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 Peng Xiaohui
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Comment on [Children under 12 years old of sexual assault are identified as "knowing the other party's young daughter"]

(2013-10-24 22:43:15)

Miscellaneous talk

#On Xiaohui's Nature# Jurisprudence and law should correspond to the law of sexual physiological development and sexual psychological development: boys and girls under 10 years old should not be regarded as sexual behavior if they imitate adults' sexual intercourse (such as sexual games); Sexual contact between boys and girls aged 11-14 should not be regarded as a crime; Occasional sexual contact between male and female adolescents aged 15-16 or 11-14 can be exempted from prosecution and criminal punishment; The sex related laws and regulations of male and female adolescents should be unified, and not only protect girls. According to the average age of menarche (12.4-12.8 years old) of girls in China, the legal protection of young girls is in line with natural laws and people's recognition. Accordingly, girls under the age of 13 should be identified as young girls (rather than the age of 12 arbitrarily determined by the Supreme Law) and included in the scope of absolute protection. http://news.sohu.com/20131024/n388839611.shtml


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