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Why are the four stars of qi tonics ashamed when they meet "her"?

(2018-02-02 10:34:22)

Miscellaneous talk

 Why are the four stars of qi tonics ashamed when they meet "her"?

I am astragalus. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yellow is earth color, the spleen governs earth, and the excess of earth means the foot of qi and blood. I am good at tonifying qi and diuresis!

It is not just Dangshen. It is named because it is mainly produced in Shangdang area of Shanxi Province. It is good at nourishing qi and blood,

I am an atractylodes macrocephala, characterized by invigorating qi and spleen, drying dampness and promoting diuresis. Many prescriptions contain my shadow,

I am good at tonifying the yam, the medicine in the mountain, and the medicine in the food. I am often liked by the food,

Hello, everyone. I am ginseng, named for my humanlike appearance. I have served mankind for four thousand years

King of Qi Replenishment

King of Qi Replenishment ”As soon as Ginseng appeared, it was radiant. Astragalus, Dangshen, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Yam all hid their faces and retreated.

The poem said: "There are strange grass in the deep mountain, and the green leaves are blooming. People who are good at tonifying the weak and healthy are good at counting ginseng." Ginseng has been known as the "spirit of thousands of grass" and the "strength of a hundred medicines" since ancient times, and is the first medicine for tonifying qi. Li Yanwen (Li Shizhen's father) in the Ming Dynasty wrote a book for him: Biography of Ginseng.

Some people may ask, in modern society, there is a rich diet, and people can't be hungry. Will people still need ginseng? Before answering this question, let's first understand a little about qi deficiency.


Qi deficiency

Qi deficiency It is a special term of traditional Chinese medicine, which generally refers to a series of situations that occur after people are usually weak or have a long illness. People with qi deficiency will often feel tired, weak, low voice, lazy talk and little movement. A little exercise will lead to shortness of breath or asthma, lack of breath, pale complexion, tasteless diet, bowel ringing and diarrhea, indigestion, sweating and self sweating, and even edema of head, face and limbs. Often easy to catch a cold, weak pulse, weak tongue, fat tongue, tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, etc.

Further, qi deficiency can be divided into spleen qi deficiency, lung qi deficiency, heart qi deficiency, kidney qi deficiency, etc.

Spleen deficiency: anorexia, abdominal distension, diet reduction, epigastric discomfort after eating, vomiting and nausea, chronic diarrhea, gastroptosis, anorectal prolapse, fatigue, sallow complexion, thin tongue coating, weak pulse, etc;

Lung qi deficiency: shortness of breath, chronic cough and asthma, short breath and spontaneous sweating, low voice, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, love colds, white face, weak tongue, weak pulse, etc;

Heart qi deficiency: palpitations, palpitation, premature beats, bradycardia, various arrhythmias, shortness of breath, especially in old age, mental fatigue and fatigue, spontaneous sweating, weak tongue, weak pulse, etc;

Kidney qi deficiency: weak waist and knees, frequent and clear urination, edema of lower limbs, fatigue, clear leucorrhea, weak tongue, weak pulse, etc.


Do you have any of the above symptoms? According to a Chinese doctor who maintained the Zheng'an Hospital in a prudent way“ Nowadays, it is hard for urbanites not to feel empty! There are many reasons for qi deficiency: inborn deficiency, postnatal loss of nourishment, overwork, or long illness, or decline of viscera function, biochemical deficiency of qi, etc. Originally, the pace of life was fast and the pressure was high, so we could not get rid of the bad habits of staying up late and using electronic products excessively.

What can be done to improve the dilemma of qi deficiency?

According to the Qianlong Dynasty's Ginseng Bottom Book, from the beginning of December in the 62nd year of Qianlong's reign to the third day of the first month in the 64th year of Qianlong's reign, the emperor had made three hundred and fifty-nine visits to ginseng, and the fourth class ginseng had thirty-seven twenty-nine coins. In this way, he gets about three grams of ginseng every day!

The prosperity of Kang, Yong and Qian is a period of special pride in Chinese history, The Emperor Qianlong's daily efforts and opportunities can still "live a lifetime of 89", which has to do with his taking a small amount of cannibal ginseng to tonify qi all the year round

There are many qi tonifying medicines. The most commonly used ones in TCM clinic are astragalus, codonopsis pilosula, atractylodes macrocephala and yam, but the most prominent one is ginseng, which is an outstanding branch. It was also awarded by Qianlong, the longest lived emperor in Chinese history“ Elixir ”。

The biggest characteristic of ginseng is Rapid onset, rapid onset, rapid onset ——The important thing is to say three times - compared with the strength of astragalus, it takes a period of time to play a major role, and ginseng can play a decisive role in life and death.

Since ginseng has a prominent role in tonifying qi, there have been many prescriptions of ginseng since ancient times. From the Han Dynasty's medical sage Zhang Zhongjing until today, most of the prescriptions for tonifying qi will use ginseng, such as the "first prescription" Sijunzi Decoction for tonifying qi, which is composed of ginseng, atractylodes macrocephala, tuckahoe and liquorice. Many prescriptions for tonifying qi in later generations are derived from this prescription.

There are two famous prescriptions that can show the speed of ginseng Qi tonifying - Dushen Decoction and Shenfu Decoction. For thousands of years without modern first-aid equipment and technology, too many people have lost blood, vomited diarrhea and died of serious illness, which were saved only by a single ginseng decoction. In a sense, ginseng in ancient times was equivalent to the hospital emergency room in modern society.



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