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 Wang Jing, nutritionist
Wang Jing, nutritionist Sina Personal Certification
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Why does hyperlipidemia favor thin people?

(2014-07-15 09:53:29)

delicious food



chronic disease

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: original

Hyperlipidemia is no stranger to everyone. From the hospital's test sheet, we can see several indicators related to blood lipids, including triglycerides, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein. As a common people, if there is an upward arrow next to it, it is beyond the normal indicators. If only triglycerides rise, cholesterol is normal, It belongs to high triglyceride disease; If only cholesterol rises and triglyceride is normal, it belongs to hypercholesterolemia; If both indexes increase, it is mixed hyperlipidemia.

When it comes to high blood fat, look at the blood at the hospital's blood drawing place. When the blood is left at room temperature for a period of time, it will be layered up and down. The upper layer is a milky solid. Can you imagine how much high-fat things you have to eat every day? Some people say that if there is no meat in the meals every day, they will lose their energy. But some people, who are normal and thin, will also have hyperlipidemia? I guess you have the same question as me? Why?

Take the people I met around me for example, one seventy Age, female, height 153cm weight eighty-two Jin, BMI by seventeen point five She is thin and lives with her wife. She usually buys vegetables, cooks and cleans the house. Since she was young, she has always been more vegetarian. She usually eats meat. In order to take into account the family's feelings, she uses meat to stir fry vegetables. She eats two pieces. Within a month, she will also have stewed chicken legs and fish, but eating chicken legs is also one The type of meat is limited to pork, beef, chicken, duck and fish, and the intake is very small. It is basically eaten by family members. Eggs are eaten every day, and milk is drunk every day. But since it is found that cholesterol is high, eggs two three Geniuses eat one; The amount of vegetables she takes in is very large. She basically does not stop eating green leafy vegetables every day. She also eats many kinds of vegetables because she likes to eat vegetables. The oil at home is the peanut, sunflower seed and corn bought in the supermarket, which are used for cooking, and sesame oil and olive oil are used for salad. Basically do not eat nuts. She is a very thrifty old man when it comes to spending money.

I usually have no problems with my health. I seldom go to the hospital in a year, that is two thousand and thirteen In, she went to the community for free physical examination with her husband. Unexpectedly, her blood fat was high, so she paid attention to her body. Here are the indicators on April 3, 2014:

  Now there is a rise in total cholesterol, The carotid arteries on both sides have sclerotic plaques (0.3 * 0.15cm on the right) (0.74 * 0.16cm on the left). Although the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with taking simvastatin, it seems that you can't stop taking such medicine! I told her that she and her wife were asked to check their blood vessels. She said that in the past, her family was poor and had three sons. It was not easy to live in Beijing, and she felt that her body was OK. Now the conditions are good, and if there is a problem in the examination, we should pay attention to it, and often go to recheck. This caused me to think, if too much fat intake every day will cause high blood fat, many people will be impressed, but this kind of home style food is also biased towards balance, which makes me surprised and caught me off guard. How should I guide my diet?

    The body is already weak, and doctors have to limit the intake of fat and eggs. From the perspective of nutrition, although the cholesterol of egg yolk is high, the lecithin and betaine of egg yolk have health care effects. If you eat egg white alone, it is certainly better to eat whole egg nutrition High value. In addition, the urine occult blood appeared during the examination, which indicates that there is slight concealed nephritis. After all, her blood pressure is normal. The doctor also said that all high protein foods should be reduced to avoid the burden on the kidneys. In the past, she used to eat tofu and fish, but now she is very cautious about eating them. The number of soybeans, meat and milk is declining again. She is 70 years old, You need to eat some protein rich food to build your body. Now you are afraid of cholesterol and then nephritis!

  Another friend is 53 years old, with a height of 162, a weight of 105 kg, and a BMI of 20, which is very standard (normal 18.5-23.9). However, it is also found that the triglyceride is high. For three or four years, the family diet is also partial. There are more meat types than single pork. There is one egg every day. The intake of milk is insufficient, and the vegetable types are relatively few, not as rich as the 70 year old people's vegetable types. Shanxi people mainly eat pasta at home. There are many kinds of pasta. Soup noodles, fried noodles, steamed buns, pies, and stewed noodles can be eaten in a variety of ways. The amount is a medium bowl. The edible oil is purchased by the grain and oil agency. There are more rapeseed oil and soybean oil. In terms of diet, she has increased the variety and amount of vegetables, reduced the amount of pasta, increased exercise, and found in the test sheet that she also has urine occult blood, The doctor told her that she should regularly observe her blood pressure and not increase it. She said that it is generally low blood pressure (whether eating more salt can increase blood pressure, she joked)

          The age of these two people is in the middle and old age stage, and the common points are:

1. Eating a vegetarian diet, including eggs and milk, and cooking with meat, but few people actually eat

2. There is occult blood in routine urine test, usually with 2 plus signs or 3 plus signs, without proteinuria

3. There is no problem with liver function and kidney function. There are no stones in the bladder and kidney, so where does the urine occult blood come from? This becomes a question? The doctor said that he needed to do a kidney puncture (it was said that it was painful), and he had to be hospitalized, but he didn't know what he could find out in the end! Could it be that the urine occult blood in the early stage could not find the location of bleeding, and must wait until it becomes nephritis and acute nephritis to be treated? I remember an expert told me that kidney disease is a chronic wasting disease, which is very exhausting.

Both patients have urine and blood, and both have hyperlipidemia. Is there a direct relationship between the two? The relationship between occult nephritis and hyperlipidemia has always haunted me. What is its pathogenesis? If it really matters, do you need to start with blood in urine first, and will blood in urine affect hyperlipidemia? After all, the blood lipids of the two people are not particularly high, and the out of range value is less than 1. But why is the cholesterol of 70 people 0.18 higher than the normal value, and there will be plaque formation in both carotid arteries? If the value deviates from the normal range more, will the plaque become larger and larger, but will not have a great impact on the body, who will go to the hospital for inspection if it does not affect the body?


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