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 Child nutritionist Xia Qunying
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A few snacks to recuperate baby's cough in summer

(2013-07-23 16:11:18)


Ginkgo biloba


How many?

Small piece


Classification: Parenting knowledge



    Baby cough in summer, as long as you can observe and analyze baby cough, distinguish the type of cough by the main symptoms of cough, and then have a good effect through diet.


How to distinguish the type of baby cough?

When the baby coughs, the phlegm is yellow and the tongue coating is also yellow, it belongs to phlegm heat type cough; If the baby suddenly coughs because it is too hot, it belongs to hot cough; However, if the baby continues to cough for a long time with little and thin sputum, it belongs to yin deficiency pinch fever; If the baby enters the air-conditioned room from a hot environment and the temperature difference changes too much, the cough caused by cold belongs to the cough of hot inside and cold outside; If the baby coughs for a long time, often in the middle of the night, when encountering a humid environment or smelling odor or smoke, it belongs to allergic cough. If the baby with allergic cough has a history of allergy and asthma at home, it is recommended to take the baby to the hospital to check allergens.


Good classification conditioning effect:


1、 Mushroom and wax gourd soup:

Wax gourd with skin 100g , Lentinula edodes two Wash the skin of the white gourd and cut it into pieces. Wash the melon and put it into the pot together with the white gourd 800ml Boil the water together and turn down the heat. Stew the winter melon until it is ripe and rotten. Add salt and pour a few drops of sesame oil. It has the effects of clearing heat and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and detoxification, and is suitable for phlegm heat cough.


2、 Luffa and balsam pear juice:

Towel gourd 100g , balsam pear 50g , appropriate amount of white sugar. Peel and slice the loofah, blanch it in boiling water, remove and cool it, peel and slice the balsam pear, then put the blanched loofah and balsam pear into a juice extractor, mash and press them, take the juice, and mix with sugar. It has the effects of relieving heat, improving eyesight, clearing heat and inflammation, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, and is suitable for phlegm heat cough and heat heat cough.


3、 Congee with White Fungus and Lily

polished round-grained rice 50g , Tremella fuciformis 5g , fresh lily one . Wash the tremella bubble hair and wash the rice 2-3 Then, put them into a pot together, add some water, boil them in high heat, turn to low heat, remove the roots of the lily, and wash them for standby. When the porridge is boiled for half an hour, put the lily into the pot, and boil them together until the rice is ripe, and the porridge is thick. It has the function of moistening the lung and relieving cough, and is suitable for cough with yin deficiency and heating.


4、 Ginger porridge:

polished round-grained rice 50g , ginger three Small pieces. Wash the rice and put it into the pot, wash and cut the ginger into pieces and put them into the pot, then add some water, boil it over high heat and turn down the heat, until the rice is ripe and the porridge is thick. This porridge has the effects of warming the spleen and stomach, expelling cold, and promoting lung qi. It is suitable for coughing of the type of hot inside and cold outside


5、 Ginkgo mushroom porridge:

polished round-grained rice 50g , Ginkgo ten Piece, mushroom two Flower. Peel and wash the ginkgo, wash the shiitake mushroom, dice it, wash the japonica rice, put it into the pot together, add proper amount of water, boil it on high heat first, then turn down the heat to cook until the japonica rice is ripe and the porridge is thick, or add proper amount of salt for seasoning. This porridge has the effect of enhancing immunity, but ginkgo is toxic. It must be boiled thoroughly before use. Suitable for allergic cough.


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