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WeChat - Blue Ocean of Mobile Game Promotion

(2013-06-08 12:44:34)


Classification: Heart Rain, Essay
Wen/Xin Yu

    The hot style of blog has long gone, and microblog has also shown a soft trend. QQ groups, BBS, and other social platforms of the older generation are also showing a gradually indifferent status quo. So where did these users go? With the growing popularity of mobile Internet, WeChat has gradually come into the public's view. It has attracted a large number of users with its online real-time intercom, high-quality interaction in the circle of friends, efficient connectivity between mobile phones and PC terminals, and image flash memory and other functions. The launch of WeChat public account has improved the pertinence of enterprise network promotion, so many enterprises have also started to settle in. However, most of these enterprises focus on daily necessities, food, taxis and other entities. It is rare for IT industry, especially game industry and mobile game industry to settle in. In fact, WeChat is the most favorable for the promotion of mobile online game enterprises.

    Zoomlion Information Technology Co., Ltd. is the first enterprise in Shenyang, even in the country, to start promotion with WeChat public platform as the main position. The WeChat public account of its "Finger Palm" mobile game has attracted the attention and popularity of tens of thousands of mobile online game players within two months of its opening. Due to the real-time interaction of WeChat platform, the enterprise assigns special editors for real-time monitoring throughout the day. Whenever the player gives feedback or receives the game gift package, the editor will reply at the first time. In terms of user experience, reduce the waiting time of players and stand with them.

      Compared with official website promotion, WeChat is more convenient. Almost all game enterprises will guide the website to set passwords, verification codes, and other obstacles when distributing gift packages. It is even suspected that the main purpose is to allow players to register the website and cheat clicks, rather than issuing gift packages. Although this has been an open secret in the industry, "Fingering the World" has omitted these obstacles to truly give back to players. As long as you follow the WeChat account, you will unconditionally distribute the gift package without any restrictions. To some extent, it avoids the loss caused by players in procedures such as registering accounts and filling in verification codes. Since you want to give back, you should be forthright to the end.

    Of course, in the era when information and even primary information are saturated, the situation that content is king has become prominent. The traditional soft articles and advertisements can no longer attract the continuous attention of players, and the simple distribution of gift packages can not become a long-term solution. At this point The WeChat team of "Finger Palms the World" mobile games also made some reflections. Use the WeChat keyword reply function to classify the content, so that players can ask for the relevant information they want. It greatly improves the pertinence of the promotion, and also avoids the "disturbing people" phenomenon caused by massive message push. At the same time, the team also optimized the WeChat platform and opened up multiple sectors. When placing the column target before the title on the typesetting, it will not only be cleaner, but also enable players to read at a glance and find the information they want.
    Now, this public account has attracted more than 30000 mobile game players. Through Sino Austria Information Technology Co., Ltd., the click rate of games promoted by its WeChat public account of "Finger in the World" mobile game has exceeded 10000. The power of WeChat promotion is unstoppable, and enterprises such as mobile games that take mobile phones as carriers cannot do without WeChat. However, as it is still in the water testing stage, many enterprises do not put their energy into it. This has formed a blue ocean of the market, which will be a broad space for development.

      However, with the continuous popularity of WeChat and the continuous participation of mobile phone users, the promotion of WeChat public accounts in the future is bound to be a competition in content.

Note: This article is the first to publish a column on the personal industry of Self Inclination Xinyu (Zhang Yuwei) Sudu.com.


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