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Skin care class: good habits help you become beautiful!

(2013-07-10 17:56:19)

Miscellaneous talk



Some people say that to be a beauty is a hard work! We must work hard to adhere to many habits, repeat many steps in a tedious way, and work hard to be elegant.

It is not too much to say that this is a long cultivation. Therefore, only a few people have persevered and become the beautiful women we envy! If you can't do it or insist, then you can only stand opposite, stand under the stage, stand outside the aperture, stand in the corner and draw circles silently.

So while sympathizing with you, ACO continues to cheer you up.

Today, I would like to confirm some small ideas that we have heard from others. Is it true that they can bring positive energy to our skin and beauty?

[Green tea anti radiation]

Office beauty, put a pot of green plants like green pineapple in front of the computer, and then add some green tea when washing your face every day to resist radiation. We all know the tannic acid of tea, which can make our dry skin disappear and make our pores more delicate.


[Wax gourd slices to remove eye bags]

Everyone knows that winter melon is diuretic and can remove moisture from the body. In addition to detoxifying and detumescence after eating, external application can remove all kinds of image damage caused by eye bags. The method is also relatively simple and available. After slicing, apply it around the eyes, and then take it off 15 minutes later. No skin care eye cream is needed before doing this.


[Cold and hot eye compress]

Everyone knows the horror of eye bags, so many MM have tried all kinds of methods to solve this problem. ACO still needs to emphasize that only persistence can be effective, and only doing can be solved. This method is divided into two steps, hot compress is carried out before sleeping at night, and cold compress is carried out in the morning. You can apply olive oil or salt water directly to your eyes.


[Clapping hands to prevent disease]

Those who have a little knowledge of Chinese medicine know that our hands and feet can reflect the internal problems of the body. Clapping can not only promote blood circulation, but also help our internal exercise. Start to form the habit of clapping your hands when exercising every day, 100 to 200 times, at any age, the earlier you start, the better.


[Eat more hawthorn]

Eating more hawthorn is to promote our digestion and absorption, which is especially good for women. In our busy work every day, we lack a lot of opportunities to exercise. Our absorption and digestive system are challenged by our greasy, spicy hunger every day, and there will be many diseases. At first, we may not be aware of them, but our chin will be full of acne, It can also be accompanied by constipation. So it's better to eat some hawthorn.


[Lycium barbarum invigorates the kidney]

The kidney is a key organ, which controls our vitality and energy. How can we look younger? The first thing is to have healthy kidneys, but more than 90% of people have kidney deficiency. Therefore, in addition to eating more black food, we can also eat more medlar to nourish qi and kidney, and eat it every day. You can also drink in water. Boil soup. Everything is OK.


In fact, a lot of life's little knowledge is endless. The key is that we should constantly improve our living habits and our healthy environment. With good eating habits and skin care skills, are we afraid of beautiful women?


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