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 Ninety Doctors Weng Lu Zhizheng
Ninety Doctors Weng Lu Zhizheng
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[Reprint] Ginger, a treasure of summer health care

(2013-07-25 09:41:19)


      When summer comes, it reminds me of an old saying that eating carrots in winter and ginger in summer will keep you safe all the year round. But why eat ginger in summer? Some people say it has the effect of removing dampness, some people say it is to avoid cold, others say it is anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and so on. Why eat ginger in summer? Let Director Lu Jie, the daughter of Professor Lu Zhizheng, a master of Chinese medicine, tell us.

      Host: Ginger is very good for health in summer, but what are the specific benefits? Let's test everybody. What is the function of ginger? A. Sterilization, detoxification, expectoration and lung clearing B. Dispel wind and cold, moderate temperature and stop vomiting. Many people choose B.

      Lu Jie: It seems that everyone is very familiar with the properties of this ginger. Congratulations, you have chosen the correct answer. Ginger is a food that is often used in our daily life. As a medicine, it is also because of its pungent and warm nature. Xin, that is to say, it is divergent. If we get cold, ginger will have the effect of sweating and relieving the exterior. Why is it that ginger can "warm and stop vomiting"? A very obvious example is that after eating ginger, we will feel warm in the stomach, because ginger has the effect of warming and stopping vomiting. In addition, ginger also has the function of warming the lungs and resolving phlegm. Sometimes there will be phlegm after getting cold. This kind of phlegm is considered to be caused by cold and dampness. You can use a little ginger syrup to resolve phlegm.

      Host: We eat carrots in winter and ginger in summer, but summer is a very hot season. So why do we use ginger to dispel wind and cold? This seems contradictory. Also, when we cough, it is the symptom of burning. If we eat ginger again, it will add fuel to the fire?

      Lu Jie: It's hot in summer, so we like to enjoy the cold in our life, such as blowing the air conditioner, eating something cold, etc. Although it's hot outside, it's cool inside. So just now we said ginger has the function of warming the lungs and resolving phlegm, and this phlegm actually has two kinds: one kind of phlegm needs to be coughed, such as the yellow phlegm you just said, ginger must not be eaten at this time; Another kind of phlegm is white phlegm, which is in the lung and stomach from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. But we usually eat cold drinks, which can't be dissolved and become phlegm, which is the phlegm in the lungs and stomach. At this time, it is correct to use ginger.

      Compere: Eating ginger in the morning is better than drinking ginseng soup. Eating ginger at night is equal to eating arsenic. Is it so terrible? The difference between ginseng soup and arsenic is too big.

      Lu Jie: This statement is wrong and exaggerated. We live in spring, summer, autumn and winter all the year round. In the evening, it is equivalent to Tibetan in winter, and ginger is bitter and divergent, just the opposite of Tibetan, so I think ginger should not be eaten at night. When should I not eat ginger? We feel that we can't eat ginger when we get angry, such as toothache, dry throat and dry mouth. When we get angry, we can't eat ginger either at night or in the morning. For people with spleen and stomach deficiency and who are easy to get cold, they can eat ginger when they eat, regardless of whether they are stuck in the morning or at night, which is not limited by time.

      Host: In summer, there is a very common "air conditioning disease". Many people like to stay in an air-conditioned room and blow the air conditioner every day. But when we blow, we find that we often have runny nose and sneeze. If this is the case, is it suitable to treat it with ginger?

Lu Jie: When you sneeze or have a runny nose when you blow the air conditioner for a long time, some people may feel uncomfortable. You can put some shredded ginger or ginger slices, and then cut two sections of scallion white, keep the scallion white whiskers, boil them into water, and then drink them while hot. After drinking it, you will sweat a little.

        Compere: When the elderly use ginger, do they have anything to pay attention to? How should they use it better?

      Lu Jie: Now, for example, our older people have some basic diseases, such as high blood pressure, which is the kind of people with heat. Ginger is not suitable for eating. For those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, or those who are usually afraid of cold, it can be properly selected.

      Compere: Do we have any special taboos when using ginger? What kind of people can't use?

      Lu Jie: For example, sore throat, obvious throat inflammation, when the fire is very hot, or a cold or fever caused by wind heat, which is not suitable for use.

      Compere: Ginger has so many good effects. Next, let's see how to select good ginger? Can the teacher give us some advice?

      Lu Jie: When we choose Jiang, we should first look at his appearance. If he looks too beautiful, Jiang may have other problems. Good ginger has a smooth appearance and even soil on the skin. Second, when we touch it, it is solid, hard, not soft, and feels natural. Third, smell. If ginger is smoked with something, it will have some peculiar smell. Good ginger has no peculiar smell.

                                                                                                                            ——Excerpt from the interview with Lu Jie by Guangdong Satellite TV's "Healthy and Moral"



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