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 Huiri Buddha Art
Huiri Buddha Art
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[Wood Carving Boutique] The Brooklyn Museum of the United States collects gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty, and appreciates the standing statue of a child who is good at money

(2015-06-05 06:59:19)


Shancai boy

Fifty-three ginseng

Brooklyn Museum

Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty

Classification: Buddhist Statue Art

http://s2/mw690/002aGAhRgy6SCfwt7dn11&690 Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation of "TITLE=" [Wood Carving Boutique] collected by Brooklyn Museum Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation "/>

(HD large picture More beautiful amplification)

Ming Dynasty wood carving   Gold plating and color painting  

Specifications: 66 x 34.3 cm

Collection of Brooklyn Museum   Longri Compilation

Shancai is called Shancai Boy in the folk. It is recorded in Huayan Sutra; Good fortune is one of the five hundred children of the elders in the blessed city where Manjusri Bodhisattva once lived. At birth, many rare treasures naturally emerged in the family, so it was named "Shancai". At that time, Manjusri Bodhisattva lived in Fucheng. One time, when he said that, the boy with good fortune went to ask how to practice the Bodhisattva Way. Under the direction of Manjusri Bodhisattva, the boy with good fortune began to visit fifty-three people with good knowledge. After many hardships, he finally met the Bodhisattva with universal wisdom and finally got the Dharma. He created the legend of "fifty three ginseng for children with good fortune" in the Buddhist scriptures.


            The image of a child with good fortune is mostly related to Guanyin Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva. Usually, they mainly worship the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva, holding palms together and worshipping Guanyin Bodhisattva. This statue is standing rather than worshiping and palming. According to the analysis of its standing posture, Longri believes that this statue should be one of the sculptures of Wenshu crossing the sea on Mount Wutai. The good fortune boy leaned to the right, turned his head to the left, and folded his palms for worship. Eat with wide forehead, comb a peach shaped bun on the top of the head, round head and face, pious face, and smiling face. The posture is lively and vivid, the body leans, the hands are folded, the clothes are flowing, the lines are smooth and free, very dynamic. From facial expression to posture dynamics, it is just right, showing the cute and pious Buddha image of a child. The painting and gold foil of the whole statue are well preserved. It is a rare treasure among the wood carvings handed down from generation to generation in the Ming Dynasty.

http://s9/mw690/002aGAhRgy6SCfxyZiE18&690 Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation of "TITLE=" [Wood Carving Boutique] collected by Brooklyn Museum Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation "/>

http://s15/mw690/002aGAhRgy6SCfyFCRofe&690 Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation of "TITLE=" [Wood Carving Boutique] collected by Brooklyn Museum Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation "/>

http://s13/mw690/002aGAhRgy6SCfzNEG81c&690 Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation of "TITLE=" [Wood Carving Boutique] collected by Brooklyn Museum Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation "/>

http://s14/mw690/002aGAhRgy6SCfBMAQ59d&690 Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation of "TITLE=" [Wood Carving Boutique] collected by Brooklyn Museum Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation "/>

http://s16/mw690/002aGAhRgy6SCfCxSy30f&690 Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation of "TITLE=" [Wood Carving Boutique] collected by Brooklyn Museum Gold plated colored wood carvings of the Ming Dynasty Good Fortune Boy Statue Appreciation "/>


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