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 Old Zhu Jiangu
Old Zhu Jiangu
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Friday market forecast analysis!

(2018-10-25 21:32:04)
Classification: Wonderful articles
The two markets opened significantly lower in the morning on Thursday, and then led by the real estate, banking, securities and other weight sectors. The stock index bottomed out and recovered. Financial stocks were still the main force to stabilize the market, but software, 5G and other technology stocks showed weak performance. On the whole, the big and small indexes diverged significantly, and the overall market showed a pattern of more declines than increases!

Yesterday, Lao Zhu pointed out in his review that the market will step back to 2565 points in the short term, and it will be healthier only after stepping back to make up for the gap. Today, the market followed the trend to complete the step back in the morning. In the afternoon, the market slightly bottomed out and recovered, and the financial sector became the main force to protect the market!

From the perspective of the market, the general market decline pattern is obvious. After funds began to test several hot spots in the early morning, there was no following trend in the market. With the ebb of high end stocks, funds returned to the low end of the ultra falling theme stocks again, taking advantage of the shell concept Funds returned to securities companies, which actually rose There is a certain logic that, at present, the stock of securities companies is actually one of the varieties in the ultra low price, and the securities companies plate is the most linkage effect, so after the capital exploration of multiple themes is ineffective, the final choice to return to the securities companies will also play a role in protecting the market! This is also the logic of funds driving up the brokerage sector!

Index In the morning, the market bottomed out as scheduled, and the mid day low was surging. The market that should have plunged in the afternoon was saved by the rise of the securities companies. At present, the securities companies have resolved the crisis of the index again and again. If this plate weakens in the later period, then we should pay attention to it! As may mean the risk comes. Today, the market has turned around, bottoming out and rebounding, and the main driving force has played an important role. However, it is still important to note that although the index has risen, small cap stocks have not followed the trend, and after the continuous efforts of securities traders, there is a demand for cash. Therefore, in the short term, there must be mainstream plates to continue the rebound of the market!

At present, securities companies are the market weathervane. Today's differences turn to be the same. Tomorrow, it is expected to take the pulse to drive the market up. This surge is very critical. If the market still fails to stand at 2620 points, then the step back will continue. If the market closes at 2620 points The rebound can be maintained! So focus on the gain and loss of this point in the short term!

In terms of operation, it is very important to see whether there is a main line in the market tomorrow. Holding shares at 2620 points is not enough, so we should choose opportunities to sell high. At present, the most appropriate way for the market to rise and fall is to hold shares in light positions and maintain the initiative

More attention to the daily live broadcast of Laozhu Jiepan:>> Old Zhu Jiangu (October 25) Live broadcast on Thursday


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