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For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

(2019-05-16 02:50:25)

Miscellaneous talk

There are two major troubles for people with heavy dampness. One is that they can not make up for it, and it is easy to get angry. The other is that they can always get rid of dampness. What can we do for this kind of constitution?

Deficiency of qi is not terrible, and heavy dampness is not terrible, but it is a bit troublesome to have both constitutions. It is easy to remove dampness without any effect, and cannot be replenished.

Many people think He is too tired to talk. He also likes Ge You's paralysis. He finds himself sweating when he moves. He pinches the butterfly sleeves, waist, and stomach, all hanging soft meat , which may be due to qi deficiency.

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

If it is pure qi deficiency, it would be good to strengthen the spleen and qi. But many of us become angry, have acne, have more phlegm in the morning, and have thicker and more greasy tongues.

Is this not mended? Although there are many empty people now, there are not many people who are too empty to be absorbed. Modern diet is rich, and more people are too blocked to fill.

At this time, it is necessary to make a preliminary judgment on what the blockage is. If the second stool is normal and the abdomen does not press pain, it is not food accumulation; The epigastric cavity is not full, and the chest and ribs are not distended and painful, not qi stagnation.

Then, the maximum may be the weight of moisture. People with obvious moisture will have these feelings: The body is heavy, puffy, dizzy, with a lot of saliva and heavy limbs. It is easy to be sleepy at 9-10 a.m., and there will also be shortness of breath, palpitations, and thirst for water.

Some people have a vague feeling of qi deficiency and wet weight, but when they look at the tongue, it is still qi deficiency and wet weight. For people with qi deficiency and heavy dampness, the tongue coating covers the entire surface of the tongue, with no tongue substance and obvious tooth marks. His belly is probably bulging and soft.

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

Don't mend it. It'll mend it to the wet side

People with deficiency of qi and heavy dampness have two major troubles. One is that the above mentioned items can not be filled in. They are all filled in to the wet side or can be filled in.

Second, the dampness can never be eliminated. A thousand colds are easy to get rid of, but one wet is hard to get rid of, which is the case in many cases.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is emphasized that "deficiency is tonic, and truth is laxative". If there is both deficiency and reality, then both tonic and laxative methods should be used. The deficiency of qi and the weight of dampness should strengthen the spleen and replenish qi while dispelling dampness.

Here suddenly it comes to invigorating the spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow". The root of qi deficiency and wet weight is that the spleen and stomach are weak and cannot be transported. Over time, the healthy qi cannot be supplemented and the moisture cannot be transported away, which in turn affects the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, to dispel dampness and replenish qi, it is always necessary to strengthen the spleen as the foundation. If the spleen and stomach are good, the dampness will not easily return, and the righteousness can be filled in.

From the above analysis, we know that People with deficiency of qi and heavy dampness should do the following things: invigorate the spleen, replenish qi, and dispel dampness. What are the specific measures?

Taijiquan and Baduanjin are very good

Taijiquan and Baduanjin are actually exercises that can strengthen the spleen, invigorate qi and dispel dampness. Because they can save energy, exercise deep viscera and dredge channels.

Compared with other sports that make the heart beat faster and continuously strengthen strength and speed, Taijiquan and Baduanjin are subtraction. Its relaxation, slowness, and consciousness are all aimed at letting the body stretch with the least effort, letting the yang qi swim all over the body and take away the moisture.

It can massage the internal organs and restore the vitality of the spleen and stomach in the middle energizer. Some students who practiced Tai Chi said that their appetite became better, their stomachs became smaller, and their spirit was better than ever. They ate too much but lost weight instead. This is the advantage of traditional sports.

In addition, exercise can make the brain rest and think less. Traditional Chinese medicine often says that "thinking hurts the spleen". Some people have nothing to do when they are idle. This is the reason why they become more phlegm and puffy when they use their brains.

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

Moxibustion is also good at these acupoints

Daily moxibustion is also a relatively easy method.

Moxibustion at Guanyuan and Shenque can replenish the lower energizer, strengthen the yang and eliminate dampness. Wet drive is easy to gather in the abdomen, causing waist swimming circle and belly. It is not convenient for moxibustion. It is also good to insist on pinching the pulse.

Shenque acupoint: navel. Guan Yuan: 4 horizontal fingers below the navel.

Moxibustion at Zusanli and Zhongwan points can invigorate the middle and qi, enhance digestion of the stomach, and relieve various stomach discomfort.

Zhongwan point: push upward along the midline of the navel to a hard bone, the midpoint of the line between the bone and the navel.

Zusanli: 3 inches below the outer knee (4 fingers wide), 1 inch beside the front edge of the tibia.

Moxibustion at Fenglong, Yinlingquan, Gongsun and Taibai points can strengthen the spleen, eliminate phlegm and dampness, and enhance the absorption of the spleen.

Fenglong point: the midpoint of the line between the tip of the outer ankle and the eye of the outer knee, and 2 transverse fingers outside the front ridge of the tibia.

Yinling Spring: located at the inner side of the lower leg, in the depression between the inner lower edge of the tibia and the inner edge of the tibia.

Taibai point: behind the big toe of the foot, under the bone of the medial nucleus, in the depression of the red and white fleshy border.

Gongsun acupoint: one inch behind Taibai acupoint.

Select one acupoint at a time and moxibustion it through, that is, you can feel the heat penetrating into the body, then you can stop and moxibustion again the next day. Or which acupoint moxibustion is particularly comfortable, you can use more moxibustion.

If your tongue has no coating, map the tongue, red tongue with little fluid, yellow and thick coating, do not moxibustion, but focus on the front of the tongue with qi deficiency and wet weight.

Prescription recommendation

1. Shenling Baizhu Powder

This is one of the "Taiping Recipe for Benefiting People and Dispensing Bureau" of the Song Dynasty Treating spleen deficiency with dampness The prescription of. There are ginseng, yam, white lentil, lotus seed meat, licorice for invigorating spleen and stomach, Poria cocos, atractylodes macrocephala, coix seed, amomum villosum for removing dampness.

The Prescription for Peace Benefiting the People: "The spleen and stomach are weak, the diet is not sufficient, more sleep and less strength, the stomach is full of congestion, the heart is loose, asthma, vomiting and diarrhea, and typhoid cough. This medicine is peaceful, taking it for a long time can nourish the qi and nourish the spirit, rejuvenate the spleen and remove evil."

2. Linggui Zhugan Decoction

This is the treatment in Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Febrile Diseases Wet medium coke with water The prescription of. Poria cocos, atractylodes macrocephala invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, cinnamon twigs, licorice, invigorate the middle and replenish qi.

Note: It is recommended to ask a doctor to prescribe a prescription before taking it. Both of them are relatively peaceful. In many complex situations, the doctor can also find the shadow of these two prescriptions.

Food therapy and tea recommendation

A kind of food is either partial to supplement, partial to diarrhea, or partial to flat, which is difficult to deal with the situation of deficiency of upper qi and wet weight. So don't worry about food, Normal diet, less greasy meat, 7 minutes for each meal.

There is a tea recipe that is very suitable for the constitution of qi deficiency and dampness The daily health care prescription of Mr. Deng Tietao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is called Nanqi Yiren Tea.

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

This tea is composed of 11 kinds of medicinal materials with the same origin of medicine and food. The more I look at it, the more I think the prescription of Deng Laozi is exquisite.

Invigorate the spleen and invigorate qi There are Nanqi, yam, malt, liquorice, white lentil, white thatch root, and polygonatum odoratum;

Promoting qi and eliminating dampness There are: Nanqi, fried Coix seed, orange peel, Poria cocos;

Complement surface body fluid There are Nanqi, Pueraria lobata and Polygonatum odoratum;

Properly grasp the big end of the spleen and stomach, and then resist qi and remove dampness. It also takes into account the blood stasis and exterior deficiency caused by a long period of qi deficiency and dampness (white thatch root removes blood stasis, and kudzu root supplements the exterior).

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

The main drugs are Nanqi and Coix seed. How can Nanqi invigorate the spleen, invigorate qi and dispel dampness?

People in the north of Lingnan should not know about Nanqi, but only about Huangqi. Nanqi is the root of five fingered peaches and the "astragalus" of Lingnan people. It is used to boil chicken soup, pig bone soup and drink in water. It has a fragrant coconut flavor.

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

Nanqi is not as easy to get angry as Astragalus, and has more functions of promoting qi and promoting dampness than Astragalus. There is very little food for the upper qi deficiency and dampness weight constitution. Nanqi is one of them. Deng Laotian often uses Huangqi and Nanqi in treating myasthenia gravis.

This Nanqi job's seed tea is made from Deng Laos prescription. Some people feel that it has improved a lot after drinking it for a week. The tongue coating and tooth marks are less, and they have strength and no edema.

 For people with heavy dampness and fatigue, recommend several effective methods for eliminating dampness and health care

However, some people think that it has not changed much, and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, it is a mild tea drink, which has heavy moisture in the body. It is estimated that you should drink more or drink longer.

But remember, you should never drink anything like water without thirst. Don't drink hard just because it dispels dampness. This is wrong, but it will aggravate dampness.

No matter how strict the emphasis is, it is suitable to drink decoction. After drinking the decoction, use Nanqi Yiren tea for daily health care.


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