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 Ninety Doctors Weng Lu Zhizheng
Ninety Doctors Weng Lu Zhizheng
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Small actions that can strengthen and protect the brain

(2013-07-19 14:38:01)

TCM regimen

Classification: TCM regimen

      aged Usually do something Healthcare Small actions can maximally slow down the speed of brain aging.
The fist and palm alternately clench the fist with the left hand and extend the palm with the right hand. The fingertip points to the hypothenar of the left hand (the little finger side of the left fist), then the right hand clenches the fist, the left hand extends the palm, and the fingertip points to the hypothenar of the right hand (the little finger side of the right fist). In this way, the left and right can be interchanged, and 20 times within 15 seconds is regarded as excellent, 15 times as good, and less than 15 times as poor. If the performance is not ideal at the beginning, you can practice more for a long time.
Take the sitting position alternately by beating and rubbing, extend the palm of the left hand on the left thigh, and rub it back and forth. Make a fist with your right hand, put it on your right thigh, and beat it up and down. You can change hands after you become proficient. That is, the left hand is changed to clench the fist. Put it on the thigh and beat it up and down. Change the right hand to extend the palm, and rub it back and forth on the right thigh. In such an accurate alternation, 30 alternations per minute are excellent, 20 are good, and less than 20 are poor.
Alternate thumb and little finger Make a fist with your left hand, extend your thumb, make a fist with your right hand, extend your thumb, and then change hands. That is, the left hand retracts the thumb. And extend the little thumb, the right hand will retract the little thumb, and extend the thumb, and so on alternately. Alternate in 1 minute 15 times is excellent, 10 times is good, and less than 10 times is poor.



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