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A disease caused by "Qi" must not be ignored!

(2016-08-26 16:28:40)

Miscellaneous talk

Chief Physician - Cardiothoracic Surgery Department, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University   Support and repair

Editor's language: #No more talking about cancer discoloration # It turns out that this is a disease caused by "qi"! These gases can be deadly, you know@ Doctor Zhi Xiuyi   Uncover the truth about the high incidence of lung cancer for everyone! Your forwarding may save more lives! The original text is as follows:

Pay attention to a disease caused by "qi"

Now, everyone is discussing this issue nervously - lung cancer. However, the incidence of lung cancer is still like a rocket with wings, which keeps rising. I believe that we all have a certain understanding of the current grim situation. Now, I will use data as the "iron evidence" to introduce the grim situation of lung cancer in detail Six major causes of lung cancer and related rescue measures.

Lung cancer has become an important threat to the health of Chinese residents


The National Health and Family Planning Commission pointed out in the White Paper on Chinese Health and the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2015) that in 2012, the number of chronic deaths of residents nationwide was 533/100000, accounting for 86.6% of the total deaths. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases were the main causes of death, accounting for 79.4% of the total deaths. The cancer mortality rate was 144.3/100000, and the top five cancer deaths were lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and colorectal cancer. Lung cancer has replaced liver cancer as the leading cause of death of malignant tumors in China.

The incidence and death of lung cancer in China has been on the rise, and the death rate of lung cancer in China has increased by 465% in the past three decades. The 2014 China Cancer Registration Annual Report shows that for men, lung cancer is the primary malignant tumor threat, and for women, lung cancer is also the second leading malignant tumor killer after breast cancer. In recent five years, the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in rural areas have increased significantly.

As far as Beijing is concerned, in the past two decades, the lung cancer mortality rate in Beijing has continued to rise at an annual rate of 5,43%; At present, there are nearly 50000 new cancers in Beijing every year, of which 7794/100000 are male and 4959/100000 are female. Lung cancer surgery occupies the first place in thoracic surgery in Beijing's top three hospitals.

Six "changes" of smoking lead to high incidence of lung cancer

There are more than 300 million smokers in China, of which 28.1% are over 15 years old, and 52.9% are men. The proportion of non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke was 72.4%, and the number of people exposed to second-hand smoke was nearly 740 million.

Smoking and population aging, urban modernization, rural urbanization, environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and medical modernization have led to the high incidence of lung cancer. At present, China's population over 60 years old has reached 220 million, accounting for more than 14% of the national population. The proportion of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou is close to or more than 20%. At the same time, 60% of tumors and 70% of cancer deaths occur in people over 65 years old.

Five "Qi" Entanglement, High Incidence of Lung Cancer

1 The first "gas": outdoor air pollution

An important reason for lung cancer is outdoor air pollution. Taking Beijing as an example, in 2014, only 48% of Beijing's air quality reached the standard, up to 52% of the weather day air quality did not reach the standard, and PM2.5, the primary pollutant on the days exceeding the standard, accounted for about 80%. Heavy pollution weather, namely haze weather, accounts for 16% of the total days of the year. Therefore, the prevention and control of air pollution has become a prominent problem for the development of Beijing and even the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

Beijing has 25 million people, 25 million coal burning, 5.8 million vehicles, 200 million square meters of construction sites, and 2000 agricultural and livestock farms, all of which will produce a lot of pollutant emissions. In addition, the geographical and meteorological conditions in Beijing are not conducive to the diffusion of air pollutants. Beijing is surrounded by mountains on three sides, forming an arc barrier 1000 meters high, presenting a "dustpan shaped" terrain, and pollutants are easy to enter but not easy to exit. The climate in Beijing is relatively dry, and the number of days of calm wind inversion in the whole year is more than 20%, which is easy to cause pollution accumulation and further aggravate air pollution.

At present, Beijing has attached great importance to the control of air pollution. The Beijing Tianjin Hebei People's Congress has taken improving air quality as the top priority for three consecutive years. The Beijing Municipal Government has also issued a task statement for air pollution control, assigning the task of air pollution control to several relevant departments.

2 The second "gas": tobacco smoke

Tobacco smoke poses a huge threat to the health of residents. There are thousands of chemicals, hundreds of harmful substances and 69 carcinogens in tobacco smoke. According to foreign statistics, the top three diseases caused by smoking are chronic respiratory diseases, coronary heart disease and lung cancer, while lung cancer ranks second in our country. Epidemiological studies have confirmed that smoking is the primary risk factor for lung cancer, and 87% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. The lung cancer mortality rate of male smokers is 8 to 20 times that of non-smokers. There is a dose effect relationship between smoking and the occurrence of lung cancer. The incidence of lung cancer is 227/100000, 15-24 cigarettes are smoked every day, the incidence of lung cancer is 139/100000, 1-14 cigarettes are smoked every day, and the incidence of lung cancer is 75/100000.

Chinese tobacco ranks first in the world in many aspects, including the number of smoking related deaths, which is more than the sum of two to four in India, Indonesia, Russia and the United States. There are more than 300 million smokers in China, many of whom do not understand that smoking is harmful to health, especially because the health impact of smoking is lagging behind, and some young people do not fully understand the harm of smoking. There is a lag period between smoking and morbidity. Research shows that there is a gap of about 30 years between the peak of smoking and the peak of mortality. With the high smoking rate in China in the 1970s and 1980s, China is now facing the consequences of smoking.

The diameter of particles in second-hand smoke is less than PM2.5, which can enter the alveoli and blood, thus threatening health, especially the health of women and children. Non smokers bravely say no to smokers. Please go outside to smoke, because heavy passive smoking is equal to light active smoking.

3 The third "gas": kitchen oil smoke

More and more attention has been paid to the relationship between kitchen fume and non-smoking women's lung cancer. China on the Tongue of CCTV has made Chinese food go global. However, if we do not pay attention to kitchen fume pollution, do not adopt healthy cooking methods, and do not use smokers scientifically, kitchen fume pollution will also harm the health of residents. When cooking oil is heated to 250 ℃, a large amount of oil smoke will appear, while the oil temperature of traditional Chinese cooking methods is above 260 ℃. Kitchen lampblack contains benzopyrene, volatile nitrous acid and heterocyclic known carcinogens. A paired study on the causes of lung cancer in non-smoking women in Shanghai found that the greater the cooking smoke, the longer the exposure time, the greater the risk of lung cancer. Animal model studies showed that lung cancer induced by oil fume pollution was mainly adenocarcinoma. In daily kitchen cooking, we should maintain kitchen ventilation, adopt more healthy cooking methods, reduce home barbecue, scientifically install, use and maintain smoking machines, and use smoking machines throughout the cooking process.

4 The fourth "gas": indoor decoration pollution

The fourth "gas" is the indoor air pollution caused by indoor decoration. Formaldehyde is mostly contained in Chinese furniture, decoration, floor, glue floor, partition, wallpaper, adhesives for furniture joints, etc. For many Chinese people, they spend more time indoors than outdoors, so we should pay attention to the pollution of indoor environment.

CCTV has reported the sampling inspection data of home environment and interior decoration materials from 2013 to 2014 released by the China Building Decoration Association - the air quality of residential buildings in China exceeds the standard seriously! The average exceeding standard rate of formaldehyde is 70% - 80%; The excess rate of TVOC (total volatile organic compounds) is 75%, and the highest value is 5 times higher than the national standard. The degree of indoor air pollution is two to three times more serious than that of outdoor air pollution, and even more than 100 times in some serious cases. More than 300 pollutants can be detected indoors, including more than 20 carcinogens, and 68% of human diseases are related to indoor air pollution. The report also interviewed Academician Zhong Nanshan, who said that poor quality decoration materials would lead to long-term excessive pollution. According to the report, according to the survey by the China Children's Health Care and Disease Prevention and Control Guidance Center, about 2.1 million children die from upper respiratory tract infections caused by decoration pollution every year in China, of which more than 1 million children under the age of five die from indoor air pollution.

5 The fifth "Qi": anger

The often sulky character is called cancer character, also called C-type character, precancerous character, which is characterized by tolerance, obedience, restraint, emotional instability, loneliness, depression, pursuit of perfection, etc. It is easier to "encounter" life events in the same living environment, and more negative emotional experiences such as disappointment and sadness are likely to occur in similar unfortunate events. We advocate maintaining psychological balance, reasonably relieving psychological tension and pressure, and maintaining good mood.

MPOWER smoke control strategy

MPOWER is a tobacco control strategy advocated by the International Alliance for Tobacco Control of Lung Cancer and the World Health Organization. If it can be fully implemented in China, it will certainly produce huge clinical benefits. M is monitor, that is, to monitor the use of tobacco; P is protect, which means to protect residents from second-hand smoke; O is an offer, which means that people who want to quit smoking should be provided with help to quit smoking; W is warn, which means to warn of tobacco hazards; E is force, that is, tobacco advertising is prohibited; R is raise, that is, increase the tobacco consumption tax.

It is an urgent task for China to add strict and striking warnings to tobacco packaging. As for tobacco advertising, the new advertising law has completely prohibited tobacco related advertising. In terms of raising tobacco taxes, tobacco companies have paid more than 100 billion yuan in taxes to the State Administration of Taxation.

Early detection and treatment of lung cancer

There is a process to get away from the five "qi", and how to detect lung cancer early and reduce death is the task of medical workers. Chest CT screening can detect early lung cancer. On the basis of early detection of early lung cancer, existing medical technology can improve the survival period and quality of life of patients. It is suggested that low-dose spiral CT of the chest be used to carry out early screening of high-risk population characteristics, including: high incidence area of lung cancer, age between 50 and 79 years, smoking index of 20 pack years, family history of tumor, past history of lung disease, occupational and environmental carcinogenic factors. Surgical treatment is the first choice for early lung cancer. Minimally invasive surgery and thoracoscopic lobectomy can be carried out. In addition, it can also carry out PET-CT precise positioning radiotherapy SBRT, radio frequency ablation under CT, microwave ablation, argon helium knife, particle knife, etc.


Lung cancer is on the alert! Respond correctly for yourself and your family To build high city defense, and Early detection and treatment


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