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 Wang Jing, nutritionist
Wang Jing, nutritionist Sina Personal Certification
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Edema and nutrition in summer

(2013-06-20 15:22:41)



Red bean

Mung bean


Classification: original
    Summer is the season with high incidence of edema disease, which is inseparable from the natural characteristics: dry and hot, cloudy and rainy, long day, short night. At the same time, air conditioners and fans are our favorite. Tomorrow is the light summer season. The weather is hot, but it is not the hottest. In the summer, there is no longer a cool breeze on the earth, but all the winds are accompanied by heat waves. So our damp heat is the most common disease in summer.
    In summer, we all have the same experience: we don't want to eat and have no appetite for anything, which is also determined by the weather characteristics of the climate. At the same time, we will also have faster metabolism, more water, and more sweat, so that too much body fluid is consumed, and we are prone to thirst, dry lips, dry tongue, and short and red urine.
    Do you have the habit of drinking water after 9 o'clock? You will find that sometimes the lower eyelid of the eye is swollen the next day, but sometimes it is not? They drink the same water at the same time. How come sometimes the urine of the next day is normal light yellow, and sometimes the urine is less and yellow? This has something to do with the water metabolism in our bodies.
    Now it is necessary to understand what is edema: swelling of muscle and skin, mainly manifested in head, eyelids, limbs, abdomen and back, and even the whole body. It generally has damp heat type, spleen kidney yang deficiency type, qi stagnation type , Yin deficiency type. For these four types, we do the following food conditioning:
1. Damp heat type:
Maogen Red Bean Congee
Chixiaodou: promote water and detumescence, detoxify and discharge pus
Maogen: cool blood, stop bleeding, clear heat and detoxify
If there is no grass root, it can be replaced by mung bean, and the dosage is twice that of red bean: heat clearing and detoxification
Mainly soup, 2-3 bowls, twice a day, 7 days - 1 month, 3 consecutive years of summer conditioning
 Edema and nutrition in summer
2. Spleen kidney yang deficiency type    
Job's tears porridge
Coix seed: invigorate the spleen and remove dampness
Add poria cocos with serious symptoms
Poria cocos: infiltrate dampness and promote diuresis, strengthen the spleen and stomach, calm the heart and calm the nerves
3. Qi stagnation type
Chinese yam and lily porridge
Yam: tonifying spleen qi and benefiting stomach yin
Lily: nourish yin and clear heat, nourish blood essence
People with qi stagnation can also use orange peel to soak in water
4. Yin deficiency type
Duck Congee
Duck meat: nourish the yin of the five internal organs, clear the heat of deficiency and fatigue, nourish the blood and water
    People with edema should also pay more attention to rest, pay attention to changes in temperature, prevent colds, and should not take more baths to avoid water wet invasion, and avoid legs drooping for too long.


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