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 Wang Weiqing, nutritionist
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The secret of cold drinks you don't know

(2016-08-26 17:05:55)

Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association (Beijing Nutritionist Club) - Nutrition Department - Nutritionist   Wang Weiqing

The secret of cold drinks you don't know

Summer is a hot ocean and a paradise of ice... It seems that few people can resist the temptation of Bingying cold drinks under the hot sun.      

Bite it down, and the slightest coolness can instantly make the fidgety brought by the heat disappear. The sweetness of various flavors is to find the pleasure that has been "evaporated" by the heat wave.      

What secret is hidden in the ice-cream that seems to be a holy summer product?      

Additives in ice cream

Zongzi flavor, strawberry flavor, taro flavor, mung bean flavor, you should know that just a few mung beans at the end of the popsicle is not enough to make the whole popsicle emit a strong mung bean flavor, and the color of the peeled mung beans is also light yellow! Instead of the strong green flavor that evokes appetite, the color of mung bean ice cream is more the result of the application of various pigments.

In the same way, strawberry ice cream, hawthorn ice cream and many other cold drinks, even if there are a few pieces of fruit pulp in them, will not give off a strong fruity flavor. What you love is often one or even several flavors.

Did the bacteria in the ice cream freeze to death?

Cold drinks without bacteria? Many times, when I buy an ice-cream with damaged outer package and want to change it, the boss will often say it's not a problem. The cold bacteria have already frozen to death, so it's nothing!      

The truth is that milk sugar is used more in cold drinks, which has formed an adaptive living environment for some fungi. For example, some pathogenic bacteria such as typhoid bacillus can survive at a temperature of more than minus 100 degrees, so do not buy and eat cold drinks with peculiar smell and abnormal shape.          

Eating cold drinks will reduce gastric acid secretion and weaken gastric function, which will greatly increase the probability of some bacteria in cold drinks escaping into the intestinal tract, and make it easier to get acute enteritis, typhoid, dysentery and other diseases.

How to eat cold drinks healthily

one Eating cold drinks after meals makes our stomachs miserable while feeling comfortable and cheerful.      

Research has proved that one cup after dinner one hundred G or so of ice cream will lower the stomach temperature ten fifteen It will lead to the contraction of the stomach, the reduction of gastric acid secretion, and slow digestion, which will take 30 minutes or even longer to restore the normal work of the digestive system. Frequently eating cold drinks after meals will cause indigestion, affect nutrition absorption and even abdominal distention and diarrhea.      

two It is not suitable to eat cold drinks immediately after strenuous exercise. When exercise leads to the acceleration of blood circulation, the blood vessels will contract violently and cause harm to the health of the body due to sudden cold stimulation from the outside.

three Children should be cautious when eating cold drinks. Babies should avoid cold drinks (cold drinks are strictly prohibited for infants under six months), and children should eat less cold drinks.      

Infants who eat cold drinks tend to suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea, sore throat and cough. Infants' intestines are thinner than adults'. Excessive consumption of cold drinks can cause intussusception and even intestinal necrosis in children.      

Excessive consumption of cold drinks will also increase the baby's blood sugar, high sugar and high fat, which will reduce his appetite for dinner. A large number of cold drinks will cause children anorexia, affect absorption, and thus malnutrition.      

four When the heat is unbearable, you still need to drink after eating ice cream. Excessive consumption of cold drinks will cause pores to shrink and internal heat is difficult to dissipate, but it will cause heatstroke. The more you eat, the more likely you will cause heatstroke. So when you are sweating heavily, a glass of boiled water at room temperature is the most suitable.

Tips for choosing packaged cold drinks

one Storage conditions: Generally, it should be kept in an environment of minus 18 degrees Celsius for freezing storage, and cold drinks in open refrigerators should be purchased with caution.

two Whether the package is complete and clean. If the ice-cream is deformed, it may be frozen for the second time after partial melting. When purchasing the ice-cream, you can feel whether it is deformed and softened through the packaging bag.

three Look at the ingredient label on the back. The fewer additives are marked, the better.

five Formal manufacturers, complete labels, clear dates and indelible (some unscrupulous traders may reprint the dates, but the reprinted dates can often be easily erased or blurred).

six When purchasing cold drinks, do not blindly pursue the gorgeous appearance. Cold drinks with too bright colors often have more pigments added.

Choose health from this summer's ice cream. As long as you are willing, you will not only change yourself, but also the children, family and friends around you

Attached author information:

Wang Weiqing

National first-class nutritionist, first-class health manager, food and education psychologist

WeChat official account: wangweiqingyys

Sina Weibo: @ nutritionist Wang Weiqing


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