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He and his nephew went to the shop [Xiaoxiang Turtle Village] and liked his Changsha stinky mandarin fish~"Ruby food"

(2015-12-01 20:38:13)

delicious food

Xiaoxiang Turtle Village

Hunan Cuisine

Siniperca chuatsi


Classification: delicious food
I went to his home with my nephew at noon one weekend, just two people. As a saying goes, his family learned about it from friends, but it didn't last long. It is said that his Hunan cuisine is very good, because it is not far away, so he took his nephew to eat it. Before I went there, I did my homework. His turtle was very good, but there were only two of us. One of us couldn't eat it. His turtle was sold by the catty. One of them was more than 2 catties. I ordered turtle mixed with rice. I didn't need to order anything else. Second, the average person was a little expensive. Third, I didn't love turtle very much. Then the turtle passed, Many dishes of his family's Hunan cuisine are also very well evaluated, such as stinky mandarin fish and so on. In terms of transportation, it is very close to his home, and there are only three subway stations. It should be said that the transportation of his home is very convenient. It can be reached directly by subway. Get off at Beiyuan Road North Station of Line 10, walk five or six hundred meters, and walk about 10 minutes. The path to his house is very narrow. In addition, the snow on the path has melted half, and the half melted black water. It is hard to imagine a good store in such a place. But once he entered the yard belonging to his family, it was in sharp contrast to the dirty path outside. The yard was clean, the snow on the ground was swept away, and many good cars were parked. The style of the door faces outside his courtyard is different from that inside. The door faces of the small courtyard are antique, while those inside the courtyard are more imposing. The store is very large. It is decorated with mountains and water. There are five, six, seven or eight fishing boats on a large area of water. They can eat on fishing boats. It's very special. His family seems to have no regular separate seats in the hall. They eat either on the boat or in a private room. There are no guests in the whole restaurant. I feel that the environment is very good and there is a feeling of water town. In terms of food, there were only two people who ordered five dishes. Their dishes were not small. They ordered the stinky mandarin fish and fried bacon with dried turnips recommended on the Internet, as well as three dishes we chose. The stinky mandarin fish really tasted good, tasty and spicy. I like it. Other dishes are also good, but the rice is too hard and dry, and the quality is relatively average. In terms of service, the attitude of the waiters was very good, and the speed of serving was also very good. It was not easy to find the waiters when something happened. The waiters seemed to hide themselves in order not to damage the environment? Is that what the boss asked? On the whole, I felt quite good when I visited the shop with my nephew. I really liked his environment and his stinky mandarin fish.

There are only two people with a small number of people. We can order only a few dishes. We can eat as many as five dishes as possible. The three dishes are all pot food. They are somewhat reliable in appearance, and the picture is somewhat ordinary.

The front door is the front door in the yard. It's very imposing. I can't imagine that there will be such a exquisite shop on the path from Beiyuan Road to his house. It should be said that the transportation of his home is very convenient. It can be reached directly by subway. Get off at Beiyuan Road North Station of Line 10, walk five or six hundred meters, and walk about 10 minutes. The path to his house is very narrow. In addition, the snow on the path has melted half, and the half melted black water. It is hard to imagine a good store in such a place. But once he entered the yard belonging to his family, it was in sharp contrast to the dirty path outside. The yard was clean, the snow on the ground was swept away, and many good cars were parked.

Tableware, white porcelain with his logo, and chopsticks holder.

Okra, 38 meters. One portion is not bad. It's fried with chili rings. It's not plain fried. There are many pieces of pork with five flowers. They are buried under the ground. It was discovered after eating. It's too low-key.

A close-up of the taste of okra, the hob section of okra cutting, looks like the material is very fresh, and the side below is streaky meat, see?

A close-up of the taste of okra. It tastes like okra. It has a biting taste. The overall taste is salty, not spicy. It's a healthy vegetable. I like it very much.

Braised Pork Intestines with Tujia Style, 78 meters long. It seems to be in the form of dry pot, and there are many red pepper circles, but in fact it is not spicy. My nephew, who doesn't eat too much spicy food, likes this most.

A close-up of Tujia Pork Braised Pork Intestines. There are a lot of fat intestines and Tujia Pork. The shopkeeper is willing to use materials. It looks like my favorite dish with heavy taste.

My Tujia Pork Sausage is soft and clean, without the stink of fat sausage. Tujia Pork has a tight taste and a meaty taste. The overall taste is salty with a strong taste. The salty taste is not simple, but there is no other taste. It's delicious and I like it.

Changsha stinky mandarin fish, 138 meters. There are also two stinky mandarin fish. I had eaten stinky mandarin fish in another Hunan restaurant just now. They are similar in appearance. Two fish in one pot have the same taste. One end comes up with an O.

A close-up of the head of Changsha Siniperca chuatsi. It looks very delicious. The fire is very hot below.

A close-up of the body of Changsha stinky mandarin fish. The body of the fish is cut with a knife, so the fish will taste better.

My changsha stinky mandarin fish is salty, fragrant and spicy. The fish is not heavy at first, and you can clearly feel the solid taste of the fish. However, the fish has a very hot aftertaste. I like the taste. The spicy taste is strong enough. After eating, it can be because of heating. The fish is more and more delicious. I like it.

Large pot bullfrog, 78 meters. It is also the food heated below. It looks like it is also a dish with strong taste, and the rough view is very good. At first, I didn't plan to order it. I thought it would be spicy, but my nephew said that it could be ordered. It seems that my nephew likes to eat bullfrogs.

A close-up of a large pot of bullfrogs. The bullfrogs are cut into small pieces. There are many hot pepper circles.

My bullfrog, the piece of bullfrog cut is really small. Use a spoon to make a comparison. The bullfrog meat is still tender, tastes salty and not very spicy. My nephew who can't eat spicy food is OK.

Pot rice, 2 meters. The rice is hard and not very delicious. The corn grains on it are all dried.

Yanjing Fine Draft Beer, 15m. My nephew asked for a bottle of beer when he couldn't eat spicy food in the middle of the meal. In fact, he ate some stinky mandarin fish. Ha ha, he didn't ask for a drink to relieve the spicy food when he grew up.

Stir fried bacon with dried radish, 58m long. This is based on the online evaluation points. It is said to be delicious. As soon as the dishes were served, they were very attractive and in large quantities.

A close-up of fried bacon with dried radish. The bacon tastes like bacon. The dried radish is soft and crispy, and the overall taste is not heavy. It's a little salty, not heavy, but slightly less spicy. People who can't eat spicy can order this.

For the family photo, two people ordered five dishes, which were quite edible. The dishes were all delicious. I like his stinky mandarin fish best.

That's all we had to eat. I also took some pictures of other things. This is our private room, which can seat four people. It's very spacious for two people. I think the private room is pretty good. I especially asked if there was a service charge for the private room, but the answer was no charge.

The appearance of the private room we sit in is that the private room is separated by a bamboo curtain door. It is not very closed, but also has an independent space. It is very good. This private room is called Jiutian Cave.

From the outside of the private room we sat, we looked at the dining room of the fishing boat, where MS was a family, with old people and children.

Take a picture of the corridor towards the entrance of the restaurant from the outside of the private room where we sit

A close-up of the fishing boat dining room. At first, I wanted to take the fishing boat dining room, but I was afraid that it would shake. What should I do if I get seasick? Ha ha. The bottom of the fishing boat seems to be fixed, and it should not sway. In fact, I saw that the entrance was a little short, and my nephew was a big man 1.9 meters smaller. When I went in, it would be a little bit horizontal. I asked my nephew where to sit and the private room he chose.

The entrance of the restaurant reflects the environment of the whole fishing boat dining room. His fishing boat dining room feels very special. In summer, it will be more suitable to eat on the boat, and it should be cooler with water.

The private rooms on the shore and some fishing boats at the entrance of the restaurant are a bit watery?

The group photo of the shopkeeper and the stars on the wall of the corridor in the private room. After a glance, I didn't recognize the stars.

The open waiting room on the right side of the entrance of the restaurant is really large. I didn't see many guests. Maybe they were all in the private room. It seems that there is no regular hall for people to sit in. I feel that the environment is very good.

At the counter at the entrance of the restaurant and the aisle leading to the dining environment, the tree in the middle is not sure whether it is real or fake. Anyway, it seems that his home is very green.

The product display area between the entrance of the restaurant and the dining environment seems to have products that can be taken away.

On the left side of the restaurant entrance, there are more famous stars on the wall. The best one to recognize is the blind singer Yang Guang, whose appearance is quite recognizable.

The landscape decoration on the left side of the restaurant entrance is very good.

The gorgeous Lamborghini in the courtyard at the entrance of the restaurant is very exciting for visitors to his home.

A close-up of the signboard of the restaurant in the hospital. The day I went there, the sky was very blue. Unexpectedly, the next day, it was like that.

This is a picture of the yard that the store brought. When I first arrived, my nephew said that there were two good cars at the door. The customers who came to the store for dinner were not ordinary. I didn't know anything about cars.

The door face into the yard has some antique flavor.

A close-up of the signboard of the yard can be seen in the distance, Xiaoxiang Turtle Village.

Xiaoxiang Turtle Village (Beiyuan Store)
Address: No. 3 Courtyard, Anwaibeiyuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing (in the South Lane of Aviation Hospital)
Tel.: 010-8492451984924529


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