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Six Gods Stubborn

(2016-01-07 21:26:46)

Miscellaneous talk

http://ww1/large/65be90b9gw1ezr92oub0vj20hs0np0x0.jpg   My dear friend Li Lei's mother is my mother level fan. She praises my articles endlessly and often uses my words to educate Li Lei. In the same way, if Li Lei advised her mother herself, her aunt would disdain her. If she reported that it was said by Liu Liu, she would immediately feel very reasonable.


On the New Year's Day this year, I brought Li Lei's family to Tangchi, which is called Sanhe New Year, to straighten your spine. My aunt didn't want to go at first. I heard that I would visit at that time, and immediately agreed. I suddenly feel that my face is really as big as my face!


January two In the morning class in Tangchi, I shared my experience in writing a book about Chinese medicine and learning Chinese medicine. Li Lei's mother sat on the sidelines, holding my hand after listening, and sighed that I had mastered the essence of Chinese medicine. The master's lectures were not as profound as I was. They were refreshing, and she did not hesitate to roll up her sleeves and ask me to prick needles. Obviously, the magic power of my language makes my childish needling become powerful.


I covered my mouth and snickered. I like such patients best. Before they came, they all had the belief that I was a miracle doctor. Li Lei laughed at her own mother, "Liu Liu in your eyes is Liu Liu Rinpoche. She doesn't need to give you needles at all. If you touch the top, you will be cured."


In fact, whether touching the top or inserting needles, these are all "skills" and appearances. What I really treat is my words.


I still remember the first time I went to a free clinic with my master, a female patient asked me to inject needles because of breast disease. I was hesitant to do so. I told her that people with breast disease were not easy to express their anger because of external reasons, such as too tight bra or poor circulation of steel hoop, and internal reasons. She suddenly convinced me, and began to tell me about her family affairs, which were not good enough for foreigners. I told her the way to control her temper: anger is an extension of childhood behavior, that is, the heart is unwilling, the strength is not enough. There are two solutions: first, improve your control level, and second, resolve to change the environment that generates anger. That is, either I control you or I run away from you. After a conversation, she felt refreshed, her breast was no longer painful, her breast lump had obviously disappeared, and she chased me and shouted, "Dr. Zhang, Dr. Zhang, how many days are you here? I will come back tomorrow!"

http://ww1/large/65be90b9gw1ezr931n0lyj20hs0np0vy.jpg     One month later, with the blessing of Master Chengzu, the needle technique was really excellent. It also brought me closer to my relatives and friends around for many days. My own mother always looked down on me, saying that I was not good at teaching and writing, but that I could not do it immediately. At first, I thought it was my mother who was brave enough to encourage me to learn medicine. Later, I found that she enjoyed talking with her after I finished needling.


I knocked on my aunt's door with my barefoot doctor at night.


In one of my tea boxes, there is a hemostatic forceps, several silver needles of different lengths, a scraping board, a small bottle of essential oil, and a box of alcohol cotton balls. While inserting needles, he talked with Li Lei's mother. In fact, many patients need psychological consolation very much. However, few people in the world are willing to give such kind words. When pulling out the needle, my aunt told me that she hoped to have a good sleep after the ligation. I said, this is certain. So far, I haven't missed the practice of insomnia. Auntie, I will send you a heart sutra to read to you later. Before you go to sleep, listen to a heart sutra to calm your mind, protect your heart field, and be safe from all poisons.


Li Lei smiled and said to me, "Don't tell my mother about this. She is an atheist and a teacher of the people. Every time I pass the temple and want to throw some money into the merit box, she will laugh at me.".


I smiled and said, Auntie, when I was young, I did not believe in ghosts and gods, just like you. That was because at that time I was full of yang and little of yin. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine says that righteousness is stored in memory, and evil cannot be done. It is similar to that every one of us has cancer cells, coexisting with healthy cells, but when the immune system is good, cancer cells have no room to grow. Now that I am old and weak, I have to rely on a lot of external protection. For example, get to know excellent doctors, learn health care knowledge, do some exercises within your power, and recite sutras for peace of mind. I will not refuse anything that is good for my body and mind.


My aunt nodded frequently, but she was a little confused and asked: "What does the scripture say? I don't know what to do?" I said: "You don't need to understand. The old saying has been said. The little monk recited the scripture, but he didn't mean it. When reading the scripture, his mood is calm, his voice is soothing, and he plays the same cycle as a lullaby. It's also good to be a white noise. The scripture is one day after he became familiar with the heart, he suddenly realized. I used to read the Heart Sutra. I really knew the characters, but I didn't know the characters, and I still couldn't read many words. One day, when I saw a picture on the Internet that the doctor was kneeling on the ground to perform an operation on the child, I suddenly said to myself, 'Go through all the hardships, it's true.'. Another day, I heard from the history teacher about the great achievements of human thought. When the Axis era was completed and there was no creativity for thousands of years later, it suddenly appeared that "neither birth nor death, neither increase nor decrease". Short two hundred and sixty Words can be chewed and understood in a lifetime. "


I cleaned up my belongings and told my aunt that whether you believe it or not, I will not talk about it. According to the Analects of Confucius, Zi Buyu is extremely powerful. You think that in this world, no matter in the east, west, north, south, black, white, yellow or brown, no matter in the past or in the present, where there are people, there will be religions and gods will be worshipped. If they can not be relied on and believed in, they will no longer exist. The existence of them shows that at least in the physical and mental level of many people is helpful. If you say that you don't believe in gods, the Bodhisattva will always smile, and can accommodate the world's affairs, he will not mind, but the demons will not be sure. If they do, they will be happy to find that there is a position without a flag of protection. It is like playing chess for territory. The enemy retreats and advances, the enemy stays and harasses, and the enemy is tired and fights. Let's not expose the life gate to give bad guys a chance. Therefore, whether we believe or not is a matter of the heart. We do not talk with the outside world, and we are cunning not to let others know.


The aunt laughed, nodded her head and went to sleep safely. The next day, she called me "Six Gods".


(In order to write a book on traditional Chinese medicine, I have followed all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine for more than a year and a half. I have also followed doctors to make visits, and constantly understood the changes that traditional Chinese medicine has brought to patients in terms of sexual, psychosomatic and psychological aspects. In many cases, I have to use myself as a channel to unblock patients, so that their worries, fears and anxieties can spread through channels. Care for the soul is more refreshing than treatment for the body.)


[For media reprints, please email: t51665266@qq.com Thank you!]


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