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 Wang Jing, nutritionist
Wang Jing, nutritionist Sina Personal Certification
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Who will replace "salt" for children's health

(2013-06-21 14:39:56)



French fries

Potato chips


Classification: original
      There are so many snacks in the supermarket that adults can't resist the temptation, let alone children? However, one disease is getting younger year by year, that is, high blood pressure, which has a lot to do with the excessive sodium intake in the diet. But when children choose snacks, they only look at the taste rather than the ingredients of the food. Therefore, as parents, we should be responsible for their children's health.
      Reference dietary nutrient intake of Chinese residents: Sodium: 7-11 year   1000mg、 11-14 year   1200mg That is to say, children should not eat more than 4g, which is the daily sodium intake of children, including condiments (salt, crude, soy sauce, chicken essence, etc.), pickles, preserved beancurd, sausages and other processed products used in children's daily meals, as well as snacks that children eat every day. Therefore, the intake of 4g of salt is very likely to exceed the standard. Let's take a look at the sodium content of several snacks that children most often eat:
1、 Potato chips
    Each 52g, one box contains two, that is to say, 636g sodium, close to 2g salt
2、 XX pie
    From the ingredient table, we can get the following information: each piece, that is, one piece, contains 104mg of sodium. Eating three pieces of sodium will lead to 1g of salt.
3、 Hamburg
    Now children often like to eat hamburgers in fast food restaurants, so the sodium in the cheapest hamburger less than 10 yuan will be close to 2g, and you can't eat a hamburger alone, but also with French fries. There is a lot of salt in French fries. If you eat fast food like this, you won't have to eat salt in one day, and if you eat again, you will exceed the standard!


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