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 Doctor Zhi Xiuyi
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The harm of smoking to the body is beyond your imagination

(2016-08-26 16:31:29)

Miscellaneous talk

Chief Physician - Cardiothoracic Surgery Department, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University   Support and repair

Editor's language: The nicotine of a cigarette is enough to poison a mouse; The nicotine from twenty cigarettes can poison a cow. Are you sure you are better than cattle? This is not alarmist! If you ignore your own health, please don't ignore the health of others@ Doctor Zhi Xiuyi   Tell you how toxic cigarettes are? Forwarding support, say NO to second-hand smoke! The original text is as follows:

Keep children away from tobacco

Children are our future and hope, as well as the sustenance of families and parents. Children's illness has caused a huge burden of family disease, and it is also unbearable for the family to suffer mental damage. But in recent ten years, the number of children's tumors in China has increased tenfold in many places.

What causes this result?

We know that children are in the process of development, and the functions of many organs and tissues are not perfect. The ability of detoxification is far lower than that of adults. For example, children and adults in the same passive smoking environment, test the secondary smoke residue cotinine (nicotine metabolite) in each person's blood, and find that the content of cotinine in children's blood is more than twice that of adults. Therefore, care for children's health must prevent them from being exposed to tobacco smoke and other pollutants.

Women are the patron saint of the family and society, playing an important role in the family as mothers and future qualified mothers. Without a mother in the family would be a huge disaster. To protect women's health is to protect every family. Because any toxic and harmful substances that women are exposed to during pregnancy, lactation and child care may cause health effects on fetuses and young children. Our survey found that mothers' smoking even had an impact on children's and adolescents' academic performance. The reason is that children often accompany their mothers, and mothers' smoking will cause an increase in children's respiratory diseases. Children are absent from school more than children from non-smoking families. As a result, these children's academic performance is poor. The pressure of learning makes them tend to smoke and enter a new vicious circle.

Passive smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease is very common. However, because the pathogenesis is not a very significant cumulative result, it has not been paid attention to. Capital Medical University accepted the subject of Measurement of Indoor Smoke Pollution in Beijing. Through laboratory research on indoor smoke pollution and horizontal measurement of smoke pollution in restaurants, offices and bars, it was found that smoke can be expressed in the air as PM2.5 concentration of small particles. Through measurement, it was found that indoor smoking would cause an extreme decline in air quality, The test shows that when there is no human smoke in the room, the air cleanliness is good, and the concentration of PM2.5 in the air is only 37. However, within five minutes from the first cigarette smoke, the air quality drops 8-10 times, and the concentration of PM2.5 in the air can reach 330, which remains within the concentration of PM350 for 15 minutes. Even if you stand 6 meters away from the burning cigarette, the air pollution concentration is more than 4 times higher than the safety standard. Not to mention the impact of the increase in cumulative smoking on the air. This shows that one cigarette is enough to cause air deterioration, and it is dangerous for non-smokers to breathe in the same room as smokers.

The study found that short-term exposure of individuals to high concentrations of smoke will lead to premature death or morbidity of patients with heart and lung diseases, increase the number of medical visits for respiratory patients, increase the incidence and emergency of cardiovascular diseases, increase the symptoms of cough and shortness of breath, and do more harm to children and asthma patients. Long term work in the smoke environment will lead to a series of serious health damage such as the increase of lung cancer patients, the increase of lung function of patients, and the increase of children's chronic respiratory diseases.

The national survey found that at present, half of the population lives in a passive smoking environment almost every day, while most women are non-smokers. Service staff working in many public places and office places work almost every day in an indoor environment polluted by smoke. If they breathe second-hand smoke during eight hours of work, In fact, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes. Therefore, banning people from smoking in public places and workplaces is to protect women and children, and to protect the health rights of non-smokers.

The experience of many countries shows that: In order to protect non-smokers from smoking, it also reduces the smoking behavior of active smoking and protects the health of all citizens.

In May 2008, the Beijing Municipal Government announced the Several Provisions on the Scope of Smoking Prohibitions in Public Places in Beijing, which came into force on May 1, 2008. For the first time, this regulation has raised the scope of smoking prohibition from general public places to a more comprehensive scope, including workplaces, from hospitals to universities, middle schools and primary schools, from offices to restaurants, bars and cafes, from airports and railway stations to stadiums and gyms, from cultural places to hotel rooms and parks, and put forward the requirement of comprehensive smoking prohibition, Strive to improve people's living and working environment to the greatest extent and protect people's life, health and safety. That is to protect the health of women and children. We hope that all citizens will actively support the Beijing Municipal Government's smoking ban order and contribute to the social responsibility of a qualified citizen to create a smoke-free environment and a smoke-free Olympics!


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