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Yoga for Pregnant Women

(2013-10-15 13:50:58)




Classification: yoga
 Yoga for Pregnant Women

In the first stage of pregnancy, pregnant women often fail to persist in any strenuous physical exercise and finally give up. It is recommended that pregnant women take exercise from the fourth month of pregnancy. For future mothers who have no history of abortion and are active and healthy, as long as they feel ready, they can start some gentle exercises to strengthen their body strength and improve their muscle flexibility and tension.  

    During the whole pregnancy, pregnant women can practice different yoga postures, but it must be based on personal needs and comfort. Yoga practice varies from person to person, and must be coordinated with people's physical conditions. If you feel uncomfortable during practice. You can change to a more suitable posture.  

    Yoga for pregnant women can enhance physical strength and muscle tension, enhance the sense of balance of the body, and improve the flexibility and flexibility of the entire muscle tissue. At the same time, it stimulates the glands that control hormone secretion, increases blood circulation, accelerates blood circulation, and can also control breathing well. Yoga can also play a role in massaging internal organs. In addition, yoga for abdominal exercises can help to reshape the body after childbirth. Yoga can improve sleep, eliminate insomnia, make people healthy and comfortable, and form a positive and healthy attitude to life. Yoga also helps people regulate themselves and make their body and mind become one.  

    But it should be noted that yoga is not the only way to make pregnancy and childbirth safer and smoother. Yoga only helps pregnant women to exercise properly during the whole pregnancy process. "Delivery" requires a lot of physical strength, so it is normal for most pregnant women to feel frightened and uneasy before delivery. Practicing yoga can make this process easy and help pregnant women keep a peaceful attitude before childbirth.

    Sansheng's yoga courses for pregnant women are divided into pre pregnancy, mid pregnancy and late pregnancy. The pre pregnancy courses are based on breath conditioning to help ease the discomfort caused by pregnancy vomiting and various pregnancy changes. Soothing the mood and strengthening the body.

    Some elements of music prenatal education, sports prenatal education and dance prenatal education will be added to the courses in the middle and late pregnancy to strengthen the interaction between mother and baby. At the same time, in order to enhance the confidence of mothers who have a natural birth, the training of pelvic floor muscles and the most practical Lamaze breathing method will be added in the course.

    The pain brought to pregnant women by childbirth is often huge, and the pain will affect the progress of labor, making expectant mothers very nervous. During labor, expectant mothers can learn to breathe to relieve labor pain.
Lamaze breathing method originated in 1952 and was studied by Mr. Lamaze, an obstetrician, and later spread to Europe, South America, the United States and Asian countries. This is a method of labor preparation and training, which is deduced from Pavlov's "conditioned reflex" principle. When the parturient pains come, Lamaze breathing method enables expectant mothers to focus on their own breathing control to transfer the pain; It also converts the "muscle tension" that appeared immediately when the original pain occurred into "active muscle relaxation" after repeated breathing exercises, so as to reduce the pain.

The advantages of this method are:

1. Protect the health of mother and fetus.

2. Reduce drug use.

3. Divert attention from pain.

4. Reduce the pain of labor to a level that the human body can tolerate.

5. Relax the muscles and allow enough oxygen to be delivered to the uterus for use by the fetus.

6. Accelerate the labor process.

The expectant mother who wants to give birth naturally in the 7th month of pregnancy and can receive this kind of training after being checked by the doctor can practice Ramatse breathing method.

Taboos are as follows
 Yoga for Pregnant Women
 Yoga for Pregnant Women


1. Pregnant women whose doctors consider it inappropriate to exercise.
2. Pregnant women with high-risk pregnancy conditions, such as pregnancy complications, complications, history of spontaneous abortion, history of habitual abortion, signs of premature delivery, cholestasis, etc;
3. Pregnant women with medical complications. Such as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, etc;  
4. Pregnant women with surgical complications. Such as sprain, fall, etc;
5. Pregnant women with unwell symptoms. Such as headache, abdominal pain, bleeding or sinus tachycardia, arrhythmia, etc.


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