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 Huiri Buddha Art
Huiri Buddha Art
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[National Treasure Online] Rare Arhat Statue with Dry Lacquer in the Yuan Dynasty

(2016-02-22 06:54:07)


Buddhist statues with dry lacquer stored in the Yuan Dynasty

Arhat sitting statue

Woodcarving of the Yuan Dynasty

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Buddhist Statue Art

http://s8/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl3rbjp57&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>  

fourteenth century   Statues of Yuan Dynasty with dry lacquer

Image height 70cm    Overseas private collections

The face is square, the eyes are slightly drooping, the expression is serene, and the appearance is solemn. With elegant modeling and exquisite workmanship, it is a rare boutique.

The process of mixed ramie dry paint started in the Warring States Period, flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, declined in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and was basically lost after the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The rough cloth woven by the spinning of the ramie, namely the ramie, is evenly coated on the ramie cloth with tung oil, clay paint, hydrated lime, and sticky cloth made of glutinous rice, and then on the model made of strips, the finished image is made, and then gold powder, paint and other techniques are applied on the image. Its biggest characteristics are light weight, beautiful shape, fresh color, and a national treasure.

http://s2/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl3M0PD51&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>

http://s8/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl3Z0SXb7&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>

http://s12/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl4limD7b&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>

http://s4/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl4LYrx83&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>

http://s7/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl4ZUto76&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>

http://s9/mw690/002aGAhRgy6Zxl54w5O38&690 Arhat sitting figure "TITLE=" [National Treasure Online] Rare Yuan Dynasty laminated dry paint Arhat seated "/>


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