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 Cui Wei, nutritionist
Cui Wei, nutritionist
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Four tips to teach you to eat tofu for nothing

(2016-01-15 13:41:15)


delicious food

Four tips to teach you to eat tofu for nothing


In regular supermarkets, there are usually such types as north tofu, south tofu and lactone tofu. For boxed tofu with outer package, the type of tofu can be identified by the package content; But for some fresh tofu, it is silly and unclear. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and inquiring. Today, I will teach you four tricks, namely, first look, second smell, third taste, and fourth look at the price to make your food clear.

Look at the appearance

North Tofu is also called Old Tofu. It has low moisture content and looks more tenacious. If you observe it carefully on weekdays, you will see many large and small pores on the cut surface. This is because water flows out from the separation of water and protein. South bean curd is also called water bean curd, which is tender and elastic, with higher water content and smoother taste. Due to the highest water content, lactone tofu tastes watery, tender and shiny from the appearance. Generally speaking, one jin of soybeans can only make more than two jin of northern tofu, but it can make about four jin of southern tofu, which is why northern tofu is more expensive in supermarkets.

Second smell

The difference of these common tofu on the market is mainly due to the different coagulants, which lead to different tastes. North tofu is generally made from brine solidification, mainly magnesium chloride, which has a strong bean flavor and delicious taste; South bean curd is solidified by gypsum, which is mostly found in the south and has a gypsum flavor; Lactone tofu takes glucolactone as the coagulant, and generally has no flavor.  

Three Tastes

The difference in taste is related to the amount of water content. Because the water content of North Tofu is relatively low, it will feel more sincere and tenacious when it tastes; South bean curd has relatively more water content, so it will feel more tender when eaten; Lactone tofu will be more tender and feel watery.

IV. Price

In fact, we can also distinguish from the price. If you go to the supermarket, you will find that North Tofu is the most expensive. Because North Tofu contains little water, one kilogram of soybeans can only make more than two kilograms of North Tofu, but it can make about 3-4 kilograms of Nandou Tofu, and lactone Tofu can be delivered to 6 kilograms. North Tofu is expensive because of the small shipment.  

However, as for the nutritional value, in terms of protein and calcium content, North Tofu has the highest content, which is higher than South Tofu and lactone Tofu. However, in terms of taste, some people may prefer the smoothness, softness and tenderness of Nandou and lactone tofu, because tofu is a nutritious food, which is not bad. So, just choose what you like.


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