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 Doctor Zhi Xiuyi
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Is smoking really a good thing? Who pays for your health?

(2016-08-26 16:29:04)

Miscellaneous talk

Chief Physician - Cardiothoracic Surgery Department, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University   Support and repair

Editor's language: Speaking of smoking, the husband casually took out a box of cigarettes of a certain brand and began to read the small words printed on the cigarette box: Every time you consume a box of cigarettes, you will give a love to Project Hope. After reading, he pointed to the line and said, "Look, we still do good things by smoking, but no one gives us free when we get sick.". Sharing the story of smoking and lung cancer with everyone deserves a careful look. The original text is as follows:

Smoking can ruin our lives. We should improve ourselves

Smoking and lung cancer

Compared with the crowded elevators and corridors outside, the ward is quiet and bright. Nurses and family members come in and out intermittently. Patients sit or lie down and rest quietly.

A month ago, following Professor Zhi Xiuyi, Director of Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Capital Medical University and Director of Thoracic Surgery Department of Xuanwu Hospital, the reporter came to the lung cancer central ward of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University to interview. According to Professor Zhi, there are 47 lung cancer patients in Xuanwu Hospital at present, some of whom are waiting for surgery, and some have completed surgery and are recovering after surgery. Among these lung cancer patients, 80% are smokers, and without exception, they have quit smoking for decades without so-called withdrawal symptoms.


When we entered a ward, we first came to a hospital bed near the window. When we saw us coming, the middle-aged man in the hospital bed wanted to sit up. We advised him not to get up, but he tried to sit up. He is from a tumor hospital in Northeast China, and he just came here two days ago. He told us that he had smoked for more than 20 years. When he was in school, he learned to smoke in Internet cafes. Later, he smoked more and more cigarettes with high tar. On average, he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. A routine examination revealed lung cancer. He said that the doctor was supposed to set an example by not smoking, but he failed to do so. The hospital director who sent him to Beijing also smoked. He also mentioned that their local environment is very poor, because they are located in industrial mining areas, and people are suffering from it. Speaking of the upcoming lung cancer surgery, he could not help feeling dejected, saying that he was a "loser in life". He sighed with emotion that he should cherish life, and said that he would actively cooperate with the treatment, strive to recover as soon as possible, and complete the "task of life".

Professor Zhi and patients said that surgeons now have a high smoking rate. The proportion of respiratory and thoracic surgery doctors smoking is about 30% less, while the proportion of orthopedic surgeons smoking is more than 60%. In some grass-roots hospitals, doctors consult patients in outpatient clinics and offices with a cigarette in their mouth.

Professor Zhi also talked about smoking culture with the patient and colleague. The patient said that the phrase "big girl with a big cigarette bag in her mouth" in the local popular jingle "Four Strangers in the Northeast" could explain the problem, and more than half of his friends around him also smoked. The volunteer teacher said that the Chinese tobacco culture is very popular, and the phenomenon of sending cigarettes and alcohol is very common, but he did not think it was impolite to smoke in public.

The impact of the environment is also great. It is difficult for people around to smoke without smoking. Beijing's legislation to ban smoking in public places is a good thing, which makes it inconvenient for smokers to smoke everywhere and forces them to quit smoking.

On the bedside sat an old man from Sichuan. When he mentioned smoking, he still could not hide his previous interest in smoking. He said that when he smelled others smoking, he felt "fragrant and wanted to smoke". Now he should stop smoking as soon as possible to "live a few more years". He also said that his son worked in Beijing and smoked secretly behind his back.

In front of another row of sickbeds, we talked with several patients again. An elderly patient said that he had smoked for 50 years, but he would also like to quit before, but he could not quit. "It's really unpromising, I can't control smoking all the time, I have no will, I will not turn back without hitting the south wall, and I will not smoke this time if I find lung cancer.". He said that in the past, cigarettes never left his body. "If you forget your wallet, you will never forget your cigarettes.". His wife also smokes. The two people often smoke in front of each other in the corridor. Because of constant coughing, the voice control light in the corridor can always be on.

Professor Zhi chimed in, saying that it was really the language of smokers, and no one else could think of it.

Among the 8 patients in one ward, 5 and 6 have a history of smoking, including young and middle-aged patients and elderly patients aged 70. They all regret smoking in the past. They have stopped smoking after hospitalization and do not feel unwell. They hope to persuade their families not to smoke.

The patients in the next ward were all female patients. We first talked with a patient from Guizhou. She was in her thirties and didn't know she had lung cancer, but she thought it was all inflammation. Professor Zhi didn't let us tell her the truth before he came in. She doesn't smoke much, but she used to have bronchitis, so now her voice is hoarse. Her husband died early, so she smoked and sent him to worry. She often plays mahjong. People who play mahjong smoke and sometimes stay up all night. Although her daughter strongly objected to her smoking, she didn't quit early.

A middle-aged couple sitting in the window of this ward talked about smoking. The husband casually took out a box of cigarettes of a certain brand and began to read the small words printed on the cigarette box: Every time you consume a box of cigarettes, you will give a love to Project Hope. After reading, he pointed to the line and said, "Look, we still do good things by smoking, but no one gives us free when we get sick.". He and his wife smoked cigarettes for 30 and 20 years respectively. They said that if their children smoked in the future, they would not take care of it, because it was their own business, and as parents, they did not set a good example and could not take care of it.

Another elderly patient told us that he started smoking in his 30s and has been smoking for more than 30 years. He didn't realize the harm of smoking before. He just wanted to smoke and quit several times, but he didn't quit. Recently, he started coughing up blood and decided to quit.

We changed to another ward. Four middle-aged and elderly male patients all smoked. One of them said that he had smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for more than 40 years, and he knew that he should not have smoked for a long time, but he just couldn't stop smoking. Even though he was still smoking four years ago when he was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer, he was shocked until he was diagnosed with lung cancer this year. He used to take chances, thinking that his parents would live longer and he would live longer, but he didn't expect this result. Just as his son and daughter were standing beside him, I asked his son if he would quit smoking when he saw his father like this. He said that he had been used to smoking and could not give up smoking, and it was difficult for him not to smoke when he had more social intercourse.

Another man nearby said that he had smoked for 60 years, and now he has quit smoking for a year. He must first think about quitting smoking, and now he hates smoking when he mentions it.

It was mentioned that the country should increase the tobacco tax to promote smokers to quit smoking. The volunteer teacher said that there is a phenomenon of buying cigarettes with public funds now, and gift cigarettes are also very common, and cigarettes have become a means of communication and public relations. Some professional groups and leaders do not need to buy cigarettes when they smoke. It is hard to say whether the increase in tobacco tax can achieve significant results.

■ Data link

According to the survey data on the causes of death of Chinese people released by the Ministry of Health on April 29, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, malignant tumors and other chronic degenerative diseases have become the main causes of death of urban and rural residents in China, accounting for 22.45% and 22.32% of the total deaths respectively. Lung cancer has increased by 465% in the past 30 years, becoming the primary cause of death from malignant tumors. Data shows that 80-85% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking.


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