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 Li Miao, Li Sanshui
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So today, Ctrip and I talked about this

(2016-01-15 15:30:58)

Miscellaneous talk

From January 10, when the incident was detonated, to today's January 14, too many things happened. I'm sorry I robbed David Bowie the other day Alan Rickman, who played Professor Severus Snape today, also died


I thought that today, the people who watched the activity have almost disappeared, and you should be enthusiastic friends who are concerned about the development of the situation. I'm here to brief you about the meeting between Ctrip and me today.

The place is Wangjing, Beijing. At 14:00, two staff members of Ctrip came to our meeting place as scheduled. One is Mr. Han, Director of International Supplier Business, and the other is Ms. Pei, General Manager of Customer Service Department. With Ms. Song, the new media director of Shangnar, there are four of us. There was no media and no other third party, so the atmosphere of the talks was very relaxed.

The first thing I ask is how the "fake electronic ticket" came into being. Mr. Han gave me the following explanation from the perspective of Ctrip operation:

  1. Since Ctrip became a platform in 2013, the business of international air tickets has changed from being exclusively operated by Ctrip to being operated jointly with agents. In the international air ticket business, Ctrip's share and the agent's share are basically half and half.

  2. Because the interface between the ticketing system of the international ticket and the China Aviation Information System used in China is not unified, Ctrip currently guarantees that its international ticket can be automatically docked with the China Aviation Information System, and the electronic ticket number obtained from the airline will not have problems.

  3. However, because there are thousands of agents, it is common for agents to have different interfaces. After Ctrip receives the user's ticket order and sends it to the agent, the agent needs to issue the ticket within the time specified by Ctrip, otherwise the ticket will be taken back by Ctrip and issued by itself.

  4. In order to obtain more customer orders, some agents will exceed their own processing capacity to obtain orders. When these tickets are in the hands of the agent, in order to prevent Ctrip from taking back the ticket after the timeout, they will fill in the non-existent electronic ticket number on the ticket that is too late to issue and return it to the Ctrip system. Then find the time to issue the ticket and refresh the correct electronic ticket number to Ctrip's system.

  5. Ctrip used to adopt the "spot check" mechanism for electronic tickets returned from non-standard interfaces: 20% - 30% of non-standard tickets will be manually spot checked, and once problems are found, the agents will be notified, and certain punishment measures will be taken against the agents.

  6. However, during the handover, the agent (Hunan Sanhe) missed my two tickets and Ctrip did not spot check them, so I "got fake tickets".

At this point, I think the general logic has been understood: in order to make more orders, agents input fake tickets - Ctrip sends them to passengers without inspection - fake tickets emerge.

So for this fake ticket, the responsibility is also very clear: the agent's fake ticket is a malicious foul, and Ctrip's failure to test is dereliction of duty.

As for the prevention of ticket fraud, Mr. Han promised me the current improvement measures of Ctrip:

  1. Since January 11, Ctrip has adopted 100% manual inspection for non-standard tickets, and all non-standard tickets will be manually verified.

  2. If the agent is found to have changed the electronic ticket number or forged the electronic ticket number, the agent shall be immediately stopped selling and immediately offline. In this case, Ctrip is waiting for the handling opinion of CAAC on Hunan Sanhe, and will report it later.

As for the response of Ctrip's customer service department in this event, I also put forward several demands:

  1. Ctrip's customer service department should establish a quick response mechanism. When there is a problem with a ticket, you should not check the problem first to let passengers wait, or even miss the flight; It is to ensure the travel of passengers first.

  2. On the day of January 9, the customer service department replied to me that only the ticket price was refunded. On January 11, after the incident broke out, the reimbursement advice given to me was changed to one for three. I think this objectively forms the phenomenon of "whoever makes trouble will pay more". Therefore, Ctrip should publish a unified refund standard as soon as possible. For the three refund methods mentioned by Ms. Pei: "refund one to compensate three", "refund one to compensate one" and "refund the original money", Ctrip should publish a unified and clear refund conditions, so that every user who defends their rights can have a reason to rely on.

  3. Ctrip should set up a "centralized channel for reimbursement" on its home page, Ctrip APP and WeChat service account as soon as possible, so that this period of time can not be resolved, and all kinds of reimbursement disputes can get a convenient processing channel, and achieve one-on-one reimbursement service from beginning to end. Let every damaged user have a fair and transparent refund, rather than "only big V has such treatment".

  4. The scope of reimbursement should not be limited to international air ticket business, but include all businesses of Ctrip: hotels, travel products, scenic spot tickets, etc.

  5. The form of refund should also be consistent with the way users pay: since users pay in cash/transfer, Ctrip should also refund in cash/transfer instead of using virtual forms such as Ctrip points or gift certificates.

As for the preventive measures against "fake tickets", I also hope Mr. Han can publish the rectification plan on the process to the public and implement it as soon as possible.

The two staff members of Ctrip fully agreed with the above requirements and promised to implement them all. Mr. Han and Ms. Pei promised to send me the specific implementation plan and timetable on January 15, and I will show them here.

Therefore, I hope that all of you who have demand for refund and compensation from Ctrip will prepare your own relevant evidence and let us wait for the implementation of reasonable rights protection.

With the permission of Ctrip's two attendants, the whole conversation has been recorded, and there is an intermediary recognized by both of us. Ms. Song was present throughout the meeting.


Say something beside the point.

Thank you for your support and encouragement for so many days. If I hadn't seen so many screenshots sent by friends who have similar experiences with me in the background, and Ctrip's unfair and opaque refund results to them, I think I would have chosen to pacify people.

It is because of your presence that I realized that you are actually looking forward to this "rip B" between Ctrip and me, which can open a door for them to seek a reasonable refund. So I should not only be satisfied with Ctrip's compensation to me, but let every infringed user enjoy the same treatment and power as me, and let all of our reasonable demands be extended.

So even though some voices question my "wanting to be red", I know that this is not the feeling of happiness after being "red", but the responsibility of shouldering the expectations of thousands of people, which is a kind of pressure that needs courage to bear. Thank you for supporting my brothers firmly during this period, as well as thousands of friends we have never met before. Every message and praise from you have given me the courage to persevere.

Although we have got some good results in today's talks, this is only the first milestone. Ctrip's implementation and reform after today is the key to properly solve the situation. I think my responsibility will not be completed until we see that these demands have been implemented.

Good night, everyone.


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