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 Ninety Doctors Weng Lu Zhizheng
Ninety Doctors Weng Lu Zhizheng
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How to eat hot pot in winter

(2012-12-18 15:29:51)

Miscellaneous talk

      In the cold season, the whole family sat around the table and ate a steaming hot pot. It was really a double enjoyment of taste buds and soul. Many people like to eat hot pot in winter, but how can they eat delicious and healthy? There is also a lot of knowledge.

      First, the ingredients of hotpot should be adjusted according to different seasons. In winter, when the weather is cold and the temperature is low, you should eat more foods that contain yin and protect yang, such as beef, mutton, chicken, mushrooms and other hot foods to regulate your body temperature. Spices can be pepper, pepper, ginger. Hot pot ingredients should be supplemented with carrots, spinach, bean sprouts, etc. Hot pot soup should be thick, fat, fresh, deep and mellow in color, highlighting the original taste. It is not suitable for cold drinks and raw and cold food.

      You should drink half a cup of fresh fruit juice first when boiling the pot. The fruit juice can stimulate gastrointestinal secretion, aid digestion, and make the upper part of the small intestine acidic, which is conducive to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Eating vegetables first and then meat helps to absorb nutrients reasonably and reduce gastrointestinal burden. Liquor or wine can kill bacteria and remove mutton smell, which is very suitable for instant boiled mutton, but you can't drink too much. Vegetable juice, dairy products and vegetable protein drinks, such as yogurt, almond dew, coconut milk, herbal tea, etc., are suitable for patients with chronic diseases and the elderly.

      When eating hot pot, you can match some sweet potatoes, because meat food is acidic food, and sweet potatoes are alkaline food. The two can be neutralized by acid-base when they enter the stomach, so that our body can maintain acid-base balance. You can also rinse more vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and chlorophyll. They are more cold in nature. They can not only eliminate grease and supplement the lack of vitamins in winter, but also cool, detoxify and dispel fire. But vegetables should not be boiled for long, or they will lose their nutritional value and fire clearing effect. Appropriate amount of tofu should also be added. Some tofu contains gypsum. Proper addition of tofu in hot pot can not only supplement a variety of trace elements, but also play the role of gypsum in clearing away heat, purging fire, eliminating boredom and thirst. Bailian is a good medicine for regulating and tonifying the body. Adding Bailian can clear away heat and purge fire. Also put some ginger with skin, because the ginger skin is pungent and has the function of dispersing fire and removing heat. After eating hot pot, you can drink some fermented yogurt, which has a certain protective effect on gastric mucosa.

      Points for attention when eating hot pot:

      1. The copper pot that has not been used for a long time cannot be used immediately. After the copper pot is out of service for a period of time, the internal surface of the pot will react with water and oxygen to produce a layer of green copper rust, which is called basic copper acetate or copper sulfate, both of which are toxic. Therefore, before using the copper pot, be sure to dip the cloth in vinegar, and then add a little salt to wipe it, and brush the copper rust thoroughly before reuse.

      2. Master the heat according to different foods. If you rinse raw tripe, meat slices, seafood, etc. for too long, their nutrients will be lost in large quantities. If the shellfish food is not cooked, it is easy to make the latent parasite eggs enter the body and cause various parasitic diseases.

      3. Beware of burns. The temperature of hot pot thick soup is very high. If food is taken out and eaten immediately, it is easy to burn the mouth, tongue, esophagus and gastric mucosa. In particular, people who often have aphthous ulcer are prone to recurrent aphthous ulcer after eating hot pot. The stimulation of long-term high temperature diet will also lead to esophageal cancer.

      4. Don't eat too spicy. Too spicy and spicy food will stimulate the mucosa of the mouth, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, causing congestion and edema, thus inducing some diseases. All patients with stomatitis, chronic pharyngitis, ulcers and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis and those who have had surgery on their upper abdomen should not eat hot pot.

      5. Don't eat too much watery food. The watery food, such as tripe, squid, yellow throat, and magnolia, makes people's appetite double. But some wet foams with toxic substances may corrode people's intestines and stomach, cause ulcers, and even cause cancer.

      6. It is not suitable to put vinegar into mutton. Mutton is hot, which can replenish qi and tonify deficiency. Vinegar contains protein, sugar, vitamins, acetic acid and a variety of organic acids. It is acidic, warm, swelling reducing and blood activating. It should be paired with cold food, not with mutton.

      7. Do not eat large quantities of food containing purine. Animal viscera, shrimp, shellfish, etc. contain purine, and large consumption of these high purine foods will induce gout. At the same time, if you drink a lot when eating hot pot, alcohol will make lactic acid accumulate in your body and inhibit the excretion of uric acid, which is also the cause of gout. Drinking a lot of beer is more likely to cause gout, and even kidney stones and uremia in severe cases.

      8. Don't put leftovers and soup in the pot to eat overnight. Because the coating of instant noodles in hot pot will react with the soup, and the sulfuric acid and other compounds will be dissolved in the soup. If overnight hot pot soup is used, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms will be caused, and even acute poisoning will be caused in serious cases. Therefore, it is better not to store the soup overnight or for a long time.

      9. When eating hot pot, some people are used to putting fresh and tender meat slices into the boiled soup, which can be eaten after a little heat. Such brief heating cannot kill the Toxoplasma larvae parasitic in the meat slice cells. After eating, the larvae can pass through the intestinal wall in the intestine and spread to the whole body with the blood. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat hot pot, or the larvae will be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, which will cause serious consequences such as abortion and deformity. For this reason, relevant experts warned that in order to make the fetus develop healthily, pregnant women should not eat hot pot. When they occasionally eat it, they must stew the meat slices thoroughly.


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