your baby to participate in some outdoor activities.

   The above are some of the "little episodes" that babies are prone to appear in the spring. I believe that after reading the introduction above, parents must know something about it. Let's try to avoid these small "minefields", so that babies can really have a happy Spring Festival.


   [1] Sun Lilui , Houwan . Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acute gastroenteritis [J]. China's health industry ,2001,18(03)

   [2] Zha Risheng , Sun Yeyuan , Fan Yajun et al . Analysis of the influencing factors of respiratory diseases in school-age children [J]. Public Health in China ,2003,(19)

   [3] Yanquanming . How to deal with children suffering from food accumulation . family doctor ,2005,16 05

Du Rong, a reckless educator for children


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